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As we know, administration is a well known word. It

is used everywhere, in every organisation,
institution even in families. It means to rule
Dictionary meaning of ad ministration is Public
officers, or govt. in power.
• Administration is a process
to manage the function or
to complete it. It means to
administer properly, to
look after the people. It is a
process in which
disciplined persons are
involved to get a definite
goal, aim or objective.
• In English word, Administration is taken from
latin words "Ad + Ministrese". It means the
service of one person by the other person.
Today, Administration means govt. But its real
meaning is to give directions.

• "In broader form, administration can be explained for those group activities
which are prescribed in cooperative form to achieve an aim".
• "Administration is the organisation of human and physical means to get an
• "Administration is the organisation and control of human and physical means".
Importance of Principle:
• The principles of administration are very important for the
successful management of the organization in its real
situations. .

• These principles are guidelines to the management; they

simplify the process of management, increase all round
efficiency of the management and help in the achievement
of the desired objectives of the organization.
Some of the principles of
administration are:
Principles of investigation,
reality and order.
Principles of Investigation:
It is important to bear in
mind that the foundation for
decisions should be based on
facts rather than on opinions.
Principle of Reality: This relates to the
application/implementation of decisions in a practical manner
which correspond to the realities of the situation.

Principle of Order: Refers to a systematic arrangement of

materials, equipment and supply according to the requirement
of specific job departments and placement of people in the
The role or work performed by nurse as a
manager are given below:

* Assign staff the duties to ensure smooth

functioning to achieve goal.

* Co-ordinate the activities by scheduling

work assignment, setting priorities and
directing the work of subordinate
* Evaluates and varifies the nurses performance, through review of
completed work assignments and work techniques.

* Identify and plan staff development and training needs and ensures
that staff nurses get the training.

* She maintains the records, prepares report and composes

correspondance related to work.

* Supervises the general nursing services provided by staff nurses.

* She develops plan and objectives for her work area.
* Evaluates the nursing programmes and nursing care plans
* Conducts assessment of patient's need and initiate nursing care plan.
Today we discussed about administration ,Principles
and role of nurse in administration.
write the short note on Principles of Abministration.
Bibliography :
1.Nursing Administration and ward
management(Pee Vee) 2-12.
2.Nursing administration and management(BNS-
Page 38-39.

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