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Bsrt-1a GROUP 2
Define and describe the nature and basic concepts of the Philippine
01 Constitution

Explain the Flag Heraldic Code of the Philippines


03Explain the purpose of Volunteer Act of 2007

Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

What is a constitution?

It is a system for government, codified as a written

document, which contains fundamental laws and
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines
1. Concept of The Philippine Constitution

The Constitution of the Philippines is the supreme law of the


The constitution currently in effect was enacted in 1987, during the administration of President
Corazon Aquino, and popularly known as the “1987 Constitution”.

The 1987 constitution established a representative democracy with power divided among three separate
and independent branches of government: the Executive, a bicameral Legislature, and the Judiciary.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Nature and Purpose of Constitution

It serves as the supreme or fundamental law

It establishes the basic framework and underlying principles of

Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

The Evolution of the Constitutions

Malolos Constitution (1898 - 1901)

Philippine Organic Act of 1902 & Philippine Autonomy Act
of 1916 (1902 - 1935)
Commonwealth and Third Republic / 1935 Constitution
(1935 - 1943 & 1945 - 1972)

Japanese-Sponsored Republic / Second Republic / 1943

Constitution (1943 - 1945)
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

The Evolution of the Constitutions

Martial Law Constitution / 1973 Constitution (1973 - 1986)

Freedom Constitution / 1987 Constitution (1987 - Present)

Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of Almighty
God, in order to build a just and humane society and establish a
Government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote
the common good, conserve and develop our patrimony, and secure
to ourselves and our posterity the blessings of independence and
democracy under the rule of law and a regime of truth, justice,
freedom, love, equality, and peace, do ordain and promulgate this
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Bill of Rights (Article IV)


No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or

property without due process of law, nor shall any
person be denied the equal protection of the laws.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Bill of Rights (Article IV)

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against
unreasonable searches and seizures of whatever nature and for any purpose shall be
inviolable, and no search warrant or warrant of arrest shall issue except upon probable
cause to be determined personally by the judge after examination under oath or
affirmation of the complainant and the witnesses he may produce, and particularly
describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Bill of Rights (Article IV)

(1) The privacy of communication and correspondence shall be inviolable except
upon lawful order of the court, or when public safety or order requires otherwise,
as prescribed by law.

(2) Any evidence obtained in violation of this or the preceding section shall be
inadmissible for any purpose in any proceeding.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Bill of Rights (Article IV)


No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, of

expression, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Bill of Rights (Article IV)


No law shall be made respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting

the free exercise thereof. The free exercise and enjoyment of religious
profession and worship, without discrimination or preference, shall forever be
allowed. No religious test shall be required for the exercise of civil or political
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Bill of Rights (Article IV)


The liberty of abode and of changing the same within the limits prescribed by
law shall not be impaired except upon lawful order of the court. Neither shall
the right to travel be impaired except in the interest of national security, public
safety, or public health, as may be provided by law.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Bill of Rights (Article IV)

The right of the people to information on matters of public concern shall be
recognized. Access to official records, and to documents and papers pertaining
to official acts, transactions, or decisions, as well as to government research
data used as basis for policy development, shall be afforded the citizen, subject
to such limitations as may be provided by law.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Bill of Rights (Article IV)


The right of the people, including those employed in the

public and private sectors, to form unions, associations,
or societies for purposes not contrary to law shall not be
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Bill of Rights (Article IV)

Private property shall not be taken for public use without just compensation

Private property shall not be taken for public use without just compensation
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Bill of Rights (Article IV)

Free access to the courts and quasi-judicial bodies and adequate legal assistance shall not be denied to
any person by reason of poverty.

(1) Any person under investigation for the commission of an offense shall have the right to be informed of his
right to remain silent and to have competent and independent counsel preferably of his own choice. If the person
cannot afford the services of counsel, he must be provided with one. These rights cannot be waived except in
writing and in the presence of counsel.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Bill of Rights (Article IV)

(2) No torture, force, violence, threat, intimidation, or any other means which vitiate the
free will shall be used against him. Secret detention places, solitary, incommunicado, or
other similar forms of detention are prohibited.

