Quarantine Presentation

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Ministry of ofAgriculture
Identification ,Traceability
and Welfare Directorate
Consultative Workshop
Animal on ET-LITS
Quarantine MoU
Operating with Stakeholders

By Tegegnework Mekonnen (DVM,MSc)

 Introduction
 Definition of Animal quarantine
 Purpose of Quarantine
 Quarantine Operating Procedures for Import/Export
 Bio-Security
 Animal Handling
 Hygiene and Sanitation
• Waste Disposal
• Pest Control
• Record Keeping for Internal Review And Auditing
• Requirements of importing countries

 Many argue that as Ethiopia is the leading country in

Africa with its large livestock population
 The quality and quantity being exported are not as it

would be compared to the stock.

 Ethiopia is attaining significant outcome from the export
of livestock products, and has been contributing crucial
role in the development of nation's economy.
 Ethiopia start export of live animal during the
derg regime(siga board)

 Until 1992/1993E.C live animal export is handled

by regions.After that federal government take
over the duties.

 Foreign exporters were involved in the export

for few years.
 SPS-LMM) program worked in collaboration with public
institutions and private operators to dramatically increase
meat and live animal exports from Ethiopia between
2005 and 2011.

 In 2005, $27 million in formal live animal exports and

$18.5 million in meat exports in 2005/06,

 $148 million in live animal exports and $63 million in

meat exports in 2010/11.These increases-241% in the value
of meat exports and 442% in the value of live animal
Definition of quarantine

 Quarantine is a place of isolation for a person or

animal imposed to prevent the spread of diseases.

 A period originally 40 days of detention or

isolation imposed up on ships, persons, animals
or plants.

 A system of measures maintained by government

authority at ports, quarantine stations or other
Purpose of Quarantine

 Provide minimum sanitary requirements for local,

regional and cross border movement of animals,
decreasing the risk of trans-boundary animal disease
(TADs) and zoonosis transmission from infected to
disease free areas
 Provide information on sanitary measures that have
been applied to reduce the risk of transmission of
animal diseases and zoonosis during production and
movement of animals and animal products ;
Quarantine Operating Procedures

 Preparing to receive animals

 The inspector and animal nutritionist should work

together in formulating a coordinated plan to handle the

animals properly.

 Properly designed and maintained facilities are the

second most important factors that influence proper care

of newly arriving animals.

 A receiving program must also involve feed supplement

Receiving animals

 It is important to check all the papers that accompany

each load

 Inspect the following information: date and time of

shipment, animal health certificates (if available), look

for comments regarding vaccines or medications

 Set a minimum standard for acceptance and be willing

to refuse delivery

 Feeding and watering of newly arrived animals

Processing animals
 Animals entering quarantine facilities should be given
an ear tag that identifies the animal
 Treatment for exoparasite and endoparasite

 Vaccination of animals

 Isolation and treatment of sick animals (The three

keys to identifying typical sick animal are depression,
abnormal gut fill and changes in respiratory rate)
 Avoid contact of other animals and visitors from
quarantined animals
 Recording animals(sick, dead or recovered)
Feeding animals

 Cattle coming from feedlots should be placed

on a high energy feed.

 The quarantine facility nutritionist should

typically start cattle on a moderate energy, total

mixed, dry ration offered in two to three split

feedings during the first five to seven days after

Quarantine periods and Vaccination
Types of Animals Quarantine Vaccination
Cattle 30 days Anthrax

Shoats 21 days O.pasturollosis

Sheep pox

Camel 30 days Anthrax

 Checklist for Preventing Trans-Boundary Animal Diseases (Tads) From

entering the Facility

 Know the health history of the herds from which animals are


 Know health status of animals brought into the facility

(demand a valid health certificate from feed lots).

 Know the vaccination history of animals that enter the facility.

 Avoid commingling of different batches of animals and also

sick and healthy ones.

 Transport animals in clean vehicles.

 Have a control program for surrounding animals which could

spread disease (domestic and wild animals, etc.).

