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National Diploma in Information and Communication Technology

K72C001M05-Software Testing
What is the communication
 Communication is the creation or exchange of
thoughts,ideas ,information emotions
Now i'm going to
• Communication flow
• Communication style
• communication flow
• What is the communication flow
Business communication is a process of exchanging,
explaining and promoting business.

The communication Category is

01.Downword communication flows
02.Upword communication flows
03.Horizontal communication flows
04.Diagonal communication flows
01.Downword communication flows
• Communication that flows from a higher level in an organization to a lower level is a
downward communication.
• In other words, communication from superiors to subordinates in a chain of command is a
downward communication.
• This communication flow is used by the managers to transmit work-related information to
the employees at lower levels
example to-
01. Providing feedback on employees performance
02. Providing a complete understanding of the employees job as well as to communicate them how their job is related to other jobs in
the organization.
03.Communicating the organizations mission and vision to the employees.
04.Highlighting the areas of attention.
Sample picture for Downword communication
02.Upword communication flows
• Information moving from lower – level employees to high –
level employees some times called vertical communication…
• Communication that flows to a higher level in an
organization is called upward communication.

• It provides feedback on how well the organization is

• The subordinates use upward communication to convey
their problems and performances to their superiors.
Sample picture for Upword communication flows
example to
• Upward Communication Reduces Frustration Among Employees, Enables
Supportive Structures To Be Put In Place, And Fosters Cooperation.
• You Can Think Of Many Other Upward Communication Flow Examples In An
Requests, Estimations, Complaints, Proposals, And So On.
03.Horizontal communication flows
• Invelves the exchange of communication across departments at the
same level in on organization..
example: 01.Presentation
Sample picture for Horizontal communication flows
04.Diagonal communication flows
• Cross – functional communication between employees of different
levels of the organization
example: sales representative e-mails the vice president of
• building relationships between senior-level and lower level
• Reducing the workloads of senior-level managers
• Reducing the chance of a message being destroted by going through
additional filters.
Sample picture for Diagonal communication flows
Communication style

• A communication style is an approach to communication that

an individual adopts in a particular situation. 
The communication Category is:
01.Passive communication
02.Aggresive communication
03.Passive & Aggressive communication
04.Assertive communication
01.Passive communication
• This type of communication is also known as the submissive communication
style. Another way of describing it is the "people-pleaser" type.
• This type of communication is self-effacing, conflict-avoidant, and easy-
• That’s not to say that a passive communicator is always happy - in fact, this
style of communication can lead to resentment building up over time because
the person is unable to clearly communicate their opinions, needs, and wants.
• Passive communicators tend to step back and let other, more assertive or
aggressive, people lead the way.
Examples of situations in which a person communicates

• A man asks in a restaurant for a steak made very, and when

the waiter brings it, it is little made. When the waiter asks if
everything is to his liking, the man responds affirmatively.
• A group of friends is left to decide what to do during the
Characteristics of passive communication
• 1- Soft communication
Individuals who have a passive form of communication tend to speak softly, as if they are apologizin
• 2- They cannot stand firm in their opinions
They fail to stand up or hold what they think of another person and allow others to interfere with their rights and opinions.
• 3- Do not express your feelings
• Neither do they often express their feelings, points of view and needs spontaneously.
• 4- Do not establish eye contact
• These people also often make eye contact when they talk to someone and adopt inappropriate body language and posture.
• 5- Continuous state of anxiety or depression
• The passive communication style also implies a continuous state of anxiety, as these people assume that their lives are out of their control.
• 5- Continuous state of anxiety or depression
• The passive communication style also implies a continuous state of anxiety, as these people assume that their lives are out of their control
• 6- They are undecided
• They are often confused if given the opportunity to choose and tend to delegate decisions to others.
• 7- Do not show anger toward others
02.Aggresive communication
• ggressive communication, as defined by the term, is a method
of expressing one’s needs and desires while disregarding the
feelings of others.
• It’s a selfish and damaging communication style.
• Aggressive communication can have a negative impact on your
relationships and how others perceive you as a person
Example of Aggresive communication
1. Speaking in a commanding and obnoxious tone of voice
2. Criticism of others
3. Use of humiliation to control others
4. Attempts to dominate
5. Frequent interruptions
6. Statements beginning with “You”
7. Easily irritated temper
Characteristics of Aggresive communication
• Quite often people mistake assertiveness.for aggression
• Aggressivencess doesn’t hold any respect for others
• It disregards anyone’s needs,feelings,opinions and ideas and
sometimes this can compromise the safety of others as we

03.Passive & Aggressive communication
• Passive aggression is characterized by actions that involve acting
indirectly aggressive rather than direct aggressive.
• People often demonstrate resistance to demands or requests in their
family or other individuals through procrastination, expressing
sullenness, or acting stubbornly.
What causes passive-aggressive behavior?

• Personal Responsibility: According to some sources, passive-

aggressive behavior might be attributed to growing up in a society
where expressing feelings was discouraged or not permitted.
• Situational aspects: The situation has an impact on passive-aggressive
• Taking the easy way out: It isn’t always simple to be forceful and
emotionally open.
Examples of passive-aggressive communication

• “I didn’t know you meant now.”

• “I thought you knew.”
• “Sure, I’d be happy to.”
• “I don’t think this is a good idea.”
• “I can’t wait for this day to be over.”
• “I’m not mad.”
“Why do I have to do this?”

• “I don’t care.”
• “I’m fine.”
• “I don’t know.”
04.Assertive communication

• Assertive communication is a style in which individual clearly state

theire opinions and feelings,and permly advarcate for theire drives
and neets whithout vireleding the rights of others
Characteristics of an Assertive Communication Style
1. Direct eye contact shows that the speaker is strong and not intimidated.
2. An assertive stance or posture with the right balance of strength and casualness. For example, standing rigid may
come across as aggressive; whereas, slouching may be perceived as weak.
3. Tone of voice. A strong voice conveys assertiveness, but raising one’s voice shows aggression and is likely to be met
with anger.
4. Facial expression. Expressions that are neither angry nor anxious are essential for sending the right message.
5. Timing. Assertive communication must be executed at the right time (e.g., making requests from one’s spouse in the
middle of a dinner party is not likely to be well received).
6. Nonthreatening, non-blaming language. For example, language such as “If you continue to do that, you will be
sorry!” is threatening rather than assertive.
7. Clarity. For example, “Can you please not be that way?” is vague, while “Can you please not walk away when we’re
talking?” more clearly conveys the speaker’s needs.
8. Positive language. For example, making a negative request (“Will you stop leaving your papers all over the house?”)
is less effective than a positive request (“Here is a divider I’ve set up. Will you please place your papers here?”).
There are important distinctions between the two, as
highlighted in the table below:
Assertive communication Aggressive communication
Promotes equality Denies the rights of others
Is respectful Is demeaning or hurtful
Uses firm but gentle speech Uses loud or menacing speech
Is in control Is out of control
Communicates confidence Communicates haughtiness
Uses a relaxed stance Uses a rigid stance
Respects personal space Violates personal space
Shows a calm affect Shows an agitated or emotional affect

Reflects supportive behavior Reflects competitive behavior

Is honest and forthright Is deceitful or manipulative
Uses a relaxed facial expression Uses a tense facial expression
Involves requests Involves demands
Aims to express needs Aims to win
Is respectful of rules Does not value rules
Results in problem solving Creates more problems
Example: “Follow the steps in the guide.” Example: “Just do what I say!”
The assertive communicater will say belive or begave in
a way that
• I can’t control others but I can’t control my self
• I place a I priority on having my drives respected

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