(3) Any confession or admission obtained in violation of this or Section 17 hereof shall
be inadmissible in evidence against him.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Bill of Rights (Article IV)

(4) The law shall provide for penal and civil sanctions for violations of this section as
well as compensation to and rehabilitation of victims of torture or similar practices, and
their families
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Bill of Rights (Article IV)

All persons, except those charged with offenses punishable by reclusion
perpetua when evidence of guilt is strong, shall, before conviction, be bailable
by sufficient sureties, or be released on recognizance as may be provided by
law. The right to bail shall not be impaired even when the privilege of the writ
of habeas corpus is suspended. Excessive bail shall not be required.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Bill of Rights (Article IV)

(1) No person shall be held to answer for a criminal offense without due process of law.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Bill of Rights (Article IV)

(2) In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall be presumed innocent until the contrary is
proved, and shall enjoy the right to be heard by himself and counsel, to be informed of the nature
and cause of the accusation against him, to have a speedy, impartial, and public trial, to meet the
witnesses face to face, and to have compulsory process to secure the attendance of witnesses and
the production of evidence in his behalf. However, after arraignment, trial may proceed
notwithstanding the absence of the accused provided that he has been duly notified and his failure
to appear is unjustifiable.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Bill of Rights (Article IV)

The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended except in cases of invasion or
rebellion when the public safety requires it.

All persons shall have the right to a speedy disposition of their cases before all judicial, quasi-
judicial, or administrative bodies.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Bill of Rights (Article IV)

No person shall be compelled to be a witness against himself.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Bill of Rights (Article IV)

(1) No person shall be detained solely by reason of his political beliefs and

(2) No involuntary servitude in any form shall exist except as a punishment for
a crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Bill of Rights (Article IV)

(1) Excessive fines shall not be imposed, nor cruel, degrading or inhuman
punishment inflicted. Neither shall the death penalty be imposed, unless, for
compelling reasons involving heinous crimes, the Congress hereafter provides
for it. Any death penalty already imposed shall be reduced to reclusion
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Bill of Rights (Article IV)


(2) The employment of physical, psychological, or degrading punishment

against any prisoner or detainee or the use of substandard or inadequate penal
facilities under subhuman conditions shall be dealt with by law.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Bill of Rights (Article IV)

No person shall be imprisoned for debt or non-payment of a poll tax.

No person shall be twice put in jeopardy of punishment for the same offense. If an act is punished by a law and
an ordinance, conviction or acquittal under either shall constitute a bar to another prosecution for the same act.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Bill of Rights (Article IV)

No ex post facto law or bill of attainder shall be enact.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Article IV. Citizenship

Section 1: the following are the citizen of the Philippines
[1] Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the adoption of this
[2] Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of the Philippines;

[3] Those born before January 17, 1973, of Filipino mothers, who elect
Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of majority; and
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Article IV. Citizenship

Section 1: the following are the citizen of the Philippines
[4] Those who are naturalized in accordance with law.

Section 2
Natural-born citizens are those who are citizens of the Philippines from birth without
having to perform any act to acquire or perfect their Philippine citizenship. Those who
elect Philippine citizenship in accordance with paragraph (3), Section 1 hereof shall be
deemed natural-born citizens.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Article IV. Citizenship

Section 3
Philippine citizenship may be lost or reacquired in the manner provided by
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Article IV. Citizenship

Section 4
Citizens of the Philippines who marry aliens shall retain their citizenship,
unless by their act or omission, they are deemed, under the law, to have
renounced it.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Article IV. Citizenship

Section 5
Dual allegiance of citizens is inimical to the national interest and shall be dealt
with by law.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Article V. Duties and Responsibilities of Filipino Citizens

1. It is the duty of every Filipino to respect, honor and give due accord to his
Filipino heritage, patrimony, values and tradition.
2.It is the duty of every Filipino to contribute to the development, welfare and
nation-building of its country. is the duty of every Filipino to engage in gainful work to assure himself and
his family a life worthy of human dignity.
4.Loyalty to the federal republic and national consciousness, aspirations and
ideals shall be asked from every Filipino citizen.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Article V. Duties and Responsibilities of Filipino Citizens

