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“Enemy meant it for

bad but God use it for

Genesis 50:20
Genesis 50:20
Masama nga ang inyong
ginawa sa akin, subalit
ipinahintulot iyon ng Diyos
para sa kabutihan, at dahil
doo'y naligtas ang marami
Joseph grew up as the clear favorite of his
father, Jacob. He was the first born of
Rachel, Jacob's favorite wife, who had
passed away giving birth to her second
child, Benjamin. In a showy display of love
for Joseph, Jacob gave him a special coat of
many colors. Joseph's ten half-brothers
loathed his special status. They were born
to Leah whose father, Laban, had tricked
Jacob into marrying.
Sadly, Jacob did not love Leah as much as
he did Rachel. Even more frustrating to
Joseph's brothers were his 
grandiose dreams. He once dreamed
eleven bundles of grain, each
representing one of his brothers, bowed
to his bundle. In another dream, which
Joseph faithfully recounted, the sun
(representing his father), moon (his
mother) and eleven stars (no guesses
here), all bowed to him.
With his beautiful coat,
preferential treatment
and dreams of greatness,
Joseph was a marked
man as far as his
brothers were
One day, Jacob sent Joseph to take
supplies to his brothers who were
away herding sheep. When he
found them in a place called
Dothan, the majority of Joseph's
jealous brothers wanted to kill him
and throw his body into an empty
One of the brothers, Reuben,
urged restraint and suggested
they simply throw Joseph alive
into the well. Reuben secretly
planned to return later to
rescue his dreamer brother,
and bring him back to their
The brothers agreed and threw
Joseph into the well but,
before Reuben could rescue
the boy, instead the brothers
sold him as a slave to some
passing merchants who were
heading to Egypt.
The brothers decided to
explain Joseph’s disappearance
to their father Jacob by
staining his coat with goat’s
blood. When Jacob saw the
coat, he was understandably
devastated and convinced his
favorite son was dead..
Meanwhile, Joseph
had gone from a
spoiled, privileged
son, to a powerless
slave heading for a
foreign land.
Upon arriving in Egypt, the
merchants sold Joseph as a slave to
Potiphar, the captain of Pharaoh's
guard. Joseph did a great job
working for Potiphar and he was
soon promoted to head of the
entire household.
Joseph was put in charge of
everything Potiphar owned.
Things were looking up for
Joseph, but a certain member
of Potiphar's household was
about to undo all his success.
Joseph was a good-looking
guy and his master's wife
had noticed. In fact, she
was so enamored with him
that she tried on several
occasions to get him to
sleep with her.
The temptress didn't give up
though. She cornered him one
day and grabbed his cloak
when he tried to run away.
Cloak in hand, Potiphar's wife
claimed to the men of the
household that Joseph had
tried to rape her.
Joseph refused, saying
that his master had
entrusted him with
everything except his
wife, and that sleeping
with her would be sinning
against God.
Faced with his wife's wild claims
about Joseph, Potiphar had little
choice but to have Joseph thrown
into prison. Joseph was innocent of
any crime and rose to the occasion.
He impressed the prison warden so
much that he put Joseph in charge
of the other prisoners.
While in prison, Joseph
interpreted the dreams of two
fellow inmates: Pharaoh's
cupbearer and his chief baker. The
dream the cupbearer had about
serving Pharaoh freshly squeezed
grape juice was a sign he would
be restored to his former position.
Joseph told the baker that
his dream of birds eating
bread out of baskets
intended for the Pharaoh
unfortunately pointed to
his impending execution.
Both predictions came true.
The cupbearer promptly
forgot all about Joseph, which
was particularly ungrateful
since Joseph had specifically
asked him to petition the
Pharaoh for his release.
It wasn't until Pharaoh himself had
a bad dream two years later that
the forgetful cupbearer thought to
mention Joseph. Pharaoh dreamed
of seven skinny cows eating seven
fat ones and seven withered ears
of grain consuming seven fat ears.
When Pharaoh's officials
failed to 
interpret the dream, the
restored cupbearer
remembered Joseph and
suggested his wisdom be
Joseph revealed to Pharaoh
that his dream would
herald in seven years of
plenty preceding a famine
that would also last seven
He suggested that
Pharaoh think ahead and
stockpile grain in
preparation for the
predicted famine seven
years in the future.
The interpretation of the
dream, combined with the
good counsel he received,
made a great impression on
Pharaoh who decided to make
Joseph his second-in command
in Egypt.
Joseph went on to supervise
the stockpiling of grain in
preparation for the great
famine that was coming. At
thirty years of age, Joseph had
ascended to the second most
powerful position in the land.
Just as Joseph had predicted, seven
years of abundance ensued and he
oversaw the collection and storage
of grain. So vast was the quantity
of grain stored that it was
impossible to keep an accurate
