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Bending and shearing stress

Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
3.1. Types of beam, Load and reactions
• A structural member that is designed to resist forces
acting laterally to its axis is called a beam.
• The main members supporting floors of buildings are
examples of beams. Beams are usually called flexural
Types of beam
• Beams are classified in to several groups, depending
primarily on the kind of supports used.
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• If the supports are at the ends and are either pins or
rollers, the beams are simply supported or simple
• A beam fixed at one end and completely free at the other
end is called cantilever beam.
• If the beam projects beyond a support, the beam is said
to have an overhang beam.
• In all the above beam types the reactions at the supports
can easily be found from static equilibrium conditions
and they are called statically determinate beams.
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress

Simple beam

Cantilever beam

Overhang beam
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• If the ends of a beam have fixed supports then the beam
becomes a fixed beam, or fixed-ended beam.
• A beam fixed at one end and simply supported at the other
end is called restrained beams or propped cantilevers.
• If intermediate supports are provided for a physically
continuous member acting as a beam, the beam is termed a
continuous beam.
• In all the above beam types the reactions at the supports can
not be determined using only static equilibrium conditions,
and such beams are called statically indeterminate beams.
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress

Fixed beam

Propped cantilever

Continuous beam
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
Loads Acting On Beams
• Loads acting on beams may be of several kinds. This
Concentrated loads
Distributed loads
 couple
• Concentrated load acts in a point while
distributed load acts on a specified distance or
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress

• Distributed loads can be further divided as

Uniformly distributed load
Uniformly varying load(triangular)
Parabolic distributed load
General distributed loads
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress

Concentrated Load
Uniformly Distributed load

Uniformly varying load

Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
Types of Supports and Their Representation
• Supports are classified by the kind of resistance they
offer to the forces.
• Generally, there are three kinds of supports and they
can be summarized in the figures shown below.
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
3.2. Relationships between load, shear force, and bending
• The relationships b/n load intensity function q(x) & bending
moment function M(x) that exist at any point on a loaded
beam, provides:
A method of construction shear & moment diagrams
without writing shear & moment equations:
A method of constructing the loading diagram or the
bending moment diagram from the given shear force
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• To develop these relationships consider a beam loaded
or literarily, such as shown below.
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• The enlarged view of a small longitudinal element of
the beam, b/n the cutting planes a-a & b-b is shown
• Applying the condition of equilibrium of
forces in the y-direction & on this element,
we obtain:
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• From Equation " the slope of the shear force diagram at
any point along the beam equals, in magnitude &
direction, to the ordinate of the load intensity function at
the same point.
• If we integrate equation (a)
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• From equation (c) " The area under the load intensity, or q(x)
diagram between coordinates x1 & x2 on the axis of the beam, is
equal to the change shear force ordinates, "From a moment
summation about point c we have:

• The third term in this equation is the square of the differential

that is negligible in comparison with other terms
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• From equation (e) " the slope of the bending moment
diagram at any location along the beam, is equal to the
shear force ordinate at the same location on the span".
• If we integrate equation (d), we get:
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
Example 1
• Draw the shear and moment diagram for the cantilever
beam shown
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• Support reaction: after drawing the FBD and using
equilibrium equation we found the reaction of the
beam as
Using equilibrium equation
𝑴𝑨 +¿ ∑ 𝑭 𝒚 =𝟎 -(400*-(600)=0
𝑨𝒚 +¿ ∑ 𝑴 𝑨=𝟎
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• The sign convention used is as follows
• Shear diagram: we use the relation
between load and shear force.
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• Moment diagram: The moment diagram is the area
under the shear diagram and using the sign convention
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
3.3. Flexural stress in beams
• Lateral loads acting on a beam cause the beam to
bend, or flex, there by deforming the axis of the beam
in to a curve.
• Thus the axis is bent into a curve called the deflection
curve of the beam or the elastic curve.
• The loads create internal actions, or stress resultants, in
the form of shear forces and bending moments.
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• Basic assumptions in flexure (bending) theory:
1. Transverse sections of the beam, which are plane
before bending, will remain plane during bending.
2. From consideration of symmetry during bending,
transverse sections will be perpendicular to circular
arcs having a common center of curvature.
3. The radius of curvature of the beam during bending is
large compared with the transverse dimensions.
4. Longitudinal elements of the beam are subjected only
to simple tension or compression and there are no
lateral stresses & shear stresses.
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
Normal stress in beams
• Expressions of normal stress in beams are best explained
by determining the normal strains in beams.
• The strains and stresses in the beam are directly related
to the shape of deflection curve, which is determined by
the curvature.
• Consider portion of a beam subjected to pure bending
(Pure bending refers to flexure of a beam under a
constant bending moment. In contrast, non uniform
bending refers to flexure in which there is variation in
bending moment.)
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• The upper surface of the beam stretches and is
therefore in tension and the lower surface shortens
and thus is in compression.
• Hence there must be an xz-plane in between in which
longitudinal deformation is zero.
• This plane of the beam is called the neutral plane or
surface and the intersection of this surface with a
cross section is called neutral axis.
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress

