1. 동기부여의 기본이론

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동기부여의 기본이론

2022 년 2 학기

동기부여와 리더십 연구
동기부여란 무엇인가 ?

• Motivation: The process of explaining the intensity, direc-

tion, and persistence of an individual's efforts to achieve a
• - Intensity: the degree of individual effort to achieve a
goal-Direction: to direct efforts in the direction the organ-
ization pursues
• - Persistence: how long the effort is maintained
Early Theory of Motivation
동기부여의 초기 이론

• Maslow's hierarchy of needs

• Herzberg's two-factor theory

• McClelland's Theory of Achievement Needs

매슬로우의 욕구 이론

허츠버그의 두 요인 이론

불만이 없다 . 만족한다 .

• director • promotion opportun-

Motivation factors
• pay ity
위생 요인

• corporate policy
• growth opportunity
• physical work en-
• admit
• responsibility
• peer relationship
• job security • Achievement

dissatisfied. 만족하지 않는다 .

만족과 불만족에 대한 대비되는 관점들

맥클랜드의 theory of needs

• Need for Achievement (nAch)

• A desire to excel, a desire to achieve standards
and success
• Desire for Power (nPow)
• The desire to get others to behave in a way they
would not otherwise do
• Fellowship Needs (nAff)
• Desire for a friendly and intimate relationship
McClelland's High Achievers

• In order for high-achieving people to be success-

• personal responsibility
• feedback
• Moderate risk (50/50)
• A person with a high desire for achievement does
not necessarily become a good manager. Not in-
terested in improving the performance of others
• The most effective leaders have a need for power
and a need for fellowship.
• high position people
self-determination theory goal setting theory Management by goa
self-determination Recent
theory goal setting theory
Motivational Management by goa
최근의 동기부여 이론

• self-determination theory
• goal setting theory
• Management by goal
self-determination theory

• Self-Determination Theory: People want to feel in control

of their behavior, so anything that makes them feel like they
are obligated rather than freely chosen to do what they
once enjoyed is a stumbling block to motivation.
• Cognitive Appraisal Theory: Extrinsic rewards for work re-
duce intrinsic interest in work
• Self-congruence: You are more likely to succeed when you
pursue goals that are consistent with your inner interests
and values.
goal setting theory
목표설정 이론
• Performance increases when there is a goal
• specific goals
• The more difficult the goal, the higher the level of
• But goals that are too high can be poisonous
• Do better when you get feedback
• Self-feedback is more effective than external feed-
Management by goal
목표에 의한 관리
• Management by Objectives (MBO): The overall
goals of an organization are transformed into more
detailed goals as they descend into sub-units of
the organization, such as business units, depart-
ments, and individuals.
• Common Factors:
• specificity of the goal
• deadline
• Performance feedback
• participatory decision making
linkage of goals
목표의 연계
Other recent motivational theories
최근의 기타 동기부여 이론

• self-efficacy theory
• reinforcement theory
• fairness theory
• Organization Definition
• expectancy theory
self-efficacy theory
자기효능 이론

• Self-efficacy theory: an individual's belief that he

or she can perform a task
• Also known as social cognitive theory or social
learning theory
• How to improve your self-efficacy:
• Active Mastery: Gaining Experience
• Surrogate model: observing how others do their
• Verbal Persuasion: Words that convince you that
you have the skills to succeed.
• Awakening: Energizes energy
The combined effect of goals and self-efficacy
목표와 자기효능감의 결합 효과
reinforcement theory
강화 이론

• Reinforcement Theory: Takes a behaviorist view,

where reinforcement influences behavior.
• operant conditioning theory
• - Behaviorism
• Comparison between social learning theory and re-
inforcement theory
Ethics in Decision Making
의사 결정에서의 윤리

• Fairness Theory: They compare the results they

get from their work with what they put into their
• Compare your input and output rates with those
of similar people.
fairness theory
공정성 이론
• According to the fairness theory, an employee who
perceives inequity will choose one of six things:
• change in input
• change in outcome
• distortion of self-awareness
• distorted perception of others
• Change of comparison target off-site
Fairness Theory: Case Analysis
공정성 이론 : 사례분석

University student A has his own know-how on how to

study students through years of extracurricular tutor-
But recently, one of A's students, a, has a problem. In
the mock test conducted in March, he tried hard, but his
grades did not come out compared to that. In particular,
a's rival, z, was proud of getting a higher grade than a
even though he didn't work hard.

Assuming you are tutor A, how will you persuade your

student (a) to motivate you?
Talk on the basis of fairness theory
Organizational Definition Model
조직 정의 모델
Organizational Definition Model
기대 이론

• Three relationships:

• Effort-Performance Relationship: The probability that

effort will lead to performance

• Performance-reward relationship: Probability of re-

ceiving a reward for achieving a performance

• Reward-Personal Goal Relationship: The degree of

attractiveness that an individual feels toward the re-
expectancy theory
Implications for managers
경영자에게 주는 시사점

• Be careful that extrinsic rewards given to employees do not

appear to be coercive, and provide information about abilit-
ies and relationships.
• Consider goal-setting theory. Clear and difficult goals lead
in many cases to higher productivity.
• Consider reinforcement theory when thinking about the
quantity and quality of work, persistence of effort, absent-
eeism, laziness, and accident rates.
• To understand productivity, satisfaction, absenteeism, and
turnover, see Fairness Theory.
• Expectancy theory provides an effective explanation for
employee productivity, absenteeism, and turnover.

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