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The Da Vinci Code 

is a novel by Dan
Brown published in 2003.
It follows "symbologist" Robert Langdon
 and cryptologist Sophie Neveu after a
murder in the Louvre Museum in Paris
causes them to become involved in a battle
between the Priory of Sion and Opus Dei
 over the possibility of Jesus Christ having
been a companion to Mary Magdalene.
The Da Vinci Code
The title of the novel refers to the finding
of the first murder victim in the Grand
Gallery of the Louvre, naked and posed
similar to Leonardo da Vinci's famous
drawing, the Vitruvian Man, with a
mathematical message written beside his
body and a pentagramdrawn on his chest
in his own blood.
The Da Vinci Code
The novel explores an alternative religious
history, whose central plot point is that the 
Merovingian kings of France were descended
from the bloodline of Jesus Christ and Mary
Magdalene, ideas derived from Clive
Prince's The Templar Revelation (1997) and
books by Margaret Starbird. The book also
refers to The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail
 (1982) though Dan Brown has stated that it
was not used as research material.
The Da Vinci Code (film)
• The Da Vinci
Code became an
American mystery 
thriller film  in 2006
directed by Ron Howard
, written by Akiva
Goldsman, and based
on Dan Brown's 
2003 best-selling novel
of the same name
The Da Vinci Code (film)
The first in the Robert Langdon film series
, the film stars Tom Hanks, Audrey Tautou
, Sir Ian McKellen, Alfred Molina, Jürgen
Prochnow, Jean Reno, and Paul Bettany. In
the film, Robert Langdon, a professor of
religious iconography and symbology
from Harvard University, is the prime
suspect in the grisly and unusual murder of
Louvre curator Jacques Saunière. 
The Da Vinci Code (film)
In the body, the police find a disconcerting
cipher and start an investigation.[3] A noted
British Grail historian named Sir Leigh
Teabing tells them that the actual Holy Grail
is explicitly encoded in Leonardo da Vinci's
wall painting, The Last Supper. Also
searching for the Grail is a secret cabal within 
Opus Dei, an actual prelature of the Holy See,
who wish to keep the true Grail a secret to
prevent the destruction of Christianity.
The Da Vinci Code (film)
The film, like the book, was considered
controversial. It was met with especially harsh
criticism by the Roman Catholic Church for
the accusation that it is behind a two-thousand-
year-old cover-up concerning what the Holy
Grail really is and the concept that Jesus Christ
and Mary Magdalene were married and that the
union produced a daughter, and for its
treatment of the organizations Priory of Sion
 and Opus Dei.
The Da Vinci Code (film)
Many members urged the laity to boycott
the film. In the book, Dan Brown states
that the Priory of Sion and "all
descriptions of artwork, architecture,
documents and secret rituals in this novel
are accurate".
The Da Vinci
The Da Vinci Code 
Jacques Saunière, the Louvre's curator, is pursued
through the Grand Gallery by an albino Catholic
monk named Silas, who demands the location of the
Priory's "keystone" to find and destroy the Holy
Grail. Saunière gives him a false lead and is
murdered. When the police arrive, they find his body
posed like Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man. The police
captain, Bezu Fache, sends his lieutenant, Jérôme
Collet, to summon American symbologist Robert
Langdon, in the midst of signing autographs after
one of his public talks, to examine Saunière's body.
The Da Vinci Code 
At the museum, Langdon is shown the body, and a secret
message, readable only by blacklight, that contains an
out-of-order Fibonacci sequence. Sophie Neveu, a police
cryptographer and Saunière's granddaughter, reveals to
Langdon that Fache planted a tracker on him after
finding the words "P.S. Find Robert Langdon" at the end
of Saunière's secret message, leading Fache to believe
Langdon murdered Saunière. The two get rid of the
tracker, distracting the police, and sneak around the
Louvre, finding more clues in Leonardo da Vinci's works,
eventually leading to Langdon to deduce that Saunière
was the grand master of the Priory of Sion.