 Unloading/loading area should be located at the perimeter of the


 Dead animal pickup area should be located appropriately for

rendering area not to contaminate the facility.

 Limit people’s access to pens, feeding, mixing, storage,treatment

areas, etc.

 Keep a record of visitors to the facility

Checklist for Disease Containment
 Facilities provide a clean area for restraint, treatment and
isolation of sick cattle.
 Facilities prevent cross contamination of water, manure,
feed, or equipment between groups.
 Have plan to manage group size, age distribution, and
animal flow reducing risk of disease.
 Handle highest health status animals first (healthy first
and sick animals last).
 Use strict sanitation practices.
 Animals that die are examined by a veterinarian (necropsy).
 Aware visitors of the strictness of the facilty’s sanitation
 Clean contaminated vehicles and equipment before use
around healthy cattle.
 Train employees to be able to identify potential Foot and
Mouth Disease (FMD) lesions.
 Disinfect all working facilities between incoming groups of
 Limit entry & travel of vehicles to planned areas of the
Checklist for Sanitation

 Attempt to prevent manure contamination of feed and

equipment used orally.
 Always clean equipment used orally between animals.
 Attempt to prevent cross contamination between healthy and
sick/dead cattle.
 Regularly evaluate activities on operation to assess the potential
for contaminating cattle.If manure accidentally contaminates
feed or water, an immediate remedy is provided.
 Use different equipment to feed and to clean pens, or
completely clean between use.
 Never step in the feed bunk.
 Sometimes leave manure–hauling equipment in pens with
different groups of animals.
 Clean contaminated vehicles and equipment before use
around healthy cattle.
 Routinely clean and disinfect feeding equipment and cattle
handling equipment.
 Routinely clean and disinfect equipment used to medicate
Security of Facility And Animals
 Security fences are to be located on all station external boundaries,

and additionally around the internal core quarantine area. These

fences are to be human/animal

 deterrent fences, with the internal fence offering even greater

protection from access by outside animals.As a further deterrent to un

authorized personnel entry

 "No Entry Quarantine Area" signs are to be located at regular

intervals on external station fences.

 Stations must be equipped with a foot and tyre bathes at the gate

through which all traffic entering the station are disinfected.

 Opening of the gate must be controlled by the guards of
the quarantine station.
 Staff and other authorized personnel may be provided
with gate passes.
 Vehicle entry to the internal quarantine area should be
minimized;vehicles should stay on the roadways.
 Security lights are to be maintained for night use in the
internal quarantine area.
 Persons living on site are expected to passively monitor
security of premises after hours.
 All buildings and compounds on the station must be capable of
being locked. All internal security fence gates must be locked
outside normal business hours.All occupied animal houses must be
locked when not attended by a quarantine officer. All kennels/pens
should be locked when not attended.
 Door/gate fastening used to lock animals are to be such that it is
not possible for animals to be able to open the doors/gates.

 In the event that an animal escapes from its holding area there must
be other further internal security systems in place to prevent the
animal from being able to get out of the station's internal
quarantine area.
 All visitors entering the internal quarantine area must sign a
visitors book giving date, name, address and purpose of the
 Visitors entering the internal quarantine area should
normally be accompanied or supervised by a quarantine
 As a general rule visitors should not remain on the station
when there is no quarantine officer on the station.
 A record of any internal and external security breaches is to
be kept.
Animal Handling
 Cattle
 Handle livestock quietly but firmly and with adequate equipment.
 Never lose your temper and needlessly upset an anima1.
 Harsh treatment may make an animal reluctant to return to
stockyards or vehic1es.
 Animals separated from the mob, or placed in strange
surroundings, may behave differently and be unpredictable.
Consequently, extreme care must be taken when handling them.
 Prepare yards and equipment before you begin operations. Always
keep equipment, fences, yards, gates and sheds in good repair.
 Yards should be of adequate size and strength to match the animals
 When working with stock, safety footwear with specially reinforced
toe-caps and soles should be worn to prevent crushed feet. Be sure
to be either out of kicking range or hard up against the animal's
body, never mid-way between.