But the happy seven years of
plenty screeched to a halt
when, sure enough, famine
struck the land with a
vengeance. Not only was there
famine in Egypt but also the
entire world suffered.
The Egyptians were directed
by Pharaoh to see Joseph in
order to buy grain from the
storehouses. Word spread that
there was grain in Egypt and in
the course of time an elderly
man, Jacob, sent his sons to
buy some.
And so it was that many years
later, Joseph, now governor of
Egypt, came face to face with
his treacherous brothers. They
did not recognize him but
bowed down before him.
Joseph pretended not to
recognize them.
The governor of Egypt decided to
test his brothers. He spoke harshly
to them, demanding to know
where they had come from and
accused them of being spies.
Terrified, they insisted they
were brothers, that their
youngest brother was at home
and that one brother "was no
more." Joseph asked them if
their father was still alive.
Joseph had his brothers
thrown into prison for three
days. He then ordered that
one brother must remain a
hostage in prison until the
remaining brothers returned
with their youngest brother.
At this point, the brothers felt
convinced they were being
punished for their heartless
treatment of Joseph so many
years before. Simeon was tied
up before their eyes and then
they were sent home with
sacks of grain.
Unknown to them, the silver
with which they had
purchased the grain was
hidden in the sacks.
Full of sorrow, Jacob realized
he must allow Benjamin to
return to Egypt with his
When the brothers returned to
Egypt with Benjamin, Joseph was
overwhelmed with emotion. But
he hid his feelings and invited his
brothers, including Simeon who
had been released, to join him at a
That night, Joseph ordered
that his brothers' donkeys be
loaded with all the grain they
required, together with the
silver they had brought with
them (which was double the
amount to make up for the last
Joseph also
ordered that his
silver cup be
hidden in
Benjamin's sack.
No sooner had the brothers
set off for home than Joseph’s
steward made chase searching
for the silver cup. When the
cup was discovered in
Benjamin’s sack, he was
ordered to remain as Joseph’s
Judah begged
Joseph to allow him
to be a slave in
Benjamin's place.
At this point, Joseph could no
longer contain himself but
broke down in tears, telling his
brothers who he really was. He
assured his terrified brothers
that he would not harm them
and instead had them summon
Jacob was reunited with
his long-lost son before he
died. Joseph, a true biblical
hero, had saved his family
and showed the
tremendous power of
A running theme we see
throughout Scripture is the
idea that human suffering is
intimately intertwined with
fulfilling a person’s purpose.
While life holds many
mountaintop moments, there
are also deep valleys—and
God does not promise that
things will be easy. However,
He does promise to take
whatever the enemy meant for
bad and to use it for good.
We see this in the example of
Joseph, whose own brothers
sold him into slavery. Joseph
had been a highly favored son
of his father, Jacob, and had
dreamt that he would rule
over his brothers one day..
He told his brothers about this
dream, and his brothers hated
him for it, so they decided to
get rid of him. Yet, despite the
enemy’s plan to demote
Joseph, God was able to use
the situation for good and
promote him into his purpose.
He told his brothers about this
dream, and his brothers hated
him for it, so they decided to
get rid of him. Yet, despite the
enemy’s plan to demote
Joseph, God was able to use
the situation for good and
promote him into his purpose.
Through faithful serving
amidst his slavery, Joseph soon
became the right-hand man of
Pharaoh—who ultimately
placed him in the leadership
position that his brothers tried
to prevent.
When his brothers found
themselves in Egypt after a
famine had extended
throughout the land, Joseph
revealed himself to them as
they came to collect food from
the storehouses he had so
wisely created.
They were “terrified
at his presence”
(Genesis 45:3), yet
Joseph extended a
hand of forgiveness.
Years later, Jacob died, and
Joseph’s brothers again feared
his wrath— but Joseph
reassured them, “You intended
to harm me, but God intended
it for good to accomplish what
is now being done, the saving
of many lives” (Genesis 50:20).
Because Joseph held the
second most powerful position
in Egypt, he was able to save
the lives of those he loved in
Like Joseph, we never know
what bends may emerge in the
road. We know we are
guaranteed suffering at some
point, yet we also know that
we serve a God who turns ……
our sorrows into dancing.
our pain into joy.
our tears into laughter.
all our fears turn to a roar.
So, we can praise the
Whatever you may be going
through right now, know that your
trials will one day become your
testimony. Know that God hears
you, He sees you, and He’s working
through you. He can take anything
from the enemy and turn it for
your good—promoting you into

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