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Okware Brian
Kirabo Karen
Kyeswa kent
Topic: Security and Encryption.
◦ Security is an essential part of any transaction that takes place
over the internet as it protects customer data during transactions.
A customer may lose his/her faith in the e-business if the security
is compromised.
Dimensions of Ecommerce Security
Following are the essential requirements for safe e-payments/
◦ Confidentiality − Information should not be accessible to an unauthorized person. It should not be
intercepted during the transmission.
◦ Integrity − Information should not be altered during its transmission over the network.
◦ Availability − Information should be available wherever and whenever required within a time limit
◦ Authenticity − There should be a mechanism to authenticate a user before giving him/her an access
to the required information.
◦ Non-Repudiation − It is the protection against the denial of order or
denial of payment. Once a sender sends a message, the sender should not
be able to deny sending the message. Similarly, the recipient of message
should not be able to deny the receipt.

◦ Encryption − Information should be encrypted and decrypted only by an

authorized user.

◦ Auditability − Data should be recorded in such a way that it can be

audited for integrity requirements.
Threats to e-commerce security.
◦ Trojan horses. These are malicious codes that masquerade as legitimate programs to
steal user data. They can steal user login credentials etc.
◦ Cross site scripting. This is where an attacker injects malicious code in the browser
to be executed on the victim’s machine by the browser hence ending up stealing user
data, session cookies and tokens or rerouting the user to a fake website.
◦ Hackers can also steal users’ information by gaining access to webservers.
◦ Sniffing attacks where the threat actors sniff traffic between the client and
website in order to capture sensitive information.
◦ Cyber vandalism. Cyber vandalism takes place when an unauthorized person changes
the content of a Web page, destroys it, defaces it, or replaces a Web site’s regular
content with their own, for example, hacking into the server of the website.
◦ DDOS attacks where large amounts of traffic are sent to sites in little
time hence making the servers to go down and not serving the intended
◦ Phishing attacks where threat actors try lure clients into sending
sensitive information in order to compromise there accounts.
◦ Financial frauds like credit card frauds where attackers use stolen credit
card data to purchase products on an e-commerce site.
Mitigation of Ecommerce security
◦ Using Https instead of http is a good measure to encrypt traffic in order
to avoid sniffing attacks.
◦ Sanitizing user input into web forms can help mitigates cross site scripting
◦ Conducting regular site security audits to avoid cyber vandalism
◦ Verifying Transactions. implementation of a personal verification system
whereby users have to verify themselves with a form of ID, which could be
a passport or driving licence.
◦ Filtering traffic on the server side to avoid DDOS attacks to the site.
◦ Patching all known security threats.
Encryption is a way to conceal information by altering it so that it appears to be
random data. It is essential for security on the Internet. Encryption works by
converting plain text into random text which can not be read by a person(cypher
text). This is done by using cypher keys to alter data into random data.

There are mainly two types of encryption;

◦ Asymmetric encryption
◦ Symmetric encryption
Symmetric encryption.
◦ This is also known as private key encryption. The key used to
encrypt is the same as the one used to decrypt, making it best for
individual users and closed systems. Otherwise, the key must be
sent to the receiver. This increases the risk of compromise if it's
intercepted by a third party, such as a hacker.
Asymmetric encryption.
◦ In asymmetric or public key encryption, there are two keys: private and public keys public
key is used for encryption, and a private key is used for decryption. The decryption key is
kept private while the encryption key is shared publicly, for anyone to use.
Benefits of encrypting data.
◦ Privacy: Encryption ensures that no one can read communications or data except the intended recipient or
the rightful data owner. This prevents attackers, ad networks, Internet service providers, and in some
cases governments from intercepting and reading sensitive data, protecting user privacy.

◦ Security: Encrypted communications enable the communicating parties to exchange sensitive data without
leaking the data.

◦ Data integrity: Encryption also helps prevent malicious behavior such as on-path attacks. When data is
transmitted across the Internet, encryption ensures that what the recipient receives has not been viewed
or tampered with on the way.

◦ Regulations: For all these reasons, many industry and government regulations require companies that handle
user data to keep that data encrypted. Examples of regulatory and compliance standards that require
encryption include GDPR.
Encryption algorithms
◦ An encryption algorithm is the method used to transform data into
ciphertext. An algorithm will use the encryption key in order to
alter the data in a predictable way, so that even though the
encrypted data will appear random, it can be turned back into
plaintext by using the decryption key.
Examples of Encryption algorithms
Examples of symmetric encryption algorithms include:
• Advanced Encryption Standard(AES).
• Data Encryption Standard (DES)

Examples of asymmetric encryption algorithms include:

• Elliptic curve cryptography
Attacks on encryption.
◦ Brute force attacks. A brute force attack is
when an attacker who does not know the decryption
key attempts to determine the key by making millions
or billions of guesses. Brute force attacks are much
faster with modern computers, which is why encryption
has to be extremely strong and complex. Most modern
encryption methods, coupled with high-quality passwords,
are resistant to brute force attacks, although they may
become vulnerable to such attacks in the future as
computers become more and more powerful. Weak
passwords are still susceptible to brute force attacks.

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