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• Charity, sympathy and generosity
• Self-responsibility
• Change and Continuity – Pearl Industry
• Achaemenid and Alexander the Great
• Science and Innovation
• Baghdad – Capital City
• Saving Amazon
• To revise and practice the
questions in preparation for
the Major Assessment Term 3
Part I. Choose the correct answer.

1. Responsibility is being accountable for

your ______.
a. actions
b. behaviors
c. decisions
d. all of the above

Answer: D
2. What is the result of self-responsibility?
a. make you sad
b. make you weak person
c. Increase your self-confidence
d. make you sick

Answer: C
3. To be responsible and take care of
your body, you should
a. Eat healthy
b. Exercise regularly
c. Sleep early
d. all of the above

Answer: D
Part II.
Write T if the statement is TRUE, write F if its

1. Responsibility is your duty that you must do.

2. One of your responsibility is to make your bed
every morning.
3. If you follow the rules at home but not in school
and in society, you consider as a responsible
4. You are born knowing how to be responsible.
5. You are not responsible for the choices you
make in your life.

Part III.
Identify which type of responsibility each
1. Samantha was taking a walk with her dog
around her neighborhood. She saw some
plastic soda bottles on the sidewalk. She
decided to pick them up and place them in
the recycling bin at her house.
2. Tim got home from school after a long day.
He really wanted to watch TV but he decided
to complete his homework before turning on
his favorite show.
3. Will's mom asked him if he had let the dog outside
to go to the bathroom. Will lied to his mom and told
her that he did. Later that day, the dog had an
accident in the house.
4. Lily was shopping with her dad. She was walking
down the toy aisle. She saw a 20-dollar bill laying on
the ground. Lily asked her dad if she could take it to
the lost and found.
5. Viv forgot to study for her science test. She did not
know the answers to almost all the questions. She
was tempted to cheat, but she decided that was not
honest. She told her teacher she did not study but
would try her best anyway.
1.Social Responsibility
2.Self Responsibility
3.Family Responsibility
4.Social Responsibility
5.Self Responsibility
Part IV. Identify what type of responsibility and
explain if it lacks responsibility.

It shows: ______________________ It shows: ______________________

Explanation: ___________________ Explanation: ___________________
1.It shows self- responsibility because he
was using harness to protect him from
falling and he needs to be extra careful so
that he will not fall.
2.It shows lack of self responsibility and
social responsibility because the boy is
wasting water.
Part V.
Compare the feelings you have
when you are responsible and
those you have when you are
irresponsible. Give examples.
Make your own graphic
Possible Answer:
Responsibility gives me a feeling of happiness,
self-satisfaction, optimism and maturity. When I
fail to take responsibility, I will not be
trustworthy. This makes me feel bad about
myself and that I have let down my small
community. For example, when my mother asks
me to help my sister and I refuse, I feel bad. If
this act is repeated, I will lose her confidence.
When I help my sister, I feel happy inside
because I make others happy. Responsibility
makes me a useful and productive person in my
family and to be loved by my mother who will be
satisfied with me and so I am.
Social Studies
Part I – Choose the correct
1. A word which means improving
something or creating something
a. Engineering
b. Translation
c. Innovation
d. Invention c. Innovation
2. The study of the design of engines
and buildings.
a. engineering
b. innovation
c. accountancy
d. medicine

a. Engineering
3. Where was Alexander the Great
a. Greece
b. Macedonia
c. Spain
d. North America

b. Macedonia
4. The city had 4 gates for
a. safety
b. defence
c. trade
d. beauty

c. trade
5. Which of the following ways that
Alexander's empire spread Greek culture?
Choose two (2) answers.

a. Greek settlers continued to practice their

religion in the new cities.
b. Greek settlers would move to the new
cities, bringing their culture with them.
c. The Greek culture stayed only in Greece.
d. It is because of Aristotle that is why
Alexander was influenced.
Answer: A&B
Part II. Write TRUE if the statement is
correct, write FALSE if its otherwise and
write the correct answer.

1. Muslim scientists made innovative achievements in

engineering and agriculture only.
2. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid founded the Dubai
Cares Charity.
3. Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed developed the Emirates
Airlines into a global brand.
4. Baghdad was the new capital city in Abbasid
5. We can see important buildings inside Iraq.

