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Disengagement and Lack

of Motivation in the
By Kathleen Lindsey
Title/Captions: The Responsive Classroom Approach to

Narration: How should teachers address disengagement and lack of

motivation in their students? Let’s go through the Responsive Classroom
approach that addresses this type of misbehavior.

Images/Video Clips:
Book Bored College Education by PublicDomainPictures. Downloaded
https://pixabay.com/photos/book-bored-college-education-15584/ on
October 20, 2022.

Music: “For You, My Love” by Olma


Notes: Start music first, and enter voice after 3 seconds, use fade-in

Dramatic Question
Title/Captions: The Responsive Classroom Approach to

Narration: This approach uses a positive discipline practice that supports

students in developing self-control and self-discipline. It focuses on the use of
intrinsic motivators over extrinsic motivators in order to improve, not perfect,
student behavior.
Images/Video Clips:
Intrinsic Motivation by Joshua Seong. Downloaded from
https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-intrinsic-motivation-2795385 on October
21, 2022.

Extrinsic Motivation by Joshua Seong. Downloaded from

https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-extrinsic-motivation-2795164 on October
21, 2022.

Music: “For You, My Love” by Olma


Notes: Repeat music.

Responsive Classroom Approach

Title/Captions: Framework Cycle

Narration: Let’s look at the steps in its framework. The

Framework Cycle contains three key steps: Evaluate, Lay
Foundation and Prevent, and Reinforce or Respond. In this video,
we will solely focus on how these three steps relate to
disengagement and lack of motivation, but they can be applied to
other types of misbehaviors seen in students.

Images/Video Clips:
Image created on Canva

Music: “For You, My Love” by Olma


Notes: Repeat music.

Framework Cycle
Title/Captions: Evaluate

Narration:nThe first step is to evaluate. Are the students bored

or have a lack of skills required for accomplishing the task? Does
schoolwork not seem that important to them? Is there a need for fun
or belonging in their lives that is not being met? These are great
questions to ask yourself when you are observing students who
appear disengaged. Knowing our students will lead us to knowing
how we can help them.
Images/Video Clips:
Books Pencil Hands Paper Pen by Myriams-Fotos.
Downloaded from
on October 20, 2022.

Skills Professional Development by Geralt. Downloaded from

on October 19, 2022.

Boy Wearing Black Jacket by __. Downlaoded from

on October 19, 2022.

Music: “For You, My Love” by Olma


Notes: Repeat music.

Framework Cycle Step 1

Title/Captions: Lay Foundation and Prevent

Narration: The next step is the best way to tackle disengagement–

laying the foundation and preventing. Work on building strong
relationships with your students and reinforcing their efforts to
motivate themselves. Fostering a growth mindset in your students also
helps them overcome hurdles by realizing that mistakes are a part of
learning and that their abilities can evolve.
Images/Video Clips:
Growth Mindset by Desdemona72. Downloaded from
on October 21, 2022.

Teaching Children Listening Teacher by 14995841. Downloaded

on October 20, 2022.

Music: “For You, My Love” by Olma


Notes: Repeat music.

Framework Cycle Step 2
Title/Captions: Reinforce or Respond

Narration: Lastly, reinforce or respond. Even though you may try to prevent
disengagement in the first place, it can still occur in your classroom. It’s crucial to
intervene early when you first notice it and to then strategize with your students. Work
together on finding ways that would make the task attainable.
Images/Video Clips:
Kids Girl Pencil Drawing Notebook by Klimkin. Dowloaded from
https://pixabay.com/photos/kids-girl-pencil-drawing-notebook-1093758/ on
October 21, 2022.

Young Female Primary School Teacher by Monkeybusinessimages. Downloaded

on October 21, 2022.

Music: “For You, My Love” by Olma


Notes: Repeat music.

Framework Cycle Step 3

Title/Captions: Reinforce or Respond

Narration: Offer choices for activities such as working with other students to
help motivate them. Use positive reinforcement and even intangible rewards such
as giving extra time for an enjoyable activity. 

Images/Video Clips:
Kids Girl Pencil Drawing Notebook by Klimkin. Dowloaded from
https://pixabay.com/photos/kids-girl-pencil-drawing-notebook-1093758/ on
October 21, 2022.

Music: “For You, My Love” by Olma


Notes: Repeat music.

Framework Cycle Step 3

Title/Captions: Repeat Framework

Narration: Since our students are human beings and not robots, we
won’t always get the outcome we desire on the first try. It is imperative to
go back to the first step and evaluate again. What is working? What
should be done differently? What are new challenges? By reflecting on
the strategies you have used and their outcomes, you will be better
prepared to help your students. Remember: our goal is improvement, not

Images/Video Clips:
Image created on Canva

Music:”For You, My Love” by Olma


Notes: Repeat music.

Title/Captions: Credits

Image 1: Book Bored College Education by PublicDomainPictures. Downloaded from https://pixabay.com/photos/book-bored-college-education-15584/ on

October 20, 2022.
Image 2: Intrinsic Motivation by Joshua Seong. Downloaded from https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-intrinsic-motivation-2795385 on October 21, 2022.
Image 3: Extrinsic Motivation by Joshua Seong. Downloaded from https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-extrinsic-motivation-2795164 on October 21, 2022.
Image 4: Books Pencil Hands Paper Pen by Myriams-Fotos. Downloaded from https://pixabay.com/photos/books-pencil-hands-paper-pen-4843726/ on
October 20, 2022.
Image 5: Skills Professional Development by Geralt. Downloaded from https://pixabay.com/photos/skills-professional-development-3371153/ on October 19,
Image 6: Boy Wearing Black Jacket by __. Downlaoded from https://pixabay.com/photos/little-boy-window-waiting-bored-731165/ on October 19, 2022.
Image 7: Growth Mindset by Desdemona72. Downloaded from https://stock.adobe.com/search?k=growth+mindset&asset_id=319695121 on October 21,
Image 8:Teaching Children Listening Teacher by 14995841. Downloaded from https://pixabay.com/photos/teaching-children-listening-teacher-4784914/ on
October 20, 2022.
Image 9: Kids Girl Pencil Drawing Notebook by Klimkin. Dowloaded from https://pixabay.com/photos/kids-girl-pencil-drawing-notebook-1093758/ on October
21, 2022.
Image 10:Young Female Primary School Teacher by Monkeybusinessimages. Downloaded from
on October 21, 2022.

Music 1: “For You, My Love” by Olma https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGHtrGdKaTg

Music: “For You, My Love” by Olma https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGHtrGdKaTg

Notes: Fade out music.

Credits Slide/Scene

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