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Classifies different cell

types(animal tissues)
and specify the
function(s) of each
Epithelial Tissue

• Is a sheet of cells that covers a body surface or

lines a body cavity. Two forms occur in the
human body:
• Covering and lining epithelium– forms the
outer layer of the skin; covers the walls of
organs of the closed ventral body cavity.
• Glandular epithelium– surrounds glands
within the body.
• Simple epithelia– consist of a single cell layer
• Stratified epithelia– are composed of two or
more cell layers stacked on top of each other
Three ways to describe the shape and height
of epithelial cells
• Squamous cells– are flat and scale-like.
• Cuboidal cells– are box-like (same height and
• Columnar cells– are tall (column shaped).
Simple Squamous Epithelium
• Are close fitting and flattened laterally. They’re
found where filtration occurs and they resemble
the look of a fried egg.

2 Simple Squamous Epithelia

• Endothelium– provides a friction-reducing lining in
lymphatic vessels and all hollow organs of the
cardiovascular system.
• Mesothelium– is the epithelium found in serous
Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
• Consists of a single layer of cells with the same
height and width. Functions include secretion
and absorption.
Simple Columnar Epithelium
• Is a single layer of tall, closely packed cells that line
the digestive tract from the stomach to the rectum.
Functions include absorption and secretion. They
contain dense microvilli on their apical surface .
Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium

• Vary in height. All of their cells rest on the

basement membrane and only the tallest
reach the apical surface. When viewing
pseudostratified epithelium it may look like
there are several layers of cells, but this is not
the case.
Stratified Squamous Epithelium
• Is the most widespread stratified epithelia. It’s
composed of several layers and is perfect for
its protective role. Stratified squamous forms
the external part of the skin and extends into
every body opening that’s continuous with the
skin. The outer layer of the skin (epidermis)
is keratinized. Other stratified squamous in the
body is nonkeratinized.
Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium
• Is somewhat rare in the human body. It’s
mainly found in the ducts of glands and is
typically has two layers of cuboidal cells.
Stratified columnar epithelium
• Is also rare in the human body. Small amounts
are found in the pharynx, male urethra, and
lining of some glandular ducts. Stratified
columnar epithelium occurs in transition areas
(junctions) between other epithelial types.
Transitional epithelium
• Forms the lining of hollow urinary organs,
which stretch as they fill with urine. Cells in
the basal layer are cuboidal or columnar. Cells
by the apical surface vary in appearance
depending if the organ is stretched at the
• It supports and binds other tissues in the
body. Unlike epithelial tissue which has cells
that are closely packed together, connective
tissue typically has cells scattered throughout
an extracellular matrix of fibrous proteins and
glycoproteins attached to a basement
Loose Connective Tissue
• It holds organs in place and attaches epithelial
tissue to other underlying tissues.
Three main types:
• Collagenous Fibers 
• Elastic Fibers 
• Reticular Fibers 

• Another type of connective tissue is dense

or fibrous connective tissue, which is found in
tendons and ligaments. Dense connective
tissue is composed of large amounts of closely
packed collagenous fibers. Much of the dermis
layer of the skin is composed of dense
irregular connective tissue.

 -is a form of loose connective tissue that stores fat. It lines organs and
body cavities to protect organs and insulate the body against heat loss.
Adipose tissue also produces endocrine hormones.
2. Cartilage
-Cartilage is a form of fibrous connective tissue that is composed of
closely packed collagenous fibers in a rubbery gelatinous substance
called chondrin.
• The skeletons of sharks and human embryos are composed of cartilage.
3. Bone
- is a type of mineralized connective tissue that contains collagen and
calcium phosphate, a mineral crystal.
4. Blood
• Is considered to be a type of connective tissue. Even
though it has a different function in comparison to other
connective tissues it does have an extracellular matrix. The
matrix consists of the plasma, while red blood cells, 
white blood cells, and platelets are suspended in the
5. Lymph
• Is another type of fluid connective tissue. This clear fluid
originates from blood plasma that exits blood vessels at 
capillary beds. A component of the lymphatic system.
Type of Neurons
– Sensory neurons are neurons responsible for
converting external stimuli from the environment into
corresponding internal stimuli.
– Motor neurons are neurons located in the central
nervous system (CNS); they project their axons outside
of the CNS to directly or indirectly control muscles.
– Interneurons act as the "middle men" between
sensory and motor neurons, which convert external
stimuli to internal stimuli and control muscle
movement, respectively.

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