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Softskills needed in testing

Georgiana Cobzariu
Daria Coman
Ovidiu Craiu
Leoca Mihai
Why Softskills are needed in testing?
Soft skills are often what actually help you land the job.
Soft skills are basically the abilities that enable an
individual to work effectively in the workplace.
1. Reading Skills
 At the requirements review stage, when testers have
to review hundreds of pages of requirements, the
application of reading as a skill makes a big
 Consider this fact about reading: An average person
reads at the speed of about 200-250 words per
2. Time Management
 Time management is the most important skill when it
comes to the stress free work life.
 Time management can help you to maintain a clear
picture of what you need to complete and when.
3. Critical Thinking
 Critical thinking can be the useful ally of a tester if it is
applied at the right time.
 Critical thinking helps you improve the quality of your
thinking in the process of evaluating ideas and
deciding on what to test.  
4. End user empathy & Understanding of
Business strategy
 A great tester can step into the shoes of the end
user, and has the ability to see the product from a
consumer’s point of view.
 The most straight-forward form of empathy is user
empathy. A successful product or brand, takes the
time to understand the user and address their
 Quality ultimately means end user’s satisfaction.
5. Adaptability
 Since customer demands evolve every moment and the
industry standards update from time to time, as a
software tester you must be able to adapt. During a
project, new requirements might come up suddenly,
replacing the earlier ones or requiring retesting.
 Adaptability is the ability to change your way of thinking
and acting to accommodate a new situation.
 Adapting to modern technologies, environments, and
guidelines is necessary for this field of work.
6. Ability to carry a meeting and make
 From a long term perspective, the faster you develop
this skill, the quicker you will progress in your career.
You must be able to sort through the input of multiple
team members to arrive at the best solutions that not
only meet business needs, but achieve a consensus
among the team.
 Enter meetings with clear goals that need to be
achieved. Before you leave each meeting, make sure
you and your team are clear on next steps,
deliverables, and what each person will be
accountable for.
7. Great attitude
 To be a good software tester you must have a GREAT
attitude. An attitude to ‘test to break’, detail orientation,
willingness to learn and suggest process improvements.
 In the software industry, technologies evolve with an
overwhelming speed, and a good software tester should
upgrade his/her technical Software testing skills with the
changing technologies
8. Passion
 To excel in any profession or job, one must have a strong
desire to do so. A software tester should have a passion
for his/her field.
 BUT how do you determine whether you have a passion
for software testing if you have never tested before?
Simple TRY it out and if software testing does not excite
you switch to something else that holds your interest.
9. Analytical Skills
 A good software tester should:
- have sharp analytical skills. Analytical skills will help
break up a complex software system into smaller units
to gain a better understanding and create test cases.
- have the ability to view situation from different angles.
- be able to think as multiple personas (as a user, as a
product owner, as a tester etc.)
10. Communication
 One of the most important soft skill
 Being a healthy communicator is always a two-
way process—listening is as important as
11. Organized, proactive and result driven
 Being organized can save you a great deal of time
and being proactive allows you to get results.
 Testers need to know how to manage and
prioritize tasks based on deadlines.
12. Problem solving
 It is very important to find defect as a software
tester, it is equally important to suggest a solution.
 Resolving problems will led to anticipation of
problems that will arise in the future based on
trends, patterns, experience, and current events.

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