5.Every Filipino citizen is asked to uphold this Constitution, obey the laws of the land,
pay taxes and duties, and to cooperate with the duly constituted authorities in the
attainment and preservation of a just and orderly society.
6.Every Filipino citizen must give due honor to the Philippine flag, National Anthem,
Philippine President and other national symbols and emblems.
7.It is the duty of every Filipino citizen to defend the national territory from aggressive
invaders, protect the sovereignty of its people, and preserve the continuity of a just,
human society and government.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Article V. Duties and Responsibilities of Filipino Citizens

8. It is the duty of every Filipino to report to the proper authorities all plots of
terrorism, plans of rebellion, subversion, or insurrection toward the duly and
legally acknowledge government, and other acts that will compromise the union
and sovereignty of the federal republic.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Article V. Duties and Responsibilities of Filipino Citizens

9.It is the obligation of every Filipino, to report corrupt, dishonest or fraudulent

government officials to the proper forum, courts and agencies. A Filipino shall
not tempt or bribe government officials, steal from the coffers of the
government, or escape or abandon his lawful responsibilities.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Republic Act 8491 - Flag Heraldic of the Philippines

Tenth Congress
Third Regular Session
Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday
the 28th of July 1997
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Section 1. Republic Act. No. 8491

Tenth Congress
Third Regular Session

An act prescribing the code of the national flag, anthem,

motto, coat- of- arms and other heraldic items and devices of
the Philippines, otherwise known as the “flag and heraldic
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Section 2. Declaration of Policy


THAT reverence and respect shall at all times be accorded the
flag, the anthem and other national symbols which embody the
national ideals and traditions and which express the principles
of sovereignty and national solidarity.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Section 2. Declaration of Policy

The heraldic items and devices shall seek to manifest the

national virtues and to inculcate in the minds and hearts of our
people a just pride in their native land, fitting respect and
affection for the national flag and anthem, and TO
STANDARDIZE the proper use of the national motto, coat-of-
arms and other heraldic items and devices.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Section 3. Definition of Terms

1.Military – means all the branches of the Armed Forces of the Philippines including the Philippine National
Police, the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology, and the Bureau of Fire Protection
2.Festoon – to hang in a curved shape between two points as a decoration
3.National Flag – "Flag" shall mean ANY REPRESENTATION OF the Philippine National Flag IN WHATEVER
MEDIA, unless stated otherwise;
4c.Fly – is the part of the flag outside the hoist or length
5.Symbol – any conventional sign that shows man’s achievement and heroism, identification, authority and a sign of
6.Half-mast – is the lowering of the flag to the middle of the pole
7.Halyard – the long rope used for raising and lowering the flag
8.Inclement Weather – when there is a typhoon signal raised in a locality
9.National Anthem – the “Lupang Hinirang”, Philippine National Anthem
10.Official Residences – is Malacanang and other government-owned structures where the President lives, and other
structures occupied by the Philippine Consulate or Embassies abroad
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Section 3. Definition of Terms

11.Places of Frivolity – places of hilarity marked by or providing boisterous merriment or recreation

12.Advertisement or Infomercial – these are any information material, printed or through radio, television and
electronic media which seeks to promote individuals, products or services, political purposes or information
13.Heraldic Items and Devices – are coat-of-arms, seals, logos, insignia, badges, flashes, patches, orders and
decorations, medals, stars, citations, lapel pins, trophies, dry, wax or wet seals, and imprints on letterheads, envelopes
and cards
14.Government Entities – all branches of government, its bureaus and attached agencies, constitutional offices,
government owned and/or controlled corporations, government financial institutions, state universities and colleges,
Armed Forces of the Philippines and its basic units
15.Vexillary Items – national, local house flags or administrative and corporate organization’s banner
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Section 27

Half- Mast
The National Flag should be at half-mast as a sign of mourning on all the buildings and places where it is
displayed on the official day of announcement of the death of the following officials:

 The President or former President (10 days);

 The Vice-President, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the President of the Senate and the Speaker of
the House of Representatives (7 days);
 Cabinet Secretaries, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, Members of the Senate and House of
Representatives, the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Director-General of the
Philippine National Police (5 days);
 Head of National Government Agencies, including Government Owned and Control Corporations and
Government Financial Institutions (3 days)
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Section 27