The Da Vinci Code 
Silas is revealed to be working for an anonymous person
named the Teacher, along with members of Opus Dei, led
by Bishop Aringarosa. Evading the police, Langdon and
Sophie travel to the Depository Bank of Zurich, where they
access a safe deposit box of Saunière's, using the Fibonacci
sequence. Inside the box is a cryptex, a cylindrical container
that can only be safely opened by turning dials to spell a
code word, and which contains a message on papyrus. The
police arrive outside and Langdon and Sophie are aided by
the bank manager, Andre Vernet, only for him to attempt to
take the cryptex and murder them. Langdon disarms Vernet
and flees with Sophie and the cryptex.
The Da Vinci Code 
The two visit Langdon's friend, Sir Leigh Teabing, a Holy Grail expert
who walks using crutches, who claims the Grail is not a cup but instead
Mary Magdalene, Jesus Christ's wife. Teabing argues that she was
pregnant during His crucifixion, and the Priory was formed to protect
their descendants. The Opus Dei have been trying to destroy the Grail to
preserve the credibility of the Vatican. Later, Silas breaks into Teabing's
house, but Teabing, using one of his crutches, disables him. The group
escapes to London via Teabing's private plane, along with his butler,
Remy Jean. They travel to the Temple Church, but the clue to unlocking
the cryptex is a red herring. Silas is freed by Remy while claiming to be
the Teacher and taking Teabing hostage, dumping him in the car trunk,
and taking Silas to hide out in an Opus Dei safe house. Teabing, who is
revealed to be the Teacher, later poisons Remy and sends the police after
Silas. Silas is shot by police after accidentally wounding Aringarosa, who
is promptly arrested by Fache, who resents being used to hunt Langdon.
The Da Vinci Code 
Langdon and Sophie are confronted by Teabing, who wants to bring
down the Church for centuries of persecution and deceit. The trio goes
to Westminster Abbey to the tomb of Isaac Newton, a former grand
master of the Priory. Teabing demands that the pair open the cryptex.
Langdon tries and then tosses the cryptex into the air. Teabing dives
for it, catches it, but vinegar dribbles and the papyrus thought
destroyed. The police arrive to arrest Teabing, who realizes Langdon
must have solved the cryptex's code and removed the papyrus. The
code is revealed to be "APPLE", after the apocryphal myth of the
apple which led Newton to discover his law of universal gravitation.
The clue inside the cryptex, which tells of the Grail hiding "'neath the
rose", leads Langdon and Sophie to Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland.
The Da Vinci Code 
Inside the chapel, they discover Magdalene's tomb has been
removed. Langdon, after searching through documents,
realizes that Sophie's family died in a car crash, that Saunière
was not her grandfather but her protector, and that she is the
last descendant of Jesus Christ. The two are greeted by several
members of the Priory, including Sophie's grandmother, who
promises to protect her. Langdon and Sophie part ways, the
former returning to Paris. While shaving, he cuts himself and
has an epiphany when his blood curves down the sink,
reminding him of the Rose Line. Realizing the true meaning of
the cryptex clue, he follows the line to the Louvre, concluding
the Holy Grail, the sarcophagus of Mary Magdalene, is hidden
below the Pyramide Inversée. Langdon kneels above it.
The Da Vinci
(Main Characters)
The Da Vinci Code (Main Characters)
Robert Langdon
The Da Vinci Code (Main Characters)
Sophie Neveu
The Da Vinci Code (Main Characters)
The Da Vinci Code (Main Characters)
Sir Leigh Teabing
The Da Vinci Code (Main Characters)
Captain Bezu Fache
The Da Vinci Code (Main Characters)
Bishop Manuel Aringarosa
The Da Vinci Code (Main Characters)
Andre Vernet
The Da Vinci Code (Main Characters)
Father of Silas
The Da Vinci Code (Main Characters)
Jacques Saunière
“The end”

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