Kelompok 10 B Ing

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AHMAD FARIZ FUADY (0701222140)

RANI CHANTIKA (0701222128)
SUCI WULAN DARI (0701221035)
ُ‫ت ْال َواقِ َع ۙة‬
ِ ‫اِ َذا َوقَ َع‬
1. Apabila terjadi hari Kiamat (yang pasti terjadi), (When the Inevitable Event takes place,)

ٌ‫ْس لِ َو ْق َع ِتهَا َكا ِذبَة‬

َ ‫ۘ لَي‬
2. tidak ada seorang pun yang (dapat) mendustakan terjadinya. (then no one can deny it has come.)

ٌ‫ضةٌ رَّافِ َعة‬

َ ِ‫َخاف‬
3. (Kejadian itu) merendahkan (satu golongan) dan meninggikan (golongan yang lain). (It will debase ˹some˺ and elevate

‫ت ااْل َرْ ضُ َر ًّج ۙا‬

ِ ‫اِ َذا ُر َّج‬
4. Apabila bumi diguncangkan sedahsyat-dahsyatnya (When the earth will be violently shaken,)

‫ت ْال ِجبَا ُل بَ ًّس ۙا‬

ِ ‫َّوبُ َّس‬
5. dan gunung-gunung dihancurkan sehancur-hancurnya, (and the mountains will be crushed to pieces,)

‫ت هَبَ ۤا ًء ُّم ۢ ْنبَثًّ ۙا‬

ْ َ‫فَ َكان‬
6. jadilah ia debu yang beterbangan. (becoming scattered ˹particles of˺ dust,)
ً‫ۗ َّو ُك ْنتُ ْم اَ ْز َواجًا ثَ ٰلثَة‬
7. Kamu menjadi tiga golongan, (you will ˹all˺ be ˹divided into˺ three groups:)

‫ۗ فَاَصْ ٰحبُ ْال َم ْي َمنَ ِة ەۙ َمٓا اَصْ ٰحبُ ْال َم ْي َمنَ ِة‬
8. yaitu golongan kanan, alangkah mulianya golongan kanan itu (the people of the right, how ˹blessed˺ will they be;)

‫ۗ واَصْ ٰحبُ ْال َم ْشـَٔ َم ِة ەۙ َمٓا اَصْ ٰحبُ ْال َم ْشـَٔ َم ِة‬
9. dan golongan kiri, alangkah sengsaranya golongan kiri itu. (the people of the left, how ˹miserable˺ will they be;)

‫َوال ٰ ّسبِقُ ْو َن ال ٰ ّس ِبقُ ْو ۙ َن‬

10. Selain itu, (golongan ketiga adalah) orang-orang yang paling dahulu (beriman). Merekalah yang paling dahulu
(masuk surga). (and the foremost ˹in faith˺ will be the foremost ˹in Paradise˺.)

Surya Kelana Putra, S.Pd.I,. M.Hum.

A group of word which makes complete sense and
expressing a complete thought
SUBJECT The part of a sentence containing a
A person or something is being said verb and stating something about

Dwiki has done the coding

Subject Predicate
Kinds of sentence

1. Declarative Make a statement Period (.)

Ulfan found the missing flashdisk.
2. Interrogative Ask a question Question Mark (?)
May I borrow your laptop?

3. Imperative Gives a command or make a request Period (.)

Pick up the keyboard.
4. Exclamatory Expresses strong feeling Exclamation Mark (!)
Help me out !, I’m stuck.
5. Negative Used to negate something Adding the word (Not)
Its not your mouse
6. Optative Used to pray or wish Usually starts with (may,wish)
May Allah bless you!
Types of sentences

1. Simple Sentence
2. Compound Sentence
3. Complex Sentence
4. Compound – Complex Sentence
1. Simple Sentence
A simple sentence is a sentence containing only one clause, or more specifically, an
independent clause, with a subject and a predicate .

A. Nominal Sentence
Is a sentence in which the predicate is filled with an auxiliary verb ( to be)

The data were accurate

Subject Predicate

B. Verbal Sentence
Is a sentence that contains a verb (not an auxiliary verb) as a predicate

Farhan goes to the lab

2. Compound Sentence
​A compound sentence is a sentence that connects two independent clauses, typically with a coordinating
conjunction like and or but.

A. Compound Sentence with coordinate conjunction

The seven coordinating conjunctions are for, and , nor, but, or, yet, and so.
Dayyan didn’t sleep last night, for he watched a romantic movie

B. Compund Sentence with conjunctive adverb

Some common conjunctive adverbs : furthermore, however, therefor, finally

I want to be good at cooding; therefor, I have to practice everyday

C. Compound Sentence with semicolon

Two independent clauses can also be connected by a semicolon (;)

I want to be good at coding ; I have to practice everyday

3. Complex Sentence
A complex sentence is a sentence with one independent clause and at least one dependent clause.

A. Complex Sentence with adverbial clause

- An adverbs clause acts like an adverb , that is , where , when, why, and how.
- An adverb clause begins with subordinator , such as when , while , because, if or that.
- Dependent clause can come before or after an independent clause.

Randy washes his hands after playing on the computer

Independent Clause Adverb > Menjelaskan kapan Dependent Clause

B. Complex Sentence with adjective clauses
- An adjective clause acts like an adjective, that is , it describes a noun or pronoun .
- An adjective clauses begins with a relative pronoun, such as who, whom, which , whose or
that , or with relative adverb , such as where or when.
- Adjective clause follow the noun or pronoun it describes.

I’m going to buy the expensive keyboard that you recommended

Independent Clause Relative Pronoun Dependent Clause

4. Compound – Complex Sentence
A compound-complex sentence is comprised of at least two independent clauses and one or more
dependent clauses.

Berikut ini adalah rumus kalimat kompleks dalam Bahasa Inggris:

Independent Clause + conjunction + Independent clause + conjunction + dependent clause (1 atau



Conjunction + Dependent Clause (1 ataupun lebih) + Independent Clause + conjunction + Independent


This online game is so challenging but I would like to complete it

before the school bus arrives

Independent Clause (1) Independent Clause (2)

Dependent Clause
Coordinate Conjunction

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