• Consider the deformations between two sections AC and

BD, a distance dx apart, of an initially straight beam.
• A longitudinal fiber EF at a distance y below the neutral
axis will have initially the same length as the fiber GH
at the neutral axis.
• During bending EF shortens to become E'F', but GH,
being at the neutral axis, is unstrained when it becomes
G'H'. Therefore if ρ is the radius of curvature of G'H',
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
The Stress- Strain Relation ship
• The stress acting normal to the cross-section of a
beam can be obtained from the normal strains .
• Longitudinal elements of the beam are subjected only
to tension or compression (i.e., ); therefore, the stress
strain diagram for the material will provide the
relationship between and .
• if the material is elastic with a linear stress strain
diagram, Hooke’s law can be used and the stress will
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress

• Thus eqn. 4.2 shows the normal stress acting on the

cross section vary linearly with the distance y from the
neutral surface.
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
Internal resisting moment
• As no resultant normal force
acts on the cross section

• Because the curvature κ &

modules of elasticity E are
constants at the cross section,
we have

• Provided the beam is under pure bending, the above eqn. implies
the neutral axis passes through the centroid of cross section.
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• The moment of the differential axial force dF about the
neutral axis is dMo =y.dF. Therefore the total internal
resisting moment is

• This internal stress resultant must balance the external

applied moment M. Thus from equilibrium;
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• But the expression in the above equation is the
moment of inertia (second moment of area) of the
cross sectional area with respect to the neutral axis and
will be denoted by I.
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• The above equation is called the flexural formula and
the normal stress.
• Stress computed using this formula is known as
bending stress.
• For the outer surface of the beam, the maximum stress
will be
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• The quantities and are functions of geometry only;
they are termed as the section moduli and are denoted
by and .
• For a beam of rectangular cross section with width b
and height h, the moment of inertia and section
modulus are
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
Example 2
• The simply supported beam has a cross section as shown
below. Determine the absolute maximum bending stress in
the beam and draw the stress distribution over the cross
section at this location.
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• Maximum internal moment: The maximum internal
moment can be computed by using the procedures for
BMD calculation or equation
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• Section property: because of symmetry the centroid C
and neutral axis passes through mid height of the
• The Moment of inertia can be computed by using
procedures for composite figures and using parallel
axis theorem
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• Bending stress: Applying flexural formula with
c = 70mm, the absolute maximum bending
stress is

• At point B, where c = 150mm, the bending

stress becomes
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• Using similar procedures we can obtain flexural stress
at D to be 12.7MPa.
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
3.4. Derivation of bending stress equation for composite bodies
• Let us consider the bending of beam from different materials
having .
• Since its cross section remain plane throughout the entire
length, the normal strain varies linearly with the distance y
from the neutral axis of the section
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• The formula for homogeneous members holds true

• However, we can not assume that the N.A. passes

through the centroid of the cross section of composite
• Since the modulus of elasticity are different, the
expression for the normal stress in each materials will
also be different.
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• The force in the upper portion of cross section is
given by

• Similarly the force exerted in the lower portion of

cross section is
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• If we denote , we can express as

• n is called modular ratio.

