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Health record using

block chain

TITLE : Machine Learning Adoption in Blockchain-Based Smart Applications: The

Challenges, and a Way Forward

 Journals & Magazines >IEEE Access >Volume: 8

 Published in: IEEE Access ( Volume: 8)

 Date of Publication: 23 December 2019

Since the patient have no control over the data, the chances of data being misused is high.
So we need a patient-centered approach which is completely decentralised, which can
identify data thefts, prevent data manipulation, and patient has the right in access control.
Blockchain Technology serves as a best solution to address all the problems and fulfill
the needs. Blockchain being a decentralised and distributed ledger it can also impact on
billing, record sharing, medical research, identify thefts and financial data crimes in days to
come. Implementation of smart contracts in health care can simplify things even better.
Where invoking, record creation and validation will be done on Blockchain. This paper
highlights on the patient-driven model of record maintenance using Blockchain technology
Better health is important to human happiness and the welfare of society. It plays a vital role in the economic progress of the
nation. Ill health, casualty, emergencies occur every day and the diseases are expected to be diagnosed and treated. A health
record is a collection of clinical data related to the patient’s mental and physical health, gathered from different sources. Health
record consists of a patient’s medical history, examination, diagnosis, treatment, results of lab investigation, scanning reports,
alerts like allergic to etc. These health records can be managed both manually and digitally. The traditional method which is
followed in most of the hospitals for maintaining records is the manual method which includes papers and books. This method
has serious limitations such as a need for large storage areas and retrieval of records is difficult. In the present era
computerization of clinical records has become popular as the storage and retrieval of the records is easy. However, the chances
of manipulation without identification has become a serious concern. Another major perturb is the maintenance of patient records
confidentially as the patient can hold the doctor and the hospital irresponsible for breaking the confidentiality of his medical
records. Also, paper-based records are often incomplete, giving rise to unwanted repeat testing and medication. There is wastage
of time since this system needs more manual power for transferring records by mail or faxes as these are dispersed and are not
centralized. Even accessing of medical records by doctors is limited. Health records can be easily and quickly shared between
medical institutions by integrating digital technologies in the healthcare system. In this respect there are intense queries about the
storage of patient’s data, providing authorization to access the data, security & immutability of the data. These problems can be
solved by developing a decentralized digital health infrastructure that is by integrating Blockchain technology into the healthcare
system. Blockchain technology has the capability to rebuild the modern economy by maintaining and updating records
Kuzmin and E. Znak, ‘‘Blockchain-base structures for a secure and operate network of
semi-autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles,’’ in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Service Oper.
Logistics, Informat. (SOLI), Jul. 2018, pp. 32–37.
In a communication network of blockchain-based smart applications, there is layer-wise handling
of security issues. Some security issues are handled at the network layer, such as malicious
packets and some at the application layer such as malware

Z. Zheng, S. Xie, H. Dai, and H. Wang, ‘‘An overview of blockchain technology:

Architecture, consensus, and future trends,’’ in Proc. IEEE Int. Congr. Big Data, Big Data
Congr., Jun. 2017, pp. 557–564.
Blockchains are an immutable set of records that are cryptographically linked together for audit
Using Blockchain for Electronic Health Records , Ayesha Shahnaz1, Dr. Usman Qamar2 and Dr. Ayesha

Framework is firstly to implement block chain technology for EHR and secondly to provide secure storage of
electronic records by defining granular access rules for the users of the proposed framework. Moreover, this
framework also discusses the scalability problem faced by the block chain technology in general via use of off-
chain storage of the records.

G. B. Mermer, E. Zeydan, and S. S. Arslan, ‘‘An overview of blockchain technologies: Principles, opportunities and
challenges,’’ in Proc. 26th Signal Process. Commun. Appl. Conf. (SIU), May 2018, pp. 1–4.

It is similar to an accounting ledger. Here, previous records in accounting ledger cannot be changed, and new records
need to be verified by a trusted party. The only difference between these two is that new blocks (set of records) checked
by a decentralized structure of nodes that have a copy of the ledger. There is no centralized party to verify the records.
Blockchain is formed by linking valid blocks together; the current block contains the hash of the previous block.
Operating System : Windows 7/8/10
Language : Python 3.7
Tools : Pandas , Numpy , Scikit , MatplotLib , Flask and more
Browser : Firefox / Chrome / Internet explorer

Processor : Intel Core i3
Hard Disk : 1TB
Mouse : logical optical mouse
Keyboard : logical 107 keys
Mother board : Intel
Speed : 3.3GHZ
Overview of Existing and proposed system
This paper, present a detailed study on ML adoption for making BT-based smart applications more resilient against
attacks. There are various traditional ML techniques, for instance, Support Vector Machines (SVM), clustering,
bagging, and Deep Learning (DL) algorithms such as Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long short-term
memory (LSTM) can be used to analyze the attacks on a block chain-based network. Further, we include how both
the technologies can be applied in several smart applications such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), Smart Grid
(SG), healthcare, and smart cities. Then, future research issues and challenges are explored. At last, a case study is
presented with a conclusion.

Implementation of smart contracts in health care can simplify things even better. Where invoking, record creation
and validation will be done on Block chain. This paper highlights on the patient-driven model of record
maintenance using Block chain technology.





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