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Quarter 2 – Module 1:

Use Listening Strategies Based on

Purpose, Familiarity with the Topic
and Levels of Difficulty of Short Texts
Listened to
Ma’am Rona Mae L. Magno
Lesson 1 – Listening Strategies
based on Purpose of short texts
listened to.
01 adequate (adj.) ad·e·quate
sufficient for a specific need or requirement /e.g. adequate time | an amount of money adequate to
supply their needs/
also: good enough: of a quality that is good or acceptable /e.g. a machine that does an adequate job/
: of a quality that is acceptable but not better than acceptable /e.g. Her first performance was
merely adequate. /
2: lawfully and reasonably sufficient /e.g. adequate grounds for a lawsuit/
02 bizarre (adj.) bi·zarre

strikingly out of the ordinary: such as

: odd, extravagant, or eccentric in style or mode
/e.g. bizarre stories; His behavior was bizarre. /
: involving sensational contrasts or incongruities /e.g. the bizarre timidity
of a tall, strapping young man/
Five Key Active
1. Pay Attention
Give the speaker your undivided
attention and acknowledge the
message. Recognize that non-verbal
communication also "speaks" loudly.
2. Show That You're Listening
Use your own body language and gestures to
show that you are engaged.

Encourage the speaker to continue with small

verbal comments like yes, and "uh huh."
3. Provide Feedback
Our personal filters, assumptions,
judgments, and beliefs can distort what
we hear. As a listener, your role is to
understand what is being said. This
may require you to reflect on what is
being said and to ask questions.
4. Defer Judgment
Interrupting is a waste of time. It frustrates the
speaker and limits full understanding of the
5. Respond Appropriately

Active listening is designed to

encourage respect and understanding.
You are gaining information and
perspective. You add nothing by
attacking the speaker or otherwise
putting her down.
Tomorrow kindly bring:
• Used carton or folder…
(size 1/8 lengthwise)
• Used coupon (1)
• Used ribbon/yarn or any tie
(ruler size length)
• Glue/paste
• Scissors
• Marker/ signpen/ ballpen
Thank you,
mga anak! <3

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