Half- Mast
The National Flag should be at half-mast as a sign of mourning on all the buildings and places where it is
displayed on the official day of announcement of the death of the following officials:

 The Commanding Generals of the Philippine Air Force and the Philippine Army and the Flag Officer in
Command of the Philippine Navy (3 days)
 Governors, Vice-Governors, city and municipal Mayor, city and municipal ViceMayors (3 days)
 Members of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan, Sangguniang Panlungsod and Sangguniang Bayan (on the day
of interment)
 Barangay Chairman and Barangay Councilman on the day of interment
 Former National or Local Government Officials, appointive or elective
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Section 27

Half- Mast
 During calamities and disasters, the National Flag shall also be flown at half-mast. RULE The flag must be
raised to the top of the pole before it is lowered to the half-mast position; and before it is lowered for the day
it must be raised to the top again.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Section 28


When positioning the flag, the white triangle must be at the head of the casket while the blue field
must cover the right side. To prevent the flag from falling off, a black band may be wrapped along
the side of the casket.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Section 29

Pledge to the National Flag

The following shall be the Pledge of Allegiance to the National Flag:
Panunumpa ng Katapatan sa Watawat ng Pilipinas

Ako ay Pilipino Buong Katapatang nanunumpa Maka-Diyos

Sa watawat ng Pilipinas Maka-Tao
At sa bansang kanyang sinasagisag Makakalikasan at
Na may dangal, Katarungan at Kalayaan Makabansa.
Na pinakikilos ng sambayanang

This pledge should be recited right after singing the National Anthem with the right palm open and shoulder raised high.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Section 39

Prohibited Acts
• To mutilate, deface, defile, trample on, cast
contempt, or commit any act or omission To use National Flag
casting dishonor or ridicule upon the 1. As drapery, festoon, tablecloth;
National Flag or over its surface; 2. As covering for ceilings, walls, statues or other
3. As a pennant in the hood, side, back and top of motor
• To dip the National Flag to any person or vehicles;
object by way of compliment or salute; 4. As a pennant in the hood, side, back and top of motor
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Section 39

Prohibited Acts
• To wear the National Flag in whole or in part as a costume or
To display the National Flag: uniform;
• To add any word, figure, mark, picture, design, drawings,
1. Under any painting or picture;
advertisement, or imprint of any nature on the National Flag;
2. Horizontally. It shall always be hoisted aloft and be • To print, paint or attach representation of the National Flag on
allowed to fall freely; handkerchiefs, Napkins, cushions, and articles of merchandise;
3. Below any platform; or • To display in public any foreign flag, except in embassies and other
4. In discotheques, cockpits, night and day clubs, casinos, diplomatic establishments, and in offices of international
gambling joints and places of vice or where frivolity organizations;
prevails. • To use or display or be part of any advertisement or infomercial;
• To display the National Flag in front of buildings or offices
occupied by aliens
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Section 40-41

National Anthem
The National Anthem should be interpreted in accordance with the musical arrangement and composition of Julian Felipe with its original lyrics and tempo.

Sa simoy at sa langit mong bughaw,

LUPANG HINIRANG May dilag ang tula
Bayang Magiliw
At awit sa paglayang minamahal.
Perlas ng Silanganan,
Ang kislap ng watawat mo’y
Alab ng puso
Tagumpay na nagniningning
Sa Dibdib mo’y buhay.
Ang bituin at araw niya,
Lupang Hinirang
Kailan pa may di magdidilim.
Duyan ka ng magiting,
Lupa ng araw, ng luwalhati’t pagsinta,
Sa manlulupig.
Buhay ay langit sa piling mo,
Di ka pasisiil.
Aming ligaya na pag may mang-aapi,
Sa dagat at bundok,
Ang mamatay ng dahil sa iyo.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Section 40-41

National Anthem
The National Anthem should be interpreted in accordance with the musical arrangement and composition of Julian Felipe with its original lyrics and tempo.

