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•Volcanoes are vents,
or openings in the
Earth’s crust, that
release ash gases
and steam, and hot
liquid called lava.
Volcanic Lava Vs Magma
Inside an active
volcano is a chamber
which molten rock,
called magma,
Once it flows onto
the surface
the magma is known
as lava.
Active Vs Inactive Volcanoes
Active volcanoes have a recent history
of eruptions; they are likely to erupt again.
Dormant volcanoes have not erupted for a very
long time but may erupt at a future time.
Shield Volcano
•are built almost entirely
of low viscosity.
•They are built up slowly by
thousands of highly fluid
lava flows called basalt
lava that spread widely
over great distances, and
then cool as thin, gently
dipping sheets.
Dome Volcano
• Dome forms from
the slow extrusion
of highly-viscous
silicic lava.
• Most domes are
small and many do
not have a crater.
A cinder cone or
scoria cone is a steep
conical hill of
volcanic fragments
that accumulate
around and downwind
from a volcanic vent.
Composite or Stratovolcanoes
• Stratovolcanoes have
relatively steep sides
and are more cone-
shaped than shield
•A caldera is a
large depression
formed when a
volcano erupts
and collapses.
•Where can you find the
majority of the volcanic
eruptions on the planet?
Active Volcanism occurs in four
principal setting
1.Along the divergent plate boundaries,
such as Ocean Ridges or Spreading
centers Ex: Mid Atlantic Ridge
2.In areas of continental extension that
may become divergent boundaries in
the future.
3. Approximately
75% of the worlds
active volcanoes
can be found along
the Pacific Ring of
A horseshoe shape
area in the basin of
the Pacific Ocean
where volcanoes
are aligned.
4. In areas called “hotspots” that are
usually located in the interior of the
plates, away from the plate margins
Dangers associated with eruptions:
a hot or cold mixture
of water and rock
fragments flowing (70
mph) down the slopes
of a volcano and into
river valleys Mt. St. Helens, 1980
• Pyroclastic flows
fluidized masses of rock
fragments and gases that
move rapidly in response
to gravity
(can travel over 400 miles
per hour, and reach
temperatures approaching Mt. St. Helens, 1980
Mt. Pelée, 1902
2,000° F)
Dangers associated with eruptions:
• CO2 Emissions - Release of CO2 from buried magma
into the atmosphere through faults, fissures,
and lakes.

Mammoth, CA – 1,300 tons of

sulphur dioxide released every day.
“What might some positives be?”
Volcanic Ashes

• Volcanic ash is a
mixture of rock,
mineral, and glass
particles expelled
from a volcano during
a volcanic eruption.
Positives associated with Volcanism:

•Fertile Soils
Enriched soils from
mineral rich volcanic
•Geothermal Energy
Magma in the earth heats groundwater
and the steam is used to power
•New Land
Lava flows from continents into
oceans can generate new land for
If you knew this would

What would you do… How sure do you

need to be?
1. Which of the following correctly describes
A. Volcanoes are any land formations, with or
without vents, formed as a result of folding due to
convergence of plates.
B. Volcanoes are landforms that are a product of an
C. Volcanoes are land masses that move away or
towards each other according to the Plate Tectonics.
D. Volcanoes are vents, or openings in the Earth’s
crust, that release ash gases and steam, and hot
liquid called lava.
2. What is a volcanic magma?
A. Ashes thrown out onto the Earth’s surface
B. Clouds and hot gases spewed out by a
C. Magma bursts through onto the Earth’s
D. Molten rocks beneath Earth crust.
3. What is a dormant volcano?
A. A volcano that erupts occasionally.
B. A volcano that has erupted recently.
C. A volcano that will never erupt again.
D. One that has not erupted in recorded
4. Where can you find the majority
of the volcanic eruptions on the
A. along the plate boundaries
B. in the middle of the plates
C. on the land surface
D. on the moon
5. Taal Volcano erupted last January 2020
causing damages to lives and properties. What is
the most acceptable explanation why the
Philippines has a lot of active volcanoes?
A. It is located away from the Pacific ring of fire.
B. It is located far from the area where the plates
C. It is located in the middle of the Pacific plate.
D. It is located near the area where the plates
6. Which of the following statements is TRUE
about volcanic eruptions?
A. All volcanic eruptions feature rivers of lava.
B. Earthquakes or tremors always occur as
volcanoes prepare to erupt.
C. Majority of the active volcanoes and volcanic
eruptions are recorded on the land surface.
D. Volcanoes on the land surface are the only
type of volcano that can erupt.
7. Which of the following events is not
totally associated with a volcanic eruption?
A. ashfall
B. intertropical convergence zone
C. lahar
D. lava flow
8. What is the most appropriate and feasible action to
prevent exposure from the possible damage brought by a
volcanic eruption?
A. Ask help from the national government to transfer ALL
the residents to another town away from the volcano.
B. Blame the LGU for improper planning of residential
C. Quarry materials from the volcano to flatten it as an
additional income for the LGU.
D. Set up early warning devices and plan, and information
dissemination campaign about volcano eruption.
9. Which of the following accurately describes the Pacific
ring of fire?
A. A horseshoe shape area in the basin of the Pacific
Ocean where volcanoes are aligned.
B. A horseshoe shape area in the West Philippine Sea
where volcanoes are aligned.
C. A ring shape area in the basin of the South China Sea
where volcanoes are aligned.
D. A U-shape area in the basin of the Pacific Ocean where
all volcanoes are located.

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