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Base College Wah Cantt

Course Name: Computer Introduction and applications

Course Code: Comp-111
Credit hours: 3
Department: BS( English)
Insturctor: M Qamar Usman
PHD scholar NUST (SEECS)
Research Assistant
Lecturer Base College


Components of Computer

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Components of Computer

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Components of Computer

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By definition, components of a computer system are the primary elements which
make the functioning of an electronic device smooth and faster. There are five basic
components which include:
 Input Unit
 Output Unit
 Memory Unit
 Control Unit
 Arithmetical and Logical Unit

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Memory The CPU contains the basic instructions needed to operate the computed;
but it cannot store entire programs or large sets of data permanently. The CPU needs
to have millions (or even trillions, in some computers) of bytes of space where it can
quickly read or write programs and data while they are being used. This area is called
memory, and it consists of chips either on the motherboard or on a small circuit board
attached to the motherboard. This electronic memory allows the CPU to store and
retrieve data quickly.
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Memory Unit
Memory Unit

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 Memory refers to storage medium that is used to store data either temporary or


Main memory Secondary Memory

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Main memory

Random Access memory Read only memory Internal Processor


Cache Registers
Memory characteristics

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 Chip
 Magnetic
 Optical
Retention power
 Volatile(Required Electric Power to maintain its state)
 Non-volatile (does not required Electric power)
Purpose to use
Radom Access memory

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 A type of Main memory
 Use to store Active portion of data
 Read/write memory
 Volatile memory
 S-RAM and D-Ram is types of RAM

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RAM stands random access memory it is volatile Made up of
semiconductor chip having lost all its contents when is cutoff.
RAM (random access memory) is a computer's short-term memory,
where the data that the processor is currently using is stored. RAM
stands for random access memory, and it’s one of the most fundamental
elements of computing. RAM is a temporary memory bank where your
computer stores data it needs to retrieve quickly. RAM keeps data easily
accessible so your processor can quickly find it without having to go
into long-term storage to complete immediate processing tasks.
RAM types

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 D-RAM(Dynamic Random access memory)
Made up of transistor and capacitor
Continuously need to be refreshed to maintain it electrical state
Slower as compared to S-Ram
Example is RAM
 S-RAM (static Random access memory)
Made up of transistor
Continuously need to be refreshed to maintain it electrical state
FASTER as compared to D-Ram
Example is Cache
RAM types

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 DRAM (pronounced DEE-RAM), is widely used as a computer’s main memory.
Each DRAM memory cell is made up of a transistor and a capacitor within an
integrated circuit, and a data bit is stored in the capacitor. Since Capacitors always
leak a small amount, the capacitors will slowly discharge, causing information
stored in it to drain; hence, DRAM has to be refreshed (given a new electronic
charge) every few milliseconds to retain data.
 SRAM (pronounced ES-RAM) is made up of four to six transistors. It keeps data
in the memory as long as power is supplied to the system unlike DRAM, which
has to be refreshed periodically. As such, SRAM is faster but also more
expensive, making DRAM the more prevalent memory in computer systems.
Cache memory

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Moving data between RAM and the CPU's registers is one of the most time
consuming operations a CPU must perform, simply because RAM is much slower
than the CPU. A partial solution to this problem is to include a cache memory in the
a program is running and the CPU needs to read a piece of data or program
instructions from RAM, the CPU checks first to see whether the data is in cache
memory. If the data is not there, the CPU reads the data from RAM into its
registers, but it also loads a copy of the data into cache memory. The next time
the CPU needs the data, it finds it in the cache memory and saves the time needed
to load the data from RAM.
Cache memory

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Cache memory is a chip-based computer component that makes retrieving data from
the computer's memory more efficient. It acts as a temporary storage area that the
computer's processor can retrieve data from easily. Cache memory is sometimes
called CPU (central processing unit) memory because it is typically integrated
directly into the CPU chip or placed on a separate chip that has a separate bus
 interconnect with the CPU. 
Types of cache memory