Sa simoy at sa langit mong bughaw,

LUPANG HINIRANG May dilag ang tula
Bayang Magiliw
At awit sa paglayang minamahal.
Perlas ng Silanganan,
Ang kislap ng watawat mo’y
Alab ng puso
Tagumpay na nagniningning
Sa Dibdib mo’y buhay.
Ang bituin at araw niya,
Lupang Hinirang
Kailan pa may di magdidilim.
Duyan ka ng magiting,
Lupa ng araw, ng luwalhati’t pagsinta,
Sa manlulupig.
Buhay ay langit sa piling mo,
Di ka pasisiil.
Aming ligaya na pag may mang-aapi,
Sa dagat at bundok,
Ang mamatay ng dahil sa iyo.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Section 45

Philippine National Motto

“Maka- Diyos, Maka- Tao,

Makakalikasan, Makabansa”
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Section 46

National Coat- Of- Arms (Sagisag ng Pilipinas)

The National Coat-of-Arms shall have:
Paleways of two (2) pieces, azure and gules; a chief argent studded with three (3) mullets equidistant from
each other; and, in point of honor, ovoid argent over all the sun rayonnant with eight minor and lesser rays.
Beneath shall be the scroll with the words “REPUBLIKA NG PILIPINAS,” inscribed thereon.

The eight-rayed sun symbolizes the eight provinces (Batangas, Bulacan, Cavite, Manila, Laguna, Nueva
Ecija, Pampanga and Tarlac) which were placed under martial law by Governor-General Ramón Blanco
during the Philippine Revolution, and the three five-pointed stars representing the three primary
geographic regions of Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Section 46

The Great Seal

The Great Seal should be in circular form with the same descriptions with the National Coat-of-Arms but
without the scroll and the inscription “Republika ng Pilipinas”. It should be surrounded by a double
marginal circle in which “Republika ng Pilipinas” should appear. The Great Seal should also bear the
National Motto.

Failure or refusal to adhere to the provisions of this act, and/or any violations of these Rules shall be
penalized as stipulated in R.A. 8491.

Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Republic Act 9418 - Volunteer Act of 2007

What is Republic The “Volunteer Act of 2007”, also known as the R.A. 9418, was
signed by former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on April 10,
Act No. 9418? 2007.

Acknowledges the potential of volunteering or “bayanihan”, as a

method for both national and international collaboration.

Through volunteerism, the act commits the government to

partnerships to achieve the necessary social transformation and
sustainable development (iVolunteer Ph, 2013).
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Republic Act 9418 - Volunteer Act of 2007

Declaration of It should be the policy of the state to promote the participation of

the different sectors of the society, international and foreign
Policy volunteer organizations in public and civic affairs, and adopt and
strengthen the practice of volunteerism as an approach in order to
reach national development and international understanding.
Every Filipino should be educated in volunteerism to foster social
justice, solidarity and sustainable development.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Republic Act 9418 - Volunteer Act of 2007

1. To provide the policy framework that shall underscore the

Goals and fundamental principles necessary to harmonize the broad and
diverse efforts of the voluntary sector.
objectives of the
2. To provide a conducive and enabling environment for the
Policy: mobilization and nurturance of volunteers and volunteer

3. To strengthen the Philippine National Volunteer Service

Coordinating Agency (PNVSCA) as an effective institution to
support volunteerism in the country.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Republic Act 9418 - Volunteer Act of 2007

1. Volunteerism - Is an activity undertaken for reasons arising from

socio-developmental, business or corporate orientation,
Definition of commitment or conviction for the attainment of the public good.
The act provides an enabling and empowering environment both
Terms: on the part of the beneficiary receiving and the volunteer
rendering the act.

2. Volunteer - A volunteer is a person or organization who devotes

time, effort, and resources—either on a full or part-time basis—to
a worthwhile and important social development cause.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Republic Act 9418 - Volunteer Act of 2007

3. Volunteer Service Organization - Refers to a local or foreign

group that recruits, trains, deploys and supports volunteer
Definition of workers to programs and projects. It can also mean a group that
provides services and resources such as information, capability
Terms: building, advocacy and networking for the attainment of the
common good.

