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Karl Landsteiner (German: Karl Landsteiner; June 14, 1868,
Vienna - June 26, 1943, New York) is an Austrian physi-
cian, chemist, immunologist, infectious disease specialist.
The first researcher in the field of immunohematology and
immunochemistry, the author of works on the reaction of
the body to washed antibodies in molecular and cellular
physiology and the specific and non-specific phenomena
arising from it. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or
Medicine (1930) for the discovery of the human blood
group. Posthumous Albert Lasker Prize in Clinical Medical
Research (1946)
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Austrian immunologist Karl Landsteiner was born on this day in

1868. In 1900, he
discovered the blood group.
Until the beginning of the 20th century, blood transfusion was
considered a
dangerous and suspicious thing.
Landsteiner's discovery made it possible to save millions of lives.
Human blood contains red granules (erythrocytes). Antigens
(transforming antibodies) are located on their surface. Antigens
are markers that help the immune system distinguish between cells
in its own body. A person can have 2 main types of antigens: anti-
gen A,
antigen B.
Blood groups
In plasma to group I (0).
or other groups
to each other in serum
non-sticky red blood blood cells
belongs to. That's why
all the blood of the group
can be given to people.
Group II (A) can red blood cells
stuck together, I and of III
groups in plasma will be
deleted. This is a group blood
II and IV kanmen in the group
is compatible, that's all have
blood groups pour only on
people will be.
Blood is enough - Wiki x Blood
groups W S. Karl Landsteiner
de h 24 bi Group III (B) in
groups I and II In blood
plasma or stuck in the serum,
but Group III and IV compati-
ble with erythrocytes contains
blood erythrocytes. Blood of
this group III and IV to people
with blood in the group can be
Blood also contains white immune cells (leukocytes). They count antigen markers and
identify foreign bodies, and if found, antibodies are released that destroy cells with
foreign antigens. There are 2 main types of antibodies: A antibodies, B antibodies.
Blood groups and their compatibility

There are 4 main blood groups. A person who gives blood is called a donor (Latin "donore" -
giver), and a person who receives blood is called a recipient (Latin "recepiens" - receiver).

Group 0 (group I) "Universal donor"

A person with blood group 0 does not have A and B antigens. Therefore, such blood can be
transfused to people of any blood type, as it is not accepted as foreign blood. At the same time,
such an organism has AB-antibodies, so the immune system does not accept a blood group
other than its own.

Group A (Group II)

This organism has A antigens and B antibodies, so it can accept blood of 0 and A (groups I and
II), cells with B and AB antigens are recognized as foreign.

Group B (Group III)

Such blood contains B antigens and A antibodies. The body can accept 0 and B (group I
and II) blood.

Group AB (group IV) "Universal recipient"

Such an organism has both A and B antigens. A person with this type of blood can receive
blood from any blood group because there are no antibodies in his blood.
Blood groups in Kazakhstan

Diagram of blood transfusion

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