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Let’s Play a

1. Marissa and Juliana went out for drinks together.
They ordered the same drink. Juliana was really thirsty
and finished five in the time it took Marissa to finish
one. The drinks were poisoned, but only Marissa died.
The poison was in the ice.
2. A girl is at the funeral of her mother. She meets a
nice guy that she didn’t know who also was at the
funeral and they hit it off. She was busy at the funeral
and didn’t have time to ask him for his number before
he left. She tried really hard to track him down, but no
one knew who he was or how to contact him. A few
days later, she killed her sister. Why did she kill her

She expected the guy to show up at her sister’s

3. A couple went to Hawaii for their
honeymoon. Unfortunately, the husband
returned home alone because his wife
had died in a horrible boating accident.
The police contacted the travel agent he
booked the trip with and arrested him
for murdering his wife. How did they
know he did it?

The travel agent revealed that he had only booked a

one-way ticket for his wife. 

Comprehension-understanding what we
read in order to make our reading
functional and meaningful
Comprehension- Latin word “prehendere”,
meaning to seize (Villamin).
- art or capacity of understanding, and implies the
ability to summarize, outline, and organize
concepts. It also involves a full grasp of the
author’s style and purpose. 
Reading Skills in Needed in
Comprehending Selections
• Noting details
• Making judgments
• Getting the main idea
• Drawing conclusions
• Finding cause and effect relationships
• Predicting outcomes
Dimensional Approach to Reading
● Literal level or reading the lines refers to recognition of facts;
questions on this level do not involve reasoning. The
following words usually begin literal level questions: who,
where, when, what; answers are found in the selection.
● Interpretative level or reading between the lines consists of
questions that involve interpretation or reasoning. It has to do
with meaning implied in the selection which must be inferred
by the reader. How and why questions which call for some
reasoning are often asked on this level. 
Dimensional Approach to Reading
● Critical level or critical evaluation calls for the reader’s
personal reaction which may include his opinion, judgment,
and evaluation of certain aspects in the selection.
● Creative level or reading beyond the lines involves
appreciation of, and integration to life of what is given in the
reading material. This level requires the ability to link the
material read with the personal experiences of the reader. In
effect, this level is applying what is learned from the reading
Dead Stars
by Paz Marquez Benitez
Alfredo Salazar and Esperanza were planning to get
married. However, Alfredo started to feel confused about
his feelings when he met Julia Salas whom he started
seeing behind Esperanza’s back. After some
confrontations, Alfredo chose to marry Esperanza despite
the confusion he had. After a few years later, Alfredo had
to go to Sta. Cruz where he will fulfill his duty as a lawyer
and it is also where Julia Salas is. After talking to her, he
realized that his love for her was like the dead stars.
Guide Questions:
Literal level: Who are the main
Interpretative: What does “his
02 love for her was like the dead
stars.” mean?

03 Critical level: What can you say

about the man in the story?
04 Creative level: Have you experienced
being confused like him or about anything?

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