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Power to think

Every impression without expression

is a depression_____Akinola Francis
Power to think

• “If you would be pope, you must think of

nothing else “ _ Spanish Proverb

• You can have anything you want , but you cant

just have everything you want - Anonymous
Power to think
• “Beware of dissipating your powers, strive
constantly to concentrate them” _ Von Goethe

• “Change is inevitable . Change for the better is

a full time job” _ Adlai Stevenson.
Power to think
• For even christ pleased not himself as it is
written , so those who insult you also
insulting me _ Romans 15 v 3.

• In a higher world its otherwise, but here

below to live is to change , and to be perfect is
to often change _ John Henry Newman
Power to think
• “I can do all things through Christ that
strengthens me” _ Philippians 4 v13

• “I belong to every body , and I belong to

nobody”_ Muhammed Buhari
Power to think
• “The longer you wait , the more you will have
better facts and better information “_ Akinola

• “ even when im railed at , I get my quota of

renown”_ Pietro Aretino
Power to think
• “However beautiful the strategy ,you should
occasionally look at the result “ _ Winston

• “The crisis of yesterday is the joke of

tomorrow “ _ H.G .Wells
Power to think

• If pathfinding identified a path, aligning paves

it. Organizations are perfectly aligned to get
the results they get . Think about that , if you
are not getting the results you want ,its due to
a misalignment somewhere in the organization
and no pushing , pulling ,demanding or
insisting will change a misalignment _ Steven
Power to think
• “I never knew how to worship until I know
how to love “ _ Henry Ward Beecher

• You will find , as you look back upon your life,

that the moments when you really lived are
the moments when you have done things in
the spirit of love “ , _ Henry Drummond
Power to think
• If your wife belongs to your kitchen and
bedroom only , why do you waste your TIME
and resources to visit another mans wife who
doesn’t belong in the kitchen ? _ Robert

• “Watch over your heart with all diligence , for

from it flow the spring of life” _ proverb 4 v23
• Whatever cannot be avoided must be afforded
_ Akinola Francis

• A leader is one who knows, goes the way and

shows the way _ John O. Maxwell
Power to think
• A good leader takes a little more than his
share of the blame , a little less than his share
of the credit _ Arnold H.Glasgow

• Let no one despise your youth, but be an

example of a believers in word , in conduct,in
love, in spirit,in faith ,in purity _ 1 Timothy 4 v
Power to think
• Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the
enemy of growth _ John F. Kennedy

• Do not conform to this world but be

transformed by the renewing of your mind,
that you may prove what is that good and
acceptable and perfect will of God _ Romans
12 v 2
Power to think
• The best of all is not to win every battle by
force. The best of all is to make the enemy
yield without fighting . So the highest of all
military principles is to overcome the enemy
by strategy _ Sun Tzu

• Our ship will come even much sooner if we ‘d

only swim out to meet it _ Anonymous
Power to think
• Vision without action is merely a dream,
action without vision is merely passes the
time . Vision with action can change the world
_ Joel Barker

• There should be clarity of purpose , clarity of

understanding _ Zen Proverb
Power to think
• Method goes far to prevent trouble in
business ; for it makes the tasks easy , hinders
confusion , saves abundance of time , and
instructs those who have business depending ,
what to do and what to hope for __ William
• Just as statistics are no substitute for
judgment ___ Henry Clay

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