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Cache memory is fast and expensive. Traditionally, it is categorized as "levels" that describe
its closeness and accessibility to the microprocessor. There are three general cache levels:
L1 cache, or primary cache, is extremely fast but relatively small, and is usually embedded
in the processor chip as CPU cache.
L2 cache, or secondary cache, is often more capacious than L1. L2 cache may be embedded
on the CPU, or it can be on a separate chip or coprocessor and have a high-speed alternative
system bus connecting the cache and CPU. That way it doesn't get slowed by traffic on the
main system bus.
Level 3 (L3) cache is specialized memory developed to improve the performance of L1 and
L2. L1 or L2 can be significantly faster than L3, though L3 is usually double the speed of
DRAM. With multicore processors, each core can have dedicated L1 and L2 cache, but they
can share an L3 cache. If an L3 cache references an instruction, it is usually elevated to a
higher level of cache.
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LI, L2, and L3 all speed up the CPU, although in different ways. L I cache holds
instructions that have recently run. L2 cache holds potential upcoming instructions.
L3 holds many of the possible instructions

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ROM is called nonvolatile memory because it never loses its contents. ROM holds
instructions that the computer needs to operate. Whenever the computer's power is
turned on, it checks ROM for directions that help it start up, and for information
about its hardware devices BIOS is normally installed in ROM
Read-Only Memory (ROM)

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Read-Only Memory (ROM) is a type of primary memory from which information
can only be read. So it is also known as Read-Only Memory. ROM can be directly
accessed by the Central Processing Unit. But, the data and instructions stored in
ROM are retained even when the computer is switched off OR we can say it holds the
data after being switched off. Such type of memory is known as non-volatile
ROM Types

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PROM: Programmable ROM, or PROM, is essentially a blank version of ROM that you can purchase and
program once with the help of a special tool called a programmer. A blank PROM chip allows current to run
through all possible pathways; the programmer chooses a pathway for the current by sending a high voltage
through the unwanted fuses to “burn” them out. Static electricity can create the same effect by accident, so
PROMs are more vulnerable to damage than conventional ROMs. 
EPROM: Erasable Programmable ROM chips allow you to write and rewrite them many times. These
chips feature a quartz window through which a specialized EPROM programmer emits a specific frequency
of ultraviolet light. This light burns out all the tiny charges in the EPROM to reopen its circuits. This
exposure effectively renders the chip blank again, after which you can reprogram it according to the same
process as a PROM. EPROM chips will eventually wear out, but they frequently have lifetimes of over 1000
EEPROM: To modify an Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM chip, apply localized electrical
fields to erase and rewrite the data. EEPROMs have several advantages over other types of ROM. Unlike
the earlier forms, you can rewrite EEPROM without dedicated equipment, without removing it from the
hardware, and in specifically designated increments. You don’t have to erase and rewrite everything to make
a single edit.
ROM Types

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The amount of RAM in a computer can have a profound effect on the Computer’s
power. More RAM means the computer can use bigger, more powerful programs
and those programs can access bigger data file
More RAM also can make the Computer faster The computer does not need to run
entire program in to memory to run it However the greater the amount of memory,
the faster the program run. To run Windows for example the computer usually does
not need to load all its files in to memory and to run it properly, it loads only essential
part of data
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Secondary Memory

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Primary memory is volatile and has limited capacity. So, it is important to have
another form of memory that has a larger storage capacity and from which data and
programs are not lost when the computer is turned off. Such a type of memory is
called secondary memory. In secondary memory, programs and data are stored. It is
also called auxiliary memory. It is different from primary memory as it is not directly
accessible through the CPU and is non-volatile. Secondary or external storage
devices have a much larger storage capacity and the cost of secondary memory is less
as compared to primary memory.
Use of Secondary memory

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Secondary memory is used for different purposes but the main purposes of using
secondary memory are:
 Permanent storage: As we know that primary memory stores data only when the
power supply is on, it loses data when the power is off. So we need a secondary
memory to stores data permanently even if the power supply is off.
 Large Storage: Secondary memory provides large storage space so that we can
store large data like videos, images, audios, files, etc permanently.
 Portable: Some secondary devices are removable. So, we can easily store or
transfer data from one computer or device to another.
Main Memory vs Secondary Storage

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Following are the types of fixed storage:
Fixed storage
 Internal flash memory (rare)
 SSD (solid-state disk)
 Hard disk drives (HDD)
Types of Removable Storage:
 Optical discs (like CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray discs, etc.)
 Memory cards
 Floppy disks
 Magnetic tapes
Magnetic Disk

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There are many types of computer storage, but the most common is the magnetic disk.
A disk is a round, flat object that spins around its center. (Magnetic disks are almost
always housed inside a case of some kind, so you can’t see the disk itself unless you open
the case.) Read/write heads, which work in much the same way as the heads