3. FALSE – Sheikh Mohammed
5. FALSE – round city
Part III. Answer the following:
1. What is the other term of Achaemenid
2. Why was Baghdad chosen as the new Capital
City under the Abbasid Caliphate?
3. What can we see in the round city?
4. What was the city of peace called in
5. Who commissioned the creation of the
Royal Road through Persia?
Part III. Answers
1. Persian Empire
2. Baghdad was chosen as the new capital city
under the Abbasid Caliphate because it was the
center for trade to surrounding cities and
areas. It is also easy to defend from attack if
needed and had plentiful fresh water around it.
3. Important buildings
4. Madinat al Salam
5. Darius I
Part IV. Identify the name and
its uses.
1 2 3

4 5 6
1 4

2 5

3 6
Part V.
• In a graphic organizer,
list down at least four (4)
different things that make
Sheikh Mohammed bin
Rashid an entrepreneur.
a) development of emirates airlines into a
global brand
b) founding of charity Dubai cares
c) founder of the Godolphin horse riding
d) Leading Dubai development, such as the
palm, Burj al Arab
e) written and published several books,
including poetry
Part VI.
What do you think life was like in Baghdad
like 1,000 years ago? List some of the rights
and responsibilities that people who lived in
Baghdad had?
Part VI.
Possible Answers:
Choose the correct answer.
1. A person who extract the latex from the
rubber trees and enable it to be
transformed into natural rubber.
a. Rubber tapper
b. Latex extractor
c. Rubber Man
d. None of the above

Answer: A
2. Which sentence from the selection best
shows that Chico Mendes cared about others?
a. Mendes did not have the opportunity to go to
school and receive an education.
b. Mendes worked to defend the rights of the
workers and began uniting them to resist deforestation.
c. He became known internationally for his efforts.
d. Chico Mendes fought to preserve the Amazon

Answer: B
3. Chico being a rubber tapper with his father to
explain ____________.
a. how workers defended their rights.
b. why he was killed.
c. why he became involved with helping
workers and preserving the rainforest.
d. why he received so many awards.

Answer: C
4. What is the nationality of Chico Mendes?
a. Mexican
b. Colombian
c. Argentinian
d. Brazilian

Answer: D
Part II. Answer the following
1.Why do you think so many people went to
his funeral?
2.Do you think Chico Mendes’ efforts were
worthwhile? Why?
3. How does cattle ranchers used the
1. A lot of people went to his funeral because
they sympathize with the family, and they
are sad of losing someone who fought for
them and for the rainforest.
2. Yes, because it awakens the Government to
stop deforestation that could affect the world
and set up reserves.
3. Cattle ranchers used the rainforest buy
cutting the trees and putting ranchers
instead of planting another tree.
Change and Continuity –
Pearl Industry
Part I. Choose the correct
1. The leader of the pearl diving
a. Al Tawash
b. The Nokhita
c. Al Seeb
d. Al Nahham
Answer: B – The Nokhita
2. The man who buys pearls and
sells them to the market is ________.
a. Seeb
b. Nokhita
c. Tawash
d. Nahham
Answer: C. - Tawash
3. The person who sings to
entertain the sailors is ______.
a. The Tawash
b. The Pearl diver
c. The Seeb
d. Al Nahham
Answer: D – Al Nahham
4. ________ does the most difficult
and dangerous job.
a. The Tawash
b. The Pearl diver
c. The Seeb
d. Al Nahham

Answer: B – Pearl Diver

5. _______ cut open the oysters to get the

a. The Tawash
b. The Pearl diver
c. The Seeb
d. Al Nahham

Answer: C – The Seeb

Part II. Answer the following

1. Identify four (4) features of a pearl diver.

2. List down three life changes after the
discovery of oil.
3. Dubai treat Pearl diving as the first and
important occupation in the past. True or
4. Fishing was the first occupation in the
UAE. True or False.
Part II. Answers
1. Pearl divers were only men. Divers would dive
for 12 – 14 hours per day. At age 12, they
began to dive and at around age 50 they would
stop working. Pearl divers worked in pairs.
2. How life has changed: more wealth, better
infrastructure, more comfortable lifestyle, more
travel, more investment.
3. False – Ras Al Khaimah
4. False – Pearl Diving

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