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Computer Applications in

Text, Date and Time Functions in MS-EXCEL
Learning Outcome
Understanding of:
 Text functions
 Date and Time functions
LEFT function
The function returns the first k characters
in a text string.

RIGHT function
The function returns the last k characters
in a text string.
Syntax: RIGHT(text,[num_chars])
MID function
Returns the characters from the middle of
a text string, given a starting position and
Syntax: MID(text,start_num,num_chars)

TRIM function
Removes all spaces from the text string
except for single space between words
Syntax: TRIM(text)
LEN function
Displays the length of a text string
Syntax: LEN(text)

FIND and SEARCH function

Returns the starting position of one text
string within another text string
Syntax: FIND(find_text, within_text,
REPT function
Repeats a text a given number of times
Syntax: REPT(text, number_times)

The function can be used to join up to 30
Syntax: CONCATENATE(text1,
REPLACE function
Replaces part of a text string with a
different text string.
Syntax: REPLACE(old_text,

UPPER and LOWER functions

Changes the text string into upper or
lower case.
Syntax: UPPER(text)
Proper function
The string argument whose first character
in each word will be converted to
uppercase and all remaining characters
converted to lowercase.
Syntx: PROPER( text )
One can enter the date in the following
formats in MS-EXCEL (January 4, 2004)
January 4, 2004
DATEVALUE function
Returns the serial format for the date
Syntax: DATEVALUE(“date_text”)

TODAY function
Automatically displays today’s date
Syntax: TODAY()
Range name
It’s simple: a range is a collection of two or more cells.
They could be vertical Or horizontal
Ranges can be rectangular, too or They can even include non-
adjacent cells:

The definition is simple: a name is a word or series of

characters that’s applied to a cell or a range of cells.

Naming a range is just as easy. Select the cells you want to

name, and type a new name in the box.
Paste Special
 Paste Special when copying from Excel. Use the Paste
Special dialog box to copy complex items from a Microsoft
Office Excel worksheet and paste them into the same
worksheet or another Excel worksheet using only specific
attributes of the copied data, or a mathematical operation that
you want to apply to the copied data ...
 If you want to paste only a specific aspect of the copied data
like its formatting or value, you would use one of the Paste
Special options. After you’ve copied the data, press
Ctrl+Alt+V, or Alt+E+S to open the Paste Special dialog.
You can also click Home > Paste > Paste Special.
Cick this option To Keyboard shortcut

All Paste all cell contents and formatting. Press A

Paste only the formulas as entered in the

Formulas Press F
formula bar.

Values Paste only the values (not the formulas). Press V

Formats Paste only the copied formatting. Press T

Comments Paste only comments attached to the cell. Press C

Paste only the data validation settings

Validation Press N
from copied cells.

Paste all cell contents and formatting from

All using Source theme Press H
copied cells.

All except borders Paste all cell contents without borders. Press X

Paste only column widths from copied

Column widths Press W

Paste only formulas and number formats

Formulas and number formats Press R
from copied cells.

Paste only the values (not formulas) and

Values and number formats Press U
number formats from copied cells.
To sort a range:
Select the cell range you want to sort. ...
Select the Data tab on the Ribbon, then click the
Sort command.
The Sort dialog box will appear. ...
Decide the sorting order (either ascending or
descending). ...
Once you're satisfied with your selection, click OK.
The cell range will be sorted by the selected
Conditional formatting
 Conditional formatting quickly highlights important information in a
spreadsheet. But sometimes the built-in formatting rules don’t go quite
far enough. Adding your own formula to a conditional formatting rule
gives it a power boost to help you do things the built-in rules can’t do.

 Create conditional formatting rules with formula

 For example, let’s say a doctors' office wants to track their patients’
birthdays to see whose birthday is coming up and then mark them as
having received a Happy Birthday greeting from the office.
 In this worksheet, we see the information we want by using conditional
formatting, driven by two rules that each contain a formula. The first
rule, in column A, formats future birthdays, and the rule in column C
formats cells as soon as “Y” is entered, indicating that the birthday
greeting has been sent.
Goal Seek
 How to Use Excel Goal Seek
 Create a spreadsheet in Excel that has your data.
 Click the cell you want to change. ...
 From the Data tab, select the What if Analysis… ...
 Select Goal seek.. ...
 In the Goal Seek dialog, enter the new “what if” amount
in the To value text box. ...
 We also need to tell Excel which cell to change. ...
 Click OK.
Pivot Table
How to Create a Pivot Table
Enter your data into a range of rows and
Sort your data by a specific attribute.
Highlight your cells to create your pivot table.
Drag and drop a field into the "Row Labels"
Drag and drop a field into the "Values" area.
Fine-tune your calculations.
Charts and Graphs
 A table typically contains related data in a series of worksheet rows
and columns that have been formatted as a table.

 Steps
 Select a cell in the list of data that you prepared.
 On the Ribbon, click the Insert tab.
 In the Tables group, click the Table command.
 In the Create Table dialog box, the range for your data should
automatically appear, and the My table has headers option is
checked. ...
 Click OK to accept these settings.

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