4. Voluntary Section - Refers to the sectors of Philippine society

that unites as volunteers to engage in advocacy and action,
primarily in support of local and national development as well as
global understanding and cooperation.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Republic Act 9418 - Volunteer Act of 2007

Roles and 1. Volunteerism in academic institutions

Includes, but is not limited to, provision of technical assistance,
Modalities of sharing of technology within the academic institutions, and devising
ways to effectively teach and practice the value of volunteerism.
Volunteerism in
Private Sector 2. Volunteerism in the corporate sector
Refers to activities where employees give their time, skills and
resources in the service of the company's internal and/or external
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Republic Act 9418 - Volunteer Act of 2007

Roles and 3. Volunteerism by non-profit organizations

Modalities of Includes, but is not limited to, providing complementary service
delivery and human resource development in underserved
Volunteerism in communities, as well as advocacy and articulation of the cause of
disadvantaged and vulnerable groups.
Private Sector
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Republic Act 9418 - Volunteer Act of 2007

Roles and Modalities Volunteerism by foreign volunteer organizations

of Volunteerism by includes, but is not limited to, provision of technical
Foreign Volunteer assistance not locally accessible in priority
development areas within the framework of
Organizations technical cooperation and sociocultural exchange.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Republic Act 9418 - Volunteer Act of 2007

In order to promote, utilize, and recognize

Roles of the volunteerism in national development and
international cooperation, the government must
Government coordinate, facilitate, and encourage the voluntary
sector's engagement.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Republic Act 9418 - Volunteer Act of 2007

The Philippine
PNVSCA was established under the
National Volunteer
Executive Order No. 134 in order to review
Service Coordinating
and develop policies and guidelines for the
Agency (PNVSCA)
national volunteer service program.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Republic Act 9418 - Volunteer Act of 2007

1. Review and formulate policies and guidelines concerning the national
Functions of the PNVSCA:
volunteer service program consistent with national development
2. Coordinate, monitor and evaluate the national volunteer service
program in order that volunteer assistance may fit into the total national
development goals;
3. Act as clearing house for matters pertaining to international volunteer
4. Develop and implement prototypes and models of volunteering for
adoption by institutions and communities;
5. Provide technical services and support for capability building of
volunteers and volunteer organizations;
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Republic Act 9418 - Volunteer Act of 2007

The Multi-Sectoral
Advisory Body (MSAB)

 MSAB was established under the Executive Order No. 365 to assist the PNVSCA.

 It is composed of different government agencies (NEDA, DepED, DFA, DOJ, DILG, DSWD, CHED
and PMS) and representatives from the corporate sector, private academe sector and from the not-for-
profit sector.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Republic Act 9418 - Volunteer Act of 2007

The Multi-Sectoral Functions of the

Advisory Body (MSAB)
 Provide advice in the formulation of policies and guidelines for the national volunteer
service program;
 Provide consultative and technical advisory services on volunteer matters; and
 Serve as a forum to enhance and strengthen linkages between and among volunteer
groups and communities.
Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines

Thank you…
Agas, J. M. Q., de Leon, M. K. C. C., & Ricafrente, M. C. PROGRAM MODULE.

Camilo, C. (n.d.). Introduction to Philippine Constitution 1987. Retrieved October 8, 2022,


Constitutional history of the Philippines. (n.d.). ConstitutionNet. Retrieved October 8, 2022, from

Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating Agency. (2021, April 4). Republic Act No. 9418 - Philippine
National Volunteer Service Coordinating Agency. Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating Agency - Build
Hope, Change Lives: Volunteer! Retrieved October 8, 2022, from

Republic Act No. 8491 | GOVPH. (1998, February 12). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines. Retrieved
October 8, 2022, from

Volunteer Act of 2007 - Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating Agency. (2020, August 9). Philippine
National Volunteer Service Coordinating Agency - Build Hope, Change Lives: Volunteer! Retrieved October 8, 2022,
PPT MAKER / Aaron castillo Mora
Jeff Jarrell Fernando
Sharize Kyrie Espiritu

REPORTERS Paul Rafaelle Reperuga

Ashley Feye Lim
Sofia Tangbawan
Leanne Joyce Mendoza SUBMITTED TO:
Twyla Joice Bello Prof.Vilma T. Villaluz, RM,
Francinne Louisse Soriano Nstp-1 professo

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