 However submissive the animal may appear, constant care should

be exercised in handling, so that control is maintained over its
actions at all times.

 An animal exhibiting signs of aggression should be immediately left

alone, or the necessary safety precautions implemented i.e. isolation .
 Although normally placid, when frightened or aggressive they will
chest butt, spit or kick out sideways with back feet
 Walking with arms outstretched will normally suffice to guide
their movements.
 To handle individual animals, put one hand around the base of the
neck, while placing the other on the rump. Do not roughly handle
the animal. They are generally regarded as having weak necks and
thus prone to injury in that region.If halter led, do not jerk the
halter with undue force.
 When traveling on vehicles, they will generally sit down once the
vehicle starts to move.

 Quarantine services

 Vaccination & Treatment

 Regulatory works(Follow up)

 Inspection & Certification

Live animal export b/n 2005-2018
      Total annual
  Cattle Camel Export
Sheep Goat
Export year performance

Number Value Number Value Number Value Number Value Number Value
Million Million Million Million Million

2005/06 143,499 25,819 12,857 414 3,105 76 3,882 943 163,343 27,252

2006/07 156,247 27,652 33,553 1,121 11,363 316 19,410 4,920 220,573 34,009

2007/08 19,953 84,275 140,290 5,729 31,197 1,205 39,926 13,467 231,366 104,676

2008/09 84,275 36,242 97,527 4,254 5,182 222 25,179 11,449 212,163 52,167

2009/10 103,010 47,989 137,576 5,649 11,319 433 79,439 36,603 331,344 90,674

2010/11 230,605 102,473 146,655 7,491 14,507 650 79,908 37,258 471,675 147,872

2011/12 294,543 127.65 355,699 22.48 24,807 1.30 103,881 52.96 778,930 204.39

2012/13 183,285 90.82 388,189 25.45 34,096 1.90 66,639 46.48 672,209 164.65

2013/14 204,921 116.73 346,382 25.28 41,784 3.07 39,986 33.05 633,073 178.13

2014/15 142,788 87.06 300,077 21.96 27,982 1.82 48,763 37.64 519,610 148.48

2015/16 153,051 92.0431 398,333 29.35 82,724 5.76 28,271 20.63 662,379 147.78

2016/17 80,847 48.45 165,320 10.74 20,962 1.35 12,351 7.03 279,480 67.57







2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
/06 /07 /08 /09 /10 /11 /12 /13 /14 /15 /16 /17 /18 /19





200,000 Sheep




2005/ 2006/ 2007/ 2008/ 2009/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/ 2014/ 2015/ 2016/ 2017/ 2018/
06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19





40,000 Goat




2005/ 2006/ 2007/ 2008/ 2009/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/ 2014/ 2015/ 2016/ 2017/ 2018/
06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19







2005/ 2006/ 2007/ 2008/ 2009/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/ 2014/ 2015/ 2016/ 2017/ 2018/
06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Quaranti Pox Brucellosi CBPP FMD RVF Country
ne s
30 - - Test Test Vaccination Egypt
21 - Test (10%) - Test Vaccination Emirates
10 Vaccination - - - Vaccination Kuwait
21 - Test (50%) - - Test (5%) Oman
30 Vaccination Test(100%) - - Vaccination Saudi Arabia
10 - - - ­ Vaccination Yemen
10 Vaccination - - Vaccination Vaccination Qatar
3O Vaccination Test(100%) Test (10%) Test (10%) Test (10%) Jordan
30 RP-test(3%) test test Test(5% Test(100%) Lebanon
7-21 TB test - TB test - Vaccination Bahrain
 Absence of market information system
 Absence of promotional activities

 Supply Problems
 Prevalence of diseases

 Traditional production system

 Illegal export trade
 Inadequacy of infrastructure(feedlots,quarantines,check posts,
 Competition

 Conflicts

 Increment in meat consumption

 implementation PPP approach

 Availability of additional Port of exit

 Implementation of LITS

 Functionalization of Quarantines

 Government commitment

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