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1 Understanding Pressure
Prepared by N M Solehin

Understanding Pressure
1) Pressure on an area, A is expressed as the normal force, F per unit area, A. 2) P = (F/A) 3) This SI unit for pressure is the Pascal, Pa, where 1 Pa = 1 N/m2 (metre square).

4) Pressure is increased: If the force, F applied to a given area, A is increased. If a given force, F is applied to a smaller area, A.

Example 1
1. A wooden block is placed at different position on the surface of a piece of plasticine. At what position is the pressure higher?
Wooden block


Answer: A

5) If a balloon is pressed against by a finger, the balloon will only change its shape a bit. If the balloon is pushed against by a needle with the same force, the balloon will burst. This is because a finger has a larger surface area (A) than a needle. Hence, the needle exerts much pressure than the finger and perforates through the surface of the balloon and making a hole and freeing the air inside the balloon.

Example 2
2. A force of 12N is applied on a knife to cut an apple. If the area of the sharp edge of the knife is 0.05 cm2, calculate the pressure applied on the apple by the edge of the knife.

Solution Pressure = force area = 12N 0.05 x 10-4 m2 = 2.4 x 106 Pa

Understanding Pressure in Liquids

1) For liquid at rest, the pressure at a certain point in the liquid is the same in all directions. 2) The pressure in a liquid is due to: >Density of the liquid, p. >Depth of the liquid, h below the surface liquid. >Acceleration of the gravity, g.

3. The pressure on a liquid is proportional to the density of the liquid, p and the depth, h, at which the liquid is measured. 4. The pressure in a liquid at rest (static liquid) is independent of the shape (area and slope) of the container.

The Applications of Pressure in Liquids

1) Dams - Dam is very much thicker at the bottom than at the top, since the pressure at the bottom is the greatest. - Large dams are built for the hydroelectric generation of electricity.

- The high pressure on the deep-water side of the dam causes water to flow through these holes at great speed turning the turbines in the holes and generate the electricity.

2) Domestic Water Supplies - The main water comes from a reservoir but in order to maintain a constant high pressure to the consumer, it is pumped to the top of a water tower located on high ground. - The main pressure is determined by the height, h.

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