Magnetic disks are less expensive than RAM and can store large amounts of data, but the data
access rate is slower than main memory because of secondary memory. Data can be modified
or can be deleted easily in the magnetic disk memory. It also allows random access to data. 
 Hard Disk(HDD):

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A hard disk is a part of a unit called a hard disk drive. It is used to storing a large amount of
data. Hard disks or hard disk drives come in different storage capacities.(like 256 GB, 500 GB,
1 TB, and 2 TB, etc.). It is created using the collection of discs known as platters. The platters
are placed one below the other. They are coated with magnetic material. Each platter consists
of a number of invisible circles called Sectors and each circle having the same center called
tracks. Hard disk is of two types (i) Internal hard disk (ii) External hard disk.
The hard disks found in most PCs spin at a speed of 3,600, 7,200, or 10,000
revolutions per minute (rpm). Very-high-performance disks found in workstations
and servers can spin as fast as 15,000 rpm. (Compare these figures to a diskette's
spin rate of 300 rpm)
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Solid-state disk(SSD)

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An SSD, or solid-state drive, is a type of storage device used in
computers. This non-volatile storage media stores persistent data on
solid-state flash memory. SSDs replace traditional hard disk drives
(HDDs) in computers and perform the same basic functions as a hard
drive. But SSDs are significantly faster in comparison. With an SSD,
the device's operating system will boot up more rapidly, programs will
load quicker and files can be saved faster.
By comparison, an SSD has no moving parts. The two key components
in an SSD are the flash controller and NAND flash memory chips. 
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Q1. Solid state(SSD are replacing hard disk(HDD) in some computer Explain three
reasons ???
Q2 Web servers normally use (HDD) explain the reason why the using this
Q3 Examine Different types of Optical storage memories
Central Processing Unit

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CPU is the "brain” of the computer, the place where data is manipulated. In large
computer systems, such as supercomputers and mainframes, processing tasks may be
handled by multiple processing chips. (Some powerful computer systems use
hundreds or even thousands of separate processing units.) In the average
microcomputer the entire CPU is a single unit, called a microprocessor. Regardless of
its construction, every CPU has at least two basic parts: the control unit and the
arithmetic logic Unit
Word size

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In computing, word size refers to the maximum number of bits that a CPU can
process at a time. A word is a fixed-sized piece of data which is dictated by the
processor hardware architecture; fixed in a sense that it is the maximum size that the
processor is always using, yet variable in the sense that word sizes vary amongst
processor architectures
Modern processors, including embedded systems, usually have a word size of 8, 16,
24, 32, or 64 bits, while modern general purpose computers usually use 32 or 64 bits.
Central Processing Unit

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Arithmetic Logic Unit

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In the computer system, ALU is a main component of the central processing unit,
which stands for arithmetic logic unit and performs arithmetic and logic operations. It
is also known as an integer unit (IU) that is an integrated circuit within a CPU, which
is the last component to perform calculations in the processor. It has the ability to
perform all processes related to arithmetic and logic operations such as addition,
subtraction, and shifting operations, including Boolean comparisons (XOR, OR,
AND, and NOT operations). Also, binary numbers can accomplish mathematical and
bitwise operations. The arithmetic logic unit is split into AU (arithmetic unit) and LU
(logic unit). The operands and code used by the ALU tell it which operations have to
perform according to input data. When the ALU completes the processing of input,
the information is sent to the computer's memory.
ALU Working

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Accumulator Register
Data Register

Control I/P

Accumulator Register
Control Unit

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Instruction Register
Data Bus

Instruction Decoder

Control Bus

Timing and Logic

Control Unit

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Control Unit Directs and Coordinates the activities of the entire Computer system IT
control the working of I/O devices all the primary and Secondary storage devices
and the calculation performed by ALU
Control unit Controls Operation of Computer based on the is instruction in the
program by executing them in a proper sequence
Control unit consists of three main components Instruction Register, Instruction
decoder and time and logic circuit Instruction register stores the instructions it is
being executed and instruction decoded decodes(translates ) the is instructions and
timing and logic circuits generates the signals to execute it
Control Unit

