Adapting Change at The Workplace

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Adapting change at the


- Presented by Ipshita, Ayush, Ranit & Itisha

● What is adaptability to change?

A simple adaptability definition is that it refers to the ability to quickly and successfully
embrace change and adapt effectively in response. It’s about handling change in the
workplace in a way that leads to continued success for your organisation and your career.

In our presentation we will put light upon the following factors which plays crucial role in
adapting change in a workplace :-

1. Policy change
2. Technological change
3. Leadership change
4. Cultural change
Policy change
● Changing policies and rules within an established business require consideration and planning.
● A well organized change strategy will reduce potential stress and ensure a smooth transition into
the new ways.
● Clear and transparent communication is necessary. Outline the policy changes in clear language so
that they are easy to understand.
● Establish a sense of urgency for your policy changes. Explain the changes as improvements and
provide details as to why the changes need to occur.
● Provide your employees with a way to express their concerns, such as an open forum or suggestion
box. Address employees individually if they continue to have problems adapting to the change.


● Los Angeles School District Healthy Beverage Resolution prohibits the sale of soda in
vending machines, student stores, and cafeterias at LAUSD school sites.
● Safe Routes to School ‐ City adopts policy reducing speed limit near school in order to
encourage safe‐routes to school and pedestrian safety.
● Santa Clara Healthy Food Policy requires 50% of food and beverages sold in County
vending machines meet specific nutrition guidelines and sets nutrition standards for county
sponsored meetings and events.
Technological change
● Introduction of Computer has the biggest impact in working conditions
● Technology has increased reach of companies to even remote places
● Increased cyber security helps in securing the companies’ sensitive
● Automation has taken care of the menial jobs in an industry
● Virtual hiring and work-from-home helps in saving time and resources
● Collaboration between companies has become a lot easier and far more
● Social Networking has promoted inter and intra relations among
● Introduction of virtual and augmented realities have made project
designing go much smoothly
● Artificial Intelligence and Robotics has provided strides in all fields of work
and study
Leadership change
● A leader works as a change agent who can manage organizational process effectively.
● The changing trends have compelled organizations to constantly review and reevaluate the recent technological advancements and
customers’ expectations to understand, adopt and implement changes in their business model.
● Change is today’s demand and required to survive.
● a leader with its competencies i.e. “Visionary”, “democratic” and “transformational” along with “Innovative Approach” can ascertain
more effective organizational change with success.



● In 1981, British Airways appointed a new chairperson, John King. Early on, it was noticed that the company was extremely
inefficient and a lot of valuable resources were being wasted.
● To help the organisation become more profitable, the chairperson decided to restructure the entire business. He decided that the
most efficient way to do this was through a change management plan.
● The organisation soon began to reduce its workforce. However, before this was completed, the chairman - through his change
management leadership - provided the business with reasons for restructuring British Airways to help prepare them for the
upcoming change.
● His plan saw him axe 22,000 jobs - including half of the board - replace older planes with modern jets and eliminated unprofitable
routes. One of his successors, Martin Broughton, paid tribute to King for the role he played in the transformation.
● He said: “Lord King transformed the airline from a position of state-owned weakness to one of financial strength and global
renown as a pioneer privatised carrier.”
● So, through leadership and communication, he managed to direct the business through an incredibly difficult time and turned
British Airways into a profitable business.
Cultural change

Culture starts with people

Toxic culture & Negative environment
●Why they occur
●Culture is evolving over time
●Benefits that can result from changing a company's organizational culture

❖How to change the culture in your organization:

Identify problems - Evaluate what's working-
Identify what's missing- Envision a new culture-
Find metrics to monitor -Set goals for cultural change-
Evaluate culture as it changes.

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