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Course Code: TE- 4401

Course Name: Advanced Apparel Manufacturing Engineering-I

Credits: 03

(Introduction to quality control in apparel industry)

Course Instructor
Forkan Sarker, Ph.D
UN Fellow, Commonwealth Scholar
Ph.D in Materials(The University of Manchester,UK)
MSc in Advanced Materials (University of Bolton, UK )
B.Sc. in Textile Technology (Dhaka University),
Assistant Professor, Department of Textile Engineering
Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology, Gazipur
Advanced Apparel Manufacturing Engg.-1 

•Lecture 1- Introduction to quality control in the apparel industry

•Lecture 2- Raw materials and finished garment inspection
•Lecture 3- Quality, quality control, design to dispatch
•Lecture 3-4- In process inspection
•Lecture 5-6- How to make final inspection, different methods of inspection
•Lecture 7-8- Product quality audits and comparability test.
•Lecture 9- TQM in apparel industry
•Lecture 10,11- Six sigma and their application in apparel industry
•Lecture 12- Lean manufacturing in apparel production
•Lecture 13- 5’s in Apparel production.
•Lecture 14,15- Fabric sew ability assessment
•Lecture 16- Setting and selection of machines per line for trouser, shirt.
•Lecture 17- latest trend in the apparel indsutry
•Lecture 18- review of the semester.
Quality assurance:
Quality assurance is the “process of designing, producing, evaluating,
and assessing products to determine that they meet the desired quality
level for a company’s target market” (Kadolph, 2007, p. 6).
Quality control:
Quality control is generally understood as assessing for quality after
products have already been manufactured and sorted into acceptable
and unacceptable categories.
Quality is a multifaceted concept that describes how well a service,
process, material, or product possesses desired intangible or physical
attributes (Kadolph, 2007).

Quality -actually the ultimate customer satisfaction towards a product.

Quality requirement in apparel industry
•Understanding the customers' quality requirements.
•Organizing & training quality control department.
•Ensuring proper flow of quality requirements to the QC
•Ensuring proper flow of quality requirements to the Production
•Establishing quality plans, parameters, inspection systems,
frequency, sampling techniques, etc..
•Inspection, testing, measurements as per plan.
•Record deviations
•Feed back to Production Department.
•Plan for further improvement.
Establishing the Quality Requirements
• Getting customers specifications regarding the quality
• Referring our past performance
• Discussing with the Quality Control Department
• Discussing with the Production Department
• Giving the Feed Back to the customers
• Receiving the revised quality requirements from the
• Accepting the quality parameters
Aspects of quality

•Good Design- Looks and style 

•Good functionality- it does the job well
• Reliable- acceptable level of breakdowns or failure
•Durable- lasts as long as it should
• Good after sales service  Value for money
Advantages of quality control:
with quality control, inspection is intended to prevent faulty products
reaching the customer. This approach 5 means having specially trained
inspectors, rather than every individuals being responsible for his or her
own work. Furthermore, it is thought that inspectors may be better
placed to find widespread problem across an organization
Disadvantages of quality control:
A major problem is that individuals are not necessarily encouraged to
take responsibility for the quality of their own work. Rejected product is
expensive for a firm as it has incurred the full costs of production but
cannot be sold as the manufacturer does not want its name associated
with substandard product. Some rejected product can be re-worked, but
in many industries it has to be scrapped – either way rejects incur more
costs, A quality control approach can be highly effective at preventing
defective products from reaching the customer. However, if defect levels
are very high, the company’s profitability will suffer unless steps are
taken to tackle the root causes of the failures
Quality Principles:
“A quality management principle is a comprehensive and
fundamental rule/ belief, for leading and operating an
organization, aimed at continually improving performance
over the long term by focusing on customers while
addressing the needs of all other stake holders”

Organisations who are monitoring the quality in the
apparel industry:
1. American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists –AATC
2. American Society for Testing and Materials-ASTM
3. American Society for Quality-ASQ
4. American Apparel and Footwear Association-AAFA
5. Textile Clothing and Technology Corporation –TC
6. American National Standards Institute –ANSI
7. International Organization for Standardization-ISO

These organizations publish industry-wide standards or “commonly

agreed on aid for communication and trade; a set of characteristics or
procedures that provide a basis for resource and production decisions; a
product that meets all specifications and company or product
requirements” (Kadolph, 2007, p. 551).

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