Base College Wah Cantt

The control unit of the central processing unit regulates and integrates the operations
of the computer. It selects and retrieves instructions from the main memory in proper
sequence and interprets them so as to activate the other functional elements of the
system at the appropriate moment
All the computer’s resources are managed from the control unit. Think of the control
unit as a traffic signal directing the flow of data through the CPU, as well as
to and from other devices. The control unit is the logical hub of the computer
The CPU's instructions for carrying our commands are built into the control
unit. The instructions, or instruction set, list all the operations that the CPU can
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System Buses
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Base College Wah Cantt
A bus is an electrical pathway inside the computer system over which data/information
is transferred from one part to the other. It connects the CPU to the main memory on the
motherboard. There are three types of buses, that is, address bus, data bus and control
bus Address Bus.
The address bus is used by the CPU to select a memory word for a read or write
operation. It is unidirectional bus because information flows in only one direction.
Address bus width is from 16 to 32 bits. A system with a 32-bit address bus can address
232 (4,294,967,296)memory locations.
Data Bus The data bus is a bidirectional bus over which data can be sent from the
microprocessor to memory (Write operation) or from the memory to the microprocessor
(Read operation).Although, it is called data bus, the information carried on this will not
always be data, it will often be instruction codes fetched by the microprocessor. Data
bus width is from 32 to 64 bits.
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The control bus is a group of wires that sends timing and control signals to all the
parts of computer needed to carry out the instructions. Some of the control lines are
outputs from the microprocessor and others are inputs to the microprocessor from I/O
devices. Control bus width is in the range of 8 to 16 bits.
Machine cycle/Instruction Cycle

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 Each time the CPU executes an instruction, it takes a series of steps. The
completed series of steps is called a machine cycle.
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Fetch Operation
In this operation the control unit fetches an instruction from main memory by sending an
address through the address bus and a read command through the control bus. The fetch
operation places the Instruction into the instruction register (IR) inside the microprocessor.
Before a command can be executed, the control unit must break down (or decode) the
command into instructions that correspond to those in the CPU's instruction set
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Base College Wah Cantt
I/O Devices
I/P Devices

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Input/output device, often known as an IO device, is any hardware that allows a
human operator or other systems to interface with a computer. Input/output devices,
as the name implies, are capable of delivering data (output) to and receiving data
from a computer (input).
An input/output (I/O) device is a piece of hardware that can take, output, or
process data. It receives data as input and provides it to a computer, as well as
sends computer data to storage media as a storage output.
Key board

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The keyboard is the most frequent and widely used input device for entering data into
a computer. Although there are some additional keys for performing other operations,
the keyboard layout is similar to that of a typical typewriter.
Generally, keyboards come in two sizes: 84 keys or 101/102 keys, but currently
keyboards with 104 keys or 108 keys are also available for Windows and the Internet.
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Types of Keys
Numeric Keys: It is used to enter numeric data or move the cursor. It usually
consists of a set of 17 keys.
Typing Keys: The letter keys (A-Z) and number keys (09) are among these keys.
Control Keys: These keys control the pointer and the screen. There are four
directional arrow keys on it. Home, End, Insert, Alternate(Alt), Delete, Control(Ctrl),
etc., and Escape are all control keys (Esc).
Special Keys: Enter, Shift, Caps Lock, NumLk, Tab, etc., and Print Screen are
among the special function keys on the keyboard.
Function Keys: The 12 keys from F1 to F12 on the topmost row of the keyboard
Pointing Devices

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Use to control the movement of cursor on the screen
Light Pen
The most common pointing device is the mouse. The mouse is used to move a little
cursor across the screen while clicking and dragging. The cursor will stop if you let
go of the mouse. The computer is dependent on you to move the mouse; it won’t
move by itself. As a result, it’s an input device.
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 Joystick
A joystick is a pointing device that is used to move the cursor on a computer screen. A spherical ball is
attached to both the bottom and top ends of the stick. In a socket, the lower spherical ball slides. You can
move the joystick in all four directions.
Joystick’s function is comparable to that of a mouse. It is primarily used in CAD (Computer-Aided
Design) and playing video games on the computer.
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Light Pen
Light pen is a type of pointing device that looks like a pen. It can be used to select a menu item
or to draw on the monitor screen. A photocell and an optical system are enclosed in a tiny tube.
When the tip of a light pen is moved across a monitor screen while the pen button is pushed,
the photocell sensor element identifies the screen location and provides a signal to the

