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Human Resource Information System

Human Resource Information System
• The HRIS is a method by which an organization collects,
analyses and reports information about people and jobs.
• HRIS is basically a database system that offers important
information about employees in a central and accessible
• When such information is needed , the data can be retrieved
and used to facilitate human resource planning decisions.
• The HRIS is developed to support:
1. Planning to meet the personnel need of the business
2. Development of employees to their full potential
3. Control of all personnel policies and programs.
4. To supply up-to-date information at a reasonable cost.
5. To offer data security and personal privacy.
• Some organization have developed HRIS that also supports
1. Recruitment , selection and hiring
2. Job Placement
3. Performance Appraisals
4. Employee benefits analysis
5. Training and development of employees
6. Health , safety and security
Need of HRIS
1. Costly Exercise:- Personnel records, when kept manually, do
not offer up – to – date information at short notice.
2. Inaccurate:- The manual transfer of data from one record to
another may increase the chance of errors.
3. Fragmentation:- Information is not available at a center,
easily accessible place since records are kept at separate
4. Difficult to analyze:- The manual analyses of data are time
consuming and quite often not readily available for decision
making purposes.
Benefits of HRIS
• HRIS can process , store and retrieve enormous quantities of
data in an economical way.
• The record can be updated quickly.
• There is improved accuracy.
• HRIS can greatly reduce fragmentation and duplication of
Computerized HRIS
• A Computerized HRIS is designed to monitor , control and
influence movement of people from the time they join the
organization till the time they decide to leave the
organization. It consists of the following subsystems:
1. Recruitment Information
2. Personal administrative information
3.Manpower planning information
4. Training Information
5. Health Info.
6. Appraisal Info.
7.Payroll Info.
8. Personnel research information
Inputs in HRIS
• Appointment Letter
• Attendance and Leave Record
• Appraisal Form
• Reports of complaints , grievances and accidents
• Industry data on manpower , skills and qualification
Accounting or Processing in HRIS
• Attendance
• Manpower
• Leave
• Salary/Wages
• Loans and Deductions
• Accidents
• Production Data
• Skill
• Bio-data
Output from HRIS
• Strength of a section , department , division
• No. of person with a particular skill
• Attendance , leave and absence record of all employees
• Salary of employees
• Designations and No. of persons holding these designations
• Personal records of the employee
360 Degree Feedback
• 360 Degree Feedback is a system or process in which employees
receive confidential, anonymous feedback from the people who work
around them.
• This typically includes the employee's manager, peers, and direct
• A mixture of about eight to twelve people fill out an anonymous
online feedback form that asks questions covering a broad range of
workplace competencies.
• The feedback forms include questions that are measured on a rating
scale and also ask raters to provide written comments.
• The person receiving feedback also fills out a self-rating survey that
includes the same survey questions that others receive in their forms.
Applicant Tracking
• An applicant tracking system (ATS), also called a candidate
management system, is a software application designed to help an
enterprise recruit employees more efficiently.
• An ATS can be used to post job openings on a corporate Web site or
job board, screen resumes, and generate interview requests to
potential candidates by e-mail.
• Other features may include individual applicant tracking, requisition
tracking, automated resume ranking, customized input forms, pre-
screening questions and response tracking, and multilingual
• It is estimated that roughly 50 percent of all mid-sized companies and
almost all large corporations use some type of applicant tracking
Attendance Tracking
• Time and attendance software is a type of business application designed
to track and optimize the hours that employees spend on the job and keep
records of wages and salaries paid.
• This type of software is common in businesses of all sizes.
• Time and attendance software provides management personnel with
diverse tools to help maximize cash flow and minimize waste.
• The programs can generate, maintain, and archive important payroll and
tax information. The records can prove invaluable in the event of an audit
by taxing authorities. The most important features of time and attendance
• Tracking employee hours.
• Tracking wages paid.
• Automating payroll processes.
Marketing Information System
• The Ultimate purpose of Marketing Information System is to
seek the level of satisfaction of the customers.
• Organizations find the ways to get closer to their present
customers, and understand the marketplace better.
• The scope of the system starts from identifying the need of
customers, evolving product concept, designing the product,
placing the product in the market and selling at appropriate
• Marketing managers need information to help them in
anticipating shifting demand for product, increase selling ,
and keep tight control over sales and distribution expenses.
• “ The information system specific to marketing gathers and
processes data to provide a variety of reports to marketing
managers and personnel concerning their budgets , sales
performance , sales force management , marketing research
and intelligence , product analyses advertising and promotion,
logistic and distribution and customer services”.
Brand Management
• The process of maintaining, improving, and upholding a
brand so that the name is associated with positive results.
• Brand management involves a number of important
aspects such as cost, customer satisfaction, in-store
presentation, and competition.
• Brand management is built on a marketing foundation, but
focuses directly on the brand and how that brand can
remain favorable to customers.
• Proper brand management can result in higher sales of not
only one product, but on other products associated with
that brand.
• For example, if a customer loves Pillsbury biscuits and
trust the brand, he or she is more likely to try other
products offered by the company such as chocolate chip
Campaign Management
• Campaign management software applications allow marketing users to
segment groups of customers (and prospective customers) into smaller
groups and then specify the interaction that should take place with those
• For example, consider a marketing manager for a cellular phone
company that is focusing on customer retention.
• There might be a large number of reasons that a customer chooses to
leave their cellular provider, and the marketing manager is responsible
for identifying ways to reduce this problem.
• One group of customers might be leaving because they are experiencing
technical problems (e.g., frequent dropped calls) while another group
might be leaving because the plan they are signed up for does not match
their current calling patterns (e.g., a local calling plan with a large
number of national calls).
Email Marketing
• Direct email marketing is a format for email-based campaigns in which
standalone advertisements are sent to a targeted list of recipients. The
messages, which may be text, HTML, or rich media, look like Web-based ads
rather than typical email messages. A number of elements make direct email
marketing different from spam or other less sophisticated email campaigns.
For example, the sender may use customer segmentation techniques to
ensure that the message is appropriate for the group it's sent to, and use
personalization techniques so the recipient is addressed as an individual.
• In contrast to the bombardment approach of spam, the concept behind
direct email marketing is that it makes more sense to send attractive,
professional, and compelling ads to a smaller group of recipients that might
actually be interested in receiving such messages. Direct email marketing is
generally permission-based opt-in email, rather than unsolicited commercial
email (UCE).
Mailroom Management
• As an outsourced service, mailroom management is aimed at
automating the process of receiving, sorting and distributing incoming
mail and its associated processes in businesses. 
• Mailroom management services frequently combine document
scanning and document capture technologies to create digital copies of
incoming mail.
• The end result is often called the Digital Mailroom.
• The mailroom and the print room are often closely coordinated to help
achieve the most efficient integration of inbound and outbound
document processing requirements.
• Increasingly, security is a key factor in Mailroom Management Services
and more companies are insisting on thorough mail screening to ensure
that mail is secure before distribution into the wider business.
Contact Management
• Software that keeps track of people and related activities.
• It is similar to a personal information manager (PIM), but is
specialized for sales and service representative who make
repetitive contact with prospects and customers.
• The foundation of a contact manager is a name and address
database, from which phone calls, meetings and to-do items
are scheduled.
• The contact manager may also link each record to related e-
mail messages and text documents.

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