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Venn Diagram of
Once upon a time, a radiant man and an intelligent woman
fall in love.

He is creative, full of enthusiasm to the work of

art, and playful.

She, on the other hand, is rational, always eager

to explore different concepts, ideas, and
They were their own person, yet, attraction
draw them near towards each other.
The man read the books The woman embraced creativity
recommended by the woman. and read books about Van Gogh.
He also listen endlessly to her She joined the man to every art
musing about social issues. museums.
As for man and the woman, they tried to hide it. They tried
to be more alike.

The man thought,

“This is good, I don’t need to have my
paint materials at home. My love is right.
When these are here, our home becomes
dirty. Also, the painting on our living room
is too much.”
The woman also thought,
“I think I am disturbing him when I
talk about books. I believe that going
to the conference won’t be that
important. I think it’s more reasonable
to join my man to the art exhibit.”

They compromised. They highlighted their similarities and

sacrificed the things they are passionate about for ‘love’.
Finally, compromising becomes too much. They
became obsessed with maintaining similarity. They
argued about small things: all those that makes them
different from each other.

Why do I always have to

sacrifice for you?!
Finally, they both said...

“Where did we go

“I feel that there’s

always something
that is lacking”
Before they leave each other, they both said...

It’s not you, it’s me. I need

to find myself again.
And so, they part, to find themselves again.
This love story is an example of the Venn Diagram of Relationship
What happen when the two circles fully combine?

Either one consume the other or both forget who they are.
When one consumes the other in a relationship, it is not love. It is

When one forget themselves in a relationship, how can they love?

Especially when, in the first place, they don’t know who they are
Healthy relationship is a balance between trying to establish similarity
and of accepting differences and individualities

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