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PROJECT 2022-2023


Parul Institute of Computer Applications
Semester 4 Project -2
Team members
1. 210510113078 Parekh Kuldeep Vineshbhai Division-C
2. 210510113112 Sevak Umang Satish Division-C
3. 210510113108 Raval Yachik Jignesh Division-C
• Problem Definition :

A pet Pharma has kept paper record in filing cabinets. Managing

a very large pharmacy with records on papers will be tedious and
difficult to keep track of inventories with regards to the drugs in
the store, expiry date, quantity of drugs available based on the
categories and their functions. The pharmacist has to order drugs
to replenish the already diminishing stock. In addition, ordering
of drugs is being carried out manually. Significant amount of
time is allocated for writing the order as the pharmacist needs to
go through the stock balance and make rough estimate of the
amount to order based on Figures. Drugs are not supposed to be
used after they have expired. This project work will prompt the
pharmacist about drugs that are close to expiry, preventing those
drugs from being sold and also providing solution to the earlier
stated problems.
• Project Definition:

A Pet Pharma is a web application. This system is developed

for the pet dogs.

A pet pharma system is the system for manage the pharmacy n

saloon for the pet dogs . First you login or sign up for access
the website. After successful login the customer can access the
product page. The main point of developing this system is to
help product and help customer for online ordering the
product. In proposed system user can search for a product
according to his/her choice
• Need for new system:

 It saves user time looking out for shop.

 The system generates online bill for

requested table.

 It saves business’s resources and expenses

• Purpose and Object :

 Ordering system
 Login system
 Admin panel
 Display total cash and card transaction
 Add and delete items
 Instant order preview
• Hardware & software Requirements:

o software requirements:
 Server-Side Requirement:
Windows 7 and above
A desktop application with PHP library installed
Web browser: Google chrome (75.0.3770.142), Mozilla Firefox
(61.0.1) etc.
 System type: 64-bit Operating System, x64-baseed processer
Documentation Software: MS Office 2013
 Client-Side Requirement:
Web browser: Google Chrome (75.0.3770.142), Mozilla
Firefox (61.0.1)
• Hardware requirement:

 Server-Side Requirement:
ASUS intel core i5-6th generation
 NVIDA GTX54 Graphic card
 Client-Side Requirement:
 Secondary Storage: 100 GB
RAM: 2 GB and above
 System type: 64-bit Operating System, x32-
based processer
• Characteristics of user :

 customer:
This user will register to be a member to use
the online system of this pet pharma system. In this
system payment system is divided into two parts
UPI and cash on delivery. This system allows
customer to place an order or allow him/her to
cancel the booked order.

 Administrator:
Administrator or manager is the person who
will manage the entire system . He/she is allowed
to edit the product information such as price , items
available currently etc.
• Future Enhancement

 For future enhancement we would like to online good advice.

Additionally, provide give video chat directly with doctor. And suggest
best prescription for health issues. And patient also get satisfaction of
their health issues.

 In future we can add the entire predication for the analysis and then
provide the proper data based the medicine.

 We can add online appointment for doctor which helps to connect


 In future we will provide pet food and medicines.


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