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Universitas Pamulang

Presented by Fitra Wahyu Ramadhan
Hi everyone! Here, I will
present the beautiful
culture of my Bengkulu

Bengkulu Regional Culture
The culture that grows and develops in Bengkulu Province cannot be separated from
the history of the founding of this province. According to historical stories, it is
known that long ago in this region there have been many small kingdoms. These
kingdoms include the Selebar Kingdom, Sungai Lemau Kingdom, Sungai Serut
Kingdom, Manjuto Kingdom, Pinang Berlampis Kingdom, Serdang Kingdom,
Rejang Empat Petulai Kingdom, and Bintuhan Kingdom. Each of these kingdoms left
some distinctive cultural arts. In addition, several indigenous ethnic groups who live
in Bengkulu still maintain their culture to this day. The traditions and culture of the
ethnic groups in the Bengkulu area are incorporated into various cultural groups,
including the Rejang, Pasemah, Kaur, Serawai, Semendo, Melayu, coastal and
immigrant cultures.

A. Bengkulu Regional Language
Each ethnic group in Indonesia has its own language called the Regional Language. Likewise with the ethnic groups in the Bengkulu area. The
various regional languages ​of the people in Bengkulu province are as follows.

- The Rejang ethnic community uses the rejang language in everyday life. There are those who call the rejang language as Rejang-Lebong,
Jang, Djang Bele Tebo. This language has its own accent called kangongo. There are several different dialects in use, namely kepahiang,
lebong, pesisir, selupuh, musi, and rawas.
- The Pasemah ethnic group who lives in Bengkulu uses the Pasemah language. Pasemah language is still the Malay language family.
- The Mukomuko ethnic group living in Mukomuko district uses the Minangkabau language which has been mixed with the Rejang language.
- Malay language with Bengkulu dialect is used by ethnic Malay people who live in Bengkulu, the coast of North Bengkulu, and South
- The Kaur people who live in the Kaur district use the Mulak language in their daily interactions.
- The Serawai people in the South Bengkulu and Seluma districts use the Serawai language. Serawai language has several dialects, namely
Serawai and Manna dialects.
- The Lembak people who live in Rejang Lebong, North Bengkulu, and South Bengkulu districts use the Mulang language.

B. Bengkulu province traditional
Bubungan Lima House
The Bubungan Lima traditional house is a stage-style house supported by several trusses.
So that people who want to enter the house use the stairs. The wooden stairs face forward
with an odd number of steps. The Bubungan Lima House is designed to protect its
occupants from floods and wild animals. In addition, under the traditional house is used to
store carts, crops, agricultural tools, firewood, and as animal cages. In the Bubungan Lima
house there are three rooms, namely the old room, the girl's room, and the bachelor's room.
At the entrance of the house there is a picture of the buraq which symbolizes the
determination of the residents in carrying out the teachings of Islam. The Bubungan Lima
House is made using selected wood and is not arbitrary. Where the wood used is strong and
durable wood. Usually the wood used to make the Bubungan Lima house is the yellow
field wood. Built not using nails, but wooden pegs. The floor is layered with planks and
slates, roofs of palm fiber and surian (shingle).

C. Bengkulu Traditional Clothing
Bengkulu traditional clothes are divided into daily clothes and ceremonial
clothes. In their daily life, Bengkulu men use shirts, trousers, and typical
Bengkulu head coverings or skullcaps (caps). Bengkulu women wear the
typical Bengkulu kebaya, some also wear a headscarf. Using wooden
footwear (sole), sandals, slippers or shoes. The traditional ceremonial
clothes in each tribe in Bengkulu are different, this is because the rituals and
beliefs of each tribe are different.

D. Traditional Arts Of Bengkulu
Bengkulu Traditional Dance
Bengkulu Province is inhabited by several ethnic
groups that have a variety of dance arts. The
dance is usually performed in various events,
such as traditional ceremonies or welcoming
1. The Bimbang Andun dance is a kind of
welcome dance. This dance comes from the
South Bengkulu area. Another type of dance that
is usually used to welcome guests is the
Pasembahan dance.
2. Kain panjang Dance, this is a traditional dance
that is usually performed at weddings performed
by four female dancers.

- Bengkulu Regional
People's Crafts Arts
The results of other cultures from the people of Bengkulu are craft
art. The art of folk crafts contained in this region, including chisel
art, batik art, carving arts, and other art works. Here are some of the
craft art results contained in the Bengkulu area.

1. Besurek, is a typical batik of Bengkulu City. Called besurek because

this cloth reads Arabic letters. The original motif of this fabric is in the
form of Arabic letter motifs and Rafflesia Arnoldi flowers which are a
combination of Jambi calligraphy motifs with Cirebon.
2. Lantung skin, is a typical craft found in the city of Bengkulu. The
main ingredients of this handicraft use lantung tree skin. Lantung is
a wild tree that is found in Bengkulu.

E. Traditional Ceremony of the
Bengkulu Community

Tabot Ceremony
was the ceremony to commemorate the death of
the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad. What
is held every year on 1-10 Muharram in the city
of Bengkulu.
It may be concluded that the province of bengkulu was a province adjoining the province of jambi,
south Sumatra, north Sumatra, and also lampung. Bengkulu province has a lot of tourist
biodiversity and a lot of traditional art. In addition to bengkulu province, there are many varieties
of languages in its various regions, but Malay is the most common language in the province of
bengkulu.conclusion It may be concluded that the province of bengkulu was a province adjoining
the province of jambi, south Sumatra, north Sumatra, and also lampung. Bengkulu province has a
lot of tourist biodiversity and a lot of traditional art. In addition to bengkulu province, there are
many varieties of languages in its various regions, but Malay is the most common language in the
province of bengkulu.


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