• We note that the same force would be expressed on
element of area of the first material.
• In other words, the resistance to bending of the bar
would remain the same if both materials were made of
the first material, provided that width of the second
element were multiplied by .
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress

• The new cross section obtained by this way is called

transformed section
• Note that if widening and if narrowing of the cross
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• The material now becomes homogeneous material
with E and the procedures described for previous
applies here.
The stress in the factious
member will be given by
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
Example 3
• A bar obtained by bonding together pieces of steel( and
brass ( has a cross section as shown. Determine the
maximum stress in the steel and brass where the bar is in
pure bending of
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• The modular ratio
• The width of central portion of brass, which replaces
the original steel portion is obtained by multiplying the
original width with 2

• The transformed section corresponding to an equivalent

bar made entirely of brass is shown
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress

Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• The moment of inertia of the transformed section is

• The maximum distance from the centroid is y=37.5mm

and therefore the maximum stress of the transformed
section is
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• The maximum stress in the steel will be larger than the
value obtained for the transformed section.
• Since the area of the central portion must be reduced
by the factor n=2, when we return from the
transformed section to the original one we obtain
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
Example 4
• Two steel plates have been welded together to form a
beam in the shape of T that has been strengthened by
securely bolting to it the two oak timbers as shown.
The modulus of elasticity is 12.5 GPa for the wood
and 200GPa for the steel. Knowing that a bending
moment M=50kNm is applied to the composite beam,
determine a) the maximum stress in the wood. a) the
stress in the steel along the top edge.
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• Modular ratio
• Multiplying the horizontal dimension of steel by n=16,
we obtain the transformed section made of wood.
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• Neutral axis. The neutral axis of the transformed

• Centroidal MOI. Using parallel axis theorem

Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
a) Maximum stress in the wood
• The furthest point of wood is located along the bottom
edge, with =0.2m

b) stress in the steel

• Along the top edge =0.120m and we have to multiply
by n
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
3.5. Shear stress in beams
• When a beam is subjected to lateral loads, both bending
moments M and shear forces V act on the cross sections.
• If we consider a beam of rectangular cross- section
having width b and height h it can reasonably be
assumed that the shear stress τ acts parallel to the shear
force V.
• If it is assumed that these shear stresses have a uniform
distribution across the width of the beam the shear stress
can then be determined.
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• Consider a small element of the beam. When shear
stresses act on one side of an element they are
accompanied by shear stresses of equal magnitude
acting on perpendicular faces of the element (fig 4.3).
• At any point within the beam, these complementary
shear stresses are equal in magnitude.
• This observation leads to the fact that at either the top
or bottom of the element the horizontal shear stresses
must vanish because there are no stresses on the outer
surface of the beam.
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• Therefore, the vertical shear stress τ also must vanish
at the top & bottom of the beam
• (that is ,τ = o when y=± h/2).
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• To evaluate these shear stresses consider the
equilibrium of an element pn between two adjacent
cross sections separated by a distance dx.
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• If the element of area dA is located on the left hand
face pn of the element, the normal force is

• The total horizontal force F1 acting on the left hand


• Similarly the total force F2 acting on the right hand

Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• The horizontal force F3 acting on the top face PP1 is

• For static equilibrium

Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• Therefore

• The above equation becomes

• The first moment Q for the shaded area of the figure

above is obtained by multiplying the area by the
distance from the centroid of the area to the neutral
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress

• The maximum value of shear stress occurs at the neutral

axis, Where y = 0 and it becomes 0 when y = ± h/2
1 1

• Therefore
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• Substituting the expressions for I, b, and Q in to the shear
formula, we can obtain an expression for maximum shear
in beams of circular cross section.
• Thus,

• This equation shows that the maximum shear stress in a

circular beam is 4/3 times the average shear stress V/A.
• If a beam has a hollow circular cross section, we may
obtain the maximum shear stress from the shear formula by
substituting the properties of the cross section.
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress

• In the above equation if r1 = 0 it will reduce to the

maximum shear stress equation for a solid circular beam.
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• Example 5
• The beam shown below is made of wood and subjected to
a resultant internal vertical shear force of V = 3kN.
a) Determine the shear stress in the beam at point P.
b) Compute the maximum shear stress in the beam
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
• Solution
• Section properties
• The MOI of the cross section about the neutral axis is

• A horizontal section line is drawn through point P and

the partial area is shown shaded, hence
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress

Shear stress
• Using the shear force V=3kN and the shear formula
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress
Part b
Section properties
• Maximum shear stress occur at the NA, since t is constant
through out the cross section and Q is the largest for this
case, for dark shaded area we have.
Chapter Three Bending and shearing stress

• We can also compute the maximum shear stress using

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