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Simple Future
Present Perfect
Past Perfect

English I
Meeting 7

Ayuni Fitria, S.Pd., M.A.

Fakultas Ilmu Komputer

Simple Future

WILL – English Grammar Lesson Woodward English

Simple Future (to be)

Subject To Be Examples

I will be I will be at the canteen after class.

She will be She will be busy next week.

My mother will be My mother will be 40 next month.

They will be They will be at the meeting tomorrow.

The kids will be The kids will be in the pool in a few minutes

It will be It will be sunny tomorrow morning.

There will be There will be a quiz next week.

Simple Future (will & be going to)

Simple Future Tense: Definition and Useful Examples in English - ESL Grammar
Simple Future (will & be going to)

Will vs. Going To Woodward

Present Perfect

Present Perfect Tense: Definition, Useful Examples and Exercise - ESL Grammar
Present Perfect (to be)

Subject To Be Examples

I have been I have been to Jakarta several times.

She has been She has been in Jogja since July.

He has been He has been ill for three days.

My mother has been My mother has been an English teacher since 2013.

The students have been The students have been very busy lately.
Present Perfect

1. A general experience in the PAST.

I have eaten breakfast. (I’ve eaten ...)

We have seen the film. (We’ve seen ...)
She has sent the email. (She’s sent ...)
I have done the homework. (I’ve done …)
Present Perfect

2. An action that happened several times in the PAST.

She has read many books. (She’s read …)

I have been to Bali twice. (I’ve been …)
I have seen that movie three times. (I’ve seen …)
They have had three tests so far. (They’ve had …)

Time expressions:
once, twice, three times
many times, several times
many books (many + noun), three books (number + noun)
so far, up to now
Present Perfect

3. An action that started in the PAST and continuous to the PRESENT (PAST  PRESENT)

She has been ill for three days.

My mother has been an English teacher since 2013.
I have known him for three years.
I have known him since 2019.
We have been friends for years.

Time expressions:
for …
since …
Past Perfect

Past Perfect Tense: Definition & Useful Examples in English - ESL

Past Perfect

As a starter, look at this example.

Past Perfect

The Past Perfect describe an earlier past.

Note: The Past Perfect is always the first action.

When we arrived, the film had started.

1st action: she was having dinner
2nd action:

I had eaten dinner, so I wasn’t hungry.

1st action: she was having dinner
2nd action:
See you next two weeks!
Practice makes perfect


Fakultas Ilmu Komputer

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