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Fertilizer Computation

Sample Computations:
a. Recommended rate: 90-60-30 NPK/ha

•Available Fertilizer Materials:
a. Urea (46-0-0)
b. Ordinary Superphosphate (0-20-0)
c. Muriate of Potash (0-0-60)
Note: since ammophos contains two elements, nitrogen (16%N) and phosphorous
(20%P2O5) therefore, we already satisfied the 60 kg requirement for P2O5 and

another 60 kg for nitrogen. Again, since the recommended rate for N is 90 kg/ha
therefore, we have not satisfied yet its amount. However, we should not forget that
ammophos contains both nitrogen and phosphorus and these two are inseparable,
therefore, from the 300kg ammophos there is still nitrogen present. To determine
the amount of nitrogen in 300 kg ammophos, it can be computed by multiplying the
value by 16 and divide it by 100 thus,
Methods of fertilizer application

• Broadcast method. The fertilizer material is applied uniformly

over the entire area before planting or while the crop is growing.
Topdressing refers to broadcast application on growing crops.
• Localized application. The fertilizer is applied close to the
seed or plant, either in band adjacent to the plant rows (side
dressing) or by plow-sole application. In the plow-sole method,
the fertilizer is covered lightly with soil before seeding or
planting. Localized application is essential for high rate
applications of high analysis fertilizers. This method is
commonly used for most vegetables.
 Foliar application. Plant nutrients may be applied on the aerial part of the plant. The
dissolved nutrient must penetrate the cuticle of the leaf or the stomata and then enter
the plant cells. This method is usually employed only in applying micronutrients.
Marginal leaf-burn could occur with the application of high concentrations of fertilizer.
 Applied with the seed – Fertilizer is broadcast together with the seeds or the seeds
are coated with fertilizer by means of an adhesive such as cellofas or gum Arabic.
 Fertigation – This involves dissolving the fertilizer materials in water and then
applying it with the use of a sprinkler.

Methods of determining soil fertility

1. Field fertilizer trials. As the term implies, field fertilizer trial experiment is
carried out in the field. It could be conducted in different places under
different seasons. When managed and conducted properly, the results
obtained from this method are very reliable.

2. Soil analysis. It is a rapid method of assessing the fertilizer needs of

crops. The principle involved is that the amounts of available nutrients in
the soil are directly related up to a critical point with the growth and yield
of crop.
•Soil analysis consists of four phases namely:
1.Proper collection of soil samples
2.Chemical analysis
3.Interpretation of analytical results
4.Formulation of fertilizer recommendation
3. Plant tissue analysis. This is customarily made of fresh plant tissue in the field. It is a
quick test and is important in the diagnosis of the needs of growing plants. Sap from
ruptured cells is tested for assimilated N-P-K. Tests for other elements such as Mg and Mn
are also done. The concentration of the nutrients in the cell sap is usually a good indication
of how well the plant is supplied at the time of testing.

4. Nutrient deficiency symptom. An abnormal appearance of the growing plant may be

caused by a deficiency of one or more nutrient elements. This visual method of evaluating
soil fertility is unique and it requires no expensive equipment. It can also be used as a
supplement to other diagnostic techniques.
Short quizz

a. Recommended rate: 90-60-30 NPK/ha

•Available Fertilizer Materials:
a.Urea (60-0-0)
b.Ordinary Superphosphate (0-30-0)
c.Muriate of Potash (0-0-60)

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