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Scanner is an input device that functions similarly to a photocopier..
Scanner collects images from the source and converts them to a digital format that
may be saved on a disc. Before they are printed, these images can be modified. 
TO convert Hard Copy to Soft Copy
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Hand-held Scanner
To scan an image, the hand-held scanner is dragged over the image to be scanned.
The hand-held scanner should be moved carefully with uniform speed because
uneven scanning rate would produce distorted image. Hand-held scanners are very
useful for scanning articles from magazine, news papers and books
Flatbed Scanner
In a flatbed scanner, the image to be scanned is placed face down on the glass and
cover is lowered over it to exclude light. The camera moves across glass pane,
reading the entire Surface
Sheet-fed Scanner

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 IT is used to scan document and photos,
 Document is fed into horizontal and vertical slot provided with scanner
 Components of scanner are sheet-feeder, scanning module & calibration sheet.
 Scan Single Page Documents
 Not use to Scan thicker Objects
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O/P devices

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A monitor, sometimes called a VDU (Visual Display Unit), is an electronic output
device for computers. It displays the results of the user activities. The output
produced by monitors is called softcopy output. There are different types and sizes of
monitors, each can be distinguished on the basis of the following features:
Size: The size of the monitor is measured diagonally. Standard size of monitor is
from 15 to 21 inches.
Color: The monitor can be either black and white or color.
Pixel: Pixel is a small/tiny dot on the monitor which forms the image.
Resolution: The number of pixels (or dots) per square inch is called resolution of the

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Monitors have CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) which is utilized to show data or
information. CRT Contains an electron gun the electronic beam controlled by an
electromagnetic field and a display screen.

Pictures on the computer screen are shaped with picture components called PIXEL.
The Screen is covered with phosphor in a framework of dots. The electronic gun
radiates an electron pillar, which is coordinated towards the phosphor-covered
display by an electromagnetic field and in this way makes a picture on the screen.
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Printers are the prime example of OUTPUT DEVICE of the computer system. They
are peripheral devices or electronic gadgets that produce output or outcomes on
paper. which are called HARDCOPY.
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Printers can be classified in two types
Impact Printers.
Non-Impact Printers.
IMPACT PRINTERS(which Prints the page by striking an Ink-Ribbon against the Paper)

Dot matrix and Daisy wheel printers are prime examples of impact printers. The impact printer
utilizes the component of standard typewriters.
A hammer strikes the paper through the inked strip, the printer has a component that touches the
paper with a specific end goal to make content or pictures.
They deliver low nature and quality of printouts while printing they create noise as the hammer hits
the paper through the inked strip. This movement makes an irritating noise.
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NON-IMPACT PRINTERS(without Striking the ink ribbon against the paper)
Laser and inkjet printers are prime examples of non-impact printers. These printers
use laser and electrostatic innovation and technology for printing.
They don’t deliver any noise as they don’t touch the paper while creating outputs.
They utilize chemicals, warmth, and electric signs for making content and pictures.
Software's ???

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Software is a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate computers and
execute specific tasks.
A computer program is a specific sequence of instructions written in programming
code that is carried out by a computer processor to complete a specific task. Thus, a
computer program is a piece of software designed for a certain use or task.
software is a collection of instructions that enable the user to interact with a
computer, its hardware, or perform tasks. Without software, most computers would
be useless. For example, without your Internet browser software, you could not surf
the Internet or read this page. Without an operating system, the browser could not run
on your computer. 
Types of Software's are System Software's and Application Software’s
System Software

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IT provides a platform to run a computer’s hardware and computer application to
utilize system resources and solve their computation problem. It is written in a low-
level language, like assembly language, so it can easily interact with hardware with
the primary level. It controls the working of peripheral devices. System software act
as a scheduler for the execution of the processes and arrange the sequence according
to their priority and I/O devices requirement and creation of the process. The best-
known example of system software is the operating system (OS). It responsible for
manages all the other programs on a computer.
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Applications software also called end-user programs or merely an application. It resides
above system software. The end-user uses applications software for a specific purpose. It
programmed for simple as well as complex tasks. It either be installed or access online. It can
be a single program or a group of small programs that referred to as an application suite.
Application software can be used by the user to complete specific tasks, such as creating word
processors documents, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics, CAD/CAM, sending the email,
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OS acts as Interface b/w user and Computer System
1.  It will allocate resources to each task.
2. It will keep the all hardware parts of the system in a ready state so that it can follow the instructions
given by the user.
3. It enables the user to access and use application software.

4. It schedules the multiple tasks by priority.

5. It manages different computer resources such as software, hardware etc..
6. It controls the input and output devices of the computer.
7. It detects, installs and troubleshoot devices.
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