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Reach Your Dream

Muhammad Dhani Gumilang

"Dreams are not what you see when
you sleep, but dreams are things that
don't make you sleep”.

"The journey of a thousand

miles, starting from the first step.

"Live as if you will die tomorrow.

Learn as if you will live forever ”.
Those motivational words may sound trite. However, that is the reality.
These world leaders have proven how their struggle makes their story
an eternal history.
Cristiano Ronaldo, everyone knows who he is. A successful
footballer, whose wealth has reached tens of trillions. However,
maybe only a few people know that little Ronaldo was almost aborted
by his mother while in the womb. In fact, as a child Ronaldo worked
as a street sweeper to help his family's economy. But, look at him
now. Success, abundance of wealth, and fame he has managed to
achieve. How did it happen? Because he has principles.
So, now I will tell you that background is not an obstacle in
reaching your dreams.
However, maybe you will tell me that “there are many people out there
who have worked hard. But still failed to achieve his dream "
Or something like "In this world, no matter how hard you try,
someone with a strong privilege will win in the end". And my answer is
"YES, YOU ARE TRUE .... if you see success is to be like them.
OK, let me explain a credible example with my statement just now.
You know who
he is ?

When KFC first entered the city, Jack Ma lived. 24 people applied
for work there, 23 were accepted and only one was not. And that
is jack ma.
How do other people think when they heard the news? Yes, they
must be thinking, "He got rejected, he failed", "Look, what an
unfortunate fate Jack had, everyone accepted except him."
Everyone must have thought that he had failed. Why? Why does
everyone think Jack has failed? Because they see that success
must be accepted at KFC, like the 23 people earlier.
However, we know who he is now. He is the CEO of Ali Baba, the
richest man in China. In fact, he also owns KFC shares in China.
Now, I will ask you. Do you really need Previlage? Or just need a
push to do more than your best ?. Think of the answer.
However, here I will emphasize that the most important point is not how
much you failed or how deep you have fallen. But the point is how you
behave about that failure. "The attitude you show to failure is the ladder to
success." Take care of your attitude, then your steps to reach your dreams
will be awake.
To keep our attitude on track, we also need support from the outside.
We cannot deny our nature as social beings. However, the problem
here is that sometimes social relationships can actually hold you
back. When they ask "What is your job now?", Or "how much are you
getting paid now?". They ask as if they are going to set a standard of
success for ourselves. And when we don't live up to their
expectations. We'll be labeled a failure.
So, How We Solve This? The answer still has to do with maintaining attitude.
Maintain attitude in terms of social relations. We have
to make pandas choose and sort out which ones I can
approach, which ones I should stay away from, which
ones I should focus on, which ones I can leave
behind. When we can create good relationships, good
friends, good families. It will be a mood booster for us.
When we fail, they don't sneer at us instead they
give us encouragement or even better opportunities.
Imagine if we had close people like that. Of course it
will be very helpful in reaching our dreams. Creating
your success.

Keep trying, keep working, keep on creating. It's not easy. It's not as simple as what is said. But rest assured that we
can. Can do better and can rise from the failures that come your way. Take care of our attitude in the process. Make a
good circle that can provide positive energy for us. And belive that you can achieve your dream.

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