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18.11.2 30.11.2 26.11.2 01.01.

021 021 021 022


The day universe the day I felt safe for the Three numbers, 143 The day we became one,
decided it was time for first time in my life, our one feeling, one love.
us to cross our paths chair and your arms
around me
8 Things I Love In You <3

I love how much I love how you I love how I love how you’re I love how your I love how good I love how you I love everything
of a good heart make sure to appreciative you not afraid of love language is your hugs feel. never fail to make about you.
you have, you’re make me feel are with trying everything physical touch They feel so safe, me feel truly like Starting from
always there to loved. I love how and how you’re a princess by
everything and how you’re so warm, so calm your personality
help anyone in you’re always always clinging doing small
need and you improving and someone does or always down for onto me or and I love the innocent things ending with your
never stop taking everything says to you and new cool kissing me smelling your that show me how looks and by that
sharing what I ask for into how you never experience cologne while you much you really I mean head to
you’ve earned consideration forget it hug me whole care toe, absolutely
from working everything. I love
hard you my baby and
it will always be
like this

I love our first meeting. I know ive said this many many times but I want to say it
again because that memory is just so special. Ill never forget how excited and
nervous we were but when we first hugged it all went away and we immediately
got comfortable with each other. It was so sweet when you were holding my head
in your lap and we were listening to music, even tho you were someone I just met
it was first time I felt this relaxed while being so close and I knew that I wouldn’t
be able to let go of you ever again. “I knew I loved you ever since our first hug”
and I knew it ever since your first touch and your first glance and first
everything because I knew you were special the day I met you.
I love when it snowed for the first time. Even tho we were freezing and our shoes
were turning into lakes we were still snowballing and you kept hitting my head and
oh my god when I lost my ring in the snow. I have never ever felt more fear but
thank god you were there and found it. I love when it was so cold outside that we
went into gisheri to warm up. I love when you would keep me inside your jacket so I
would be warm and I love when I won the umbrella fight so you remained dry while
with me. I love that I felt so warm with you even when it was 0 degrees outside.
I love when we ran in that terrible wind that almost flew me off the ground and
you gave me your jacket even tho you were also freezing. I love when you
stopped me in the middle of the way and you wiped my tears that were caused
by wind but I don’t love how you paid for my taxi as you do always *glare*
I love love love when you came back from Kobuleti and we were cuddling. I
was reading you letters I wrote while you were away and at some point I felt
tears on my hand and I didn’t know how to feel because the reason you were
crying was good but you were still crying. Although crying may be bad
memory for many people, I loved that moment so much cuz it was so real, so
intimate, so comfortable, so lovely…so vulnerable. I felt such a connection
with you that I have never felt with anyone before and it was magical.
First of all im going to start with a fact that I love you so much, second of all I
have no idea why im doing this presentation but yeah I hope you’ll like it and
I have to finish this fast cuz I want to show you it before you go to sleep


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