The Physical and The Sexual Self

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The Physical and the

Sexual Self

By: Matthew Aviles, Glen

Leopoldo, Aaron Oliverio
Body Image

• Influenced by aging and experience

• Social Media plays a big role in body image

What Shapes the body image?
● The people in one’s environment have a strong influence
on ones body image.

● Social Forces heavily influence how one views oneself.

Body Image and Body Dissatisfaction

Body Image: Body Dissatisfaction:

It involves multidimensional
The subjective negative
concepts including
cognitive, behavioral and evaluation of an
affective components. individual.
Cultural Factors Impacting Body Dissatisfaction

● Ethnic Identity- the ones sense of belongingness and

attachment to their ethnic group . It includes dedication,
commitment, and participation

● Acculturation- the maintenance of cultural processes and

contact participation of members of two cultures.
Cultivating a healthy body image

● Educate yourself
● Highlight positive goals
● Limit exposure to media
● Watch what you say
The Sexual Self
The Sexual self
● Sexual Self Concept - how you perceive your body and how you
feel about yourself physically influence your perception about
your sexual orientation (O’Sullivan, Meyer-Bahlbur, &
McKeague, 2006)
● Stems from past experiences and manifests in your present
experiences (Andersen & Cyanowski, 1994)
● Self-esteem may influence your overall health and your sexual
self may influence your sexual behaviors and your health
● Awareness is the key to understanding the sexual self

● A person’s preference or sexual interest

● The manner by which people express themselves depends on whether
they are comfortable with their gender and sexuality (Institute of
Research for Sex Research of Indiana University, 1953)
● Sexual Orientation - describes a person feelings
● Gender Identity - refer to a person’s identification (psychological) with a
specific gender, rather than his or her attraction to people (Perina,
Estroff & Flora, 2004)
Psychological Perspectives on Sexuality

● Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory - sex is one of the key forces in human

● Human sexual behavior is not only biological in nature because actions
can be learned
● Cognitive Theories - focus on the way people think and perceive things
Understanding the Human Sexual Response
● May bring about the psychological effects of premarital coitus, which are more
important than physical effects
● The entire body of a human being is involved in a sexual responseSexual behavior
varies in males and females

The Basic Biology of Sexual Behavior

● The behavior of human sexuality is diverse

● Motivated by different internal and external factors, and varies according to
● Scientists believe that human sexual development is a lifelong process influenced
by biological, psychological, social, and cultural factors
Understanding the Chemistry of Love, Lust, and Attachment
● An individual must build a loving attachment and develop good communication with the
other person
● Physical touch - lips, neck, thighs, genitals, and breasts
● Lust - hunt for potential mates
● Romantic Love - allows us to focus our energy on one partner
● Attachment - encourages us to stick with a partner

Phases of Sexual Response

(1) Excitement
(2) Plateau
(3) Orgasm
(4) Resolution
The Diversity of Sexual Behavior
○ Lesbian
○ Gay
○ Bisey
○ Transgender
○ Queer
○ Question
○ Intersex
○ Asexual
Development of Homosexual Identity

● Identity Confusion
● Identity Comparison
● Identity Tolerance
● Identity Pride
● Identity Synthesis
Sexually Transmitted Disorder

● Chlamydia
○ Chlamydia Trachomatis
● Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
○ Genital Warts
● Genital Herpes
○ Painful blisters
● Gonorrea
○ Inflammation of urethra called gonococcal urethritis
● Syphyilis
○ BacteriumT. palladum
● Viral hepatitis
○ Enlarge and tender liver
● Pubic lice
○ Lice in pubic hair of the genital area
● HIV infection and AIDS
○ Human immunodeficiency virus which causes
acquired immonudefiecency syndrome

● Birth control pill

● Norplants

● Depo-provera

● Intrauterine Device

● Condom

● Withdrawal
Sexual Responsibility

● Fully understanding the implications of being sexually active

● Having sufficient information on sexuality and health

● Proper communication with your partner

● Protecting the couple from stds and unwanted pregnancy

The Diversity of Sexual Behavior
○ Lesbian
○ Gay
○ Bisey
○ Transgender
○ Queer
○ Question
○ Intersex
○ Asexual
Development of Homosexual Identity

● Identity Confusion
● Identity Comparison
● Identity Tolerance
● Identity Pride
● Identity Synthesis
Sexually Transmitted Disorder

● Chlamydia
○ Chlamydia Trachomatis
● Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
○ Genital Warts
● Genital Herpes
○ Painful blisters
● Gonorrea
○ Inflammation of urethra called gonococcal urethritis
● Syphyilis
○ BacteriumT. palladum
● Viral hepatitis
○ Enlarge and tender liver
● Pubic lice
○ Lice in pubic hair of the genital area
● HIV infection and AIDS
○ Human immunodeficiency virus which causes acquired
immonudefiecency syndrome

● Birth control pill

● Norplants

● Depo-provera

● Intrauterine Device

● Condom

● Withdrawal
Sexual Responsibility

● Fully understanding the implications of being sexually active

● Having sufficient information on sexuality and health

● Proper communication with your partner

● Protecting the couple from stds and unwanted pregnancy

Myth and Facts about sex and sexual behaviors
You cannot get pregnant the
first time you have sex
You cannot get pregnant if the
guy pulls out or if you have
sex in standing position
Condoms are reusable
Peeing or washing after sex
will prevent pregnancy
Penis size matters?!?
Woman can achieve orgasm
from vaginal sex alone
Oral sex is safer than
traditional intercourse
You cannot get HIV from
tattoos and piercings
Sex should be like porn

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