Adept Material Assessment and Evaluation in Mathematics

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Assessment and

evaluation in
Examination for
Teachers (LET)

Answer the following
questions: ?
• What is assessment for you?
• When do you conduct assessment?
• How do you assess math skills?
Why do we need standards?
• To make sure that everyone delivers quality work
• To produce quality students
• To deliver quality programs
• Basis on what to assess
What is a “student learning
outcome”? ?
Student learning outcomes are properly defined in terms of
the knowledge, skills, and abilities that a student has
attained at the end (or as a result) of his or her engagement
in a particular set of education experiences.
Purpose of an assessment:

to provide information about skills in a content area
to guide instruction for the individual and for groups
• to provide feedback or information
• to plan further instruction
• to improve instructional practices
• to focus on what the student can do
• to guide decisions about instruction (Formative)
Purpose of a test/exam:
• to provide feedback about skills learned or obtained via
• to determine the areas in which an individual needs re-
• to provide grades
• to focus on what the student cannot do
• to indicate attainment of skills (Summative)
Desirable test attributes
• Reliability ?
• Validity Test length should be
• Objectivity 1.Long enough to be reliable

• Balance 2.Short enough to be administered

• Fairness
• Practicality
Goals for making tests
• Be concise
• Be singular – focus on one aspect
• Be realistic
• Use definite terms
• Delineate expected behavior
Mathematics standards for
• Algebra
junior hs ?
–explore the concepts involving a quadratic function and its graph and
solve problems involving quadratic functions and equations.
–solve equations involving rational expressions
–explore relationships of quantities that involve variation and solve
problems involving direct, indirect and joint variation
Mathematics standards for
junior hs ?
–simplify expressions with rational exponents and solve problems
involving them.
–perform fundamental operations on expressions involving
radicals and solve problems involving expressions and equations
with radicals.
Mathematics standards for
• Trigonometry
junior hs ?
– explore the concept of trigonometric ratios and use these to solve
problems on angles of elevation and depression and navigation.
– generate an arithmetic and a geometric sequence, find the sums of the terms
in the sequence and solve problems involving these sequences.
– explore polynomial functions
Mathematics standards for
• Geometry
junior hs ?
– use the fundamental theorems of proportionality
– prove and use concepts on triangle similarity, particularly on similarity of
right triangles to solve problems.
– prove and use theorems involving quadrilaterals.
– find parts of a circle and solve problems involving the circle and its parts.
Mathematics standards for
junior hs
– explore geometric figures on the rectangular coordinate plane.
• Statistics
–describe a set of data using measures of position.
–count occurrences of an event and arrangements using the
Fundamental Counting Principle, Permutations and Combinations.
–find the probability of compound events.
DepEd Taxonomy
• content of the
curriculum, the • cognitive
facts and operations that
information that the student
the student Knowledge Process performs

Understanding Product/Performance

• enduring big ideas,

principles, and
generalizations inherent to • real-life application
the discipline of understanding
Which of the following statements of the relationship between market
price and normal price is true? ?
a.Over a short period of time, market price varies directly with changes in
normal price.
b.Over a long period of time, market price tends to equal normal price.
c.Market price is usually lower than normal price.
d.Over a long period of time, market price determines
normal price.
Translation from symbolic form to another form, or vice versa
Which of the graphs below best represent the supply situation
where a monopolist maintains a uniform price regardless of
the amounts which people buy?





Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity
In the following items (4-8) you are to judge the effects of a particular policy on the
distribution of income. In each case assume that there are no other changes in
policy that would counteract the effect of the policy described in the item. Mark
the item:
A. If the policy described would tend to reduce the existing degree of inequality in
the distribution of income,
B. If the policy described would tend to increase the existing degree of inequality
in the distribution of income, or
C. If the policy described would have no effect, or an indeterminate effect, on the
distribution of income.
4. Increasingly progressive income taxes.
5. Confiscation of rent on unimproved
6. Introduction of a national sales tax
7. Increasing the personal exemptions from income taxes
8. Distributing a subsidy to sharecroppers on southern farms
Have perspective
After reading the passage answer the following questions…
1. Where was Carol walking?
a. park
b. beach
c. mall
d. city hall
2. How did she feel on this walk?
a. envied
b. sad
c. relaxed
d. happy
Have perspective
3. Carol envied the people around her because they
a. were sad and lonely
b. love the city life
c. were laughing and joking
d. don’t like the city
• Your new maid from the mountain destroyed
your very expensive Narra door and she
used it as firewood and cooked rice in your
newly landscaped garden. How should you
• A…
• B…
• C…
• D…
Source of assessment information
• Assessment Results
– Classroom Assessment: Quarterly Test, Quizzes
– National Assessment: NAT Results (Grade 6)

Sources of information on student mastery
• Forms
– Formative
– Summative
• Types
– Paper and Pencil
– Alternative forms: Performance, authentic, Portfolio

• Approaches
– Assessment “of” learning
– Assessment “for” learning
Assessment literacy
• (1) Assessment comes with a clear purpose
• (2) focusing on achievement targets
• (3) selecting proper assessment methods
• (4) sampling student achievement
Reading assessment results

Reading assessment result

Reading Assessment Results

Reading Assessment Results


Beginning Advanced
Approaching Proficient
Reading Assessment Results

Reading Assessment Results
• Mathematics NAT
• 15 items
– Place value = 1
– Fraction = 2
– Measurement = 2
– Multiplication = 1
– Division = 2
– Lines = 1 29

– Addition = 3 (Problem solving)

– Ratio and proportion = 1
– Statistics = 2 (interpreting graphs)
Approach in Assessment

Assessment of

Assessment for

Assessment as
Effect of Previous Practices:
rank students on
achievement by graduation
New Expectation: Assure
competence in Math,
Reading, Writing, etc.
• Implications? 31

Assessment and grading

procedures should help
students succeed.
• We need to close the gap between
standards and students competencies
• Risk: our society will be unable to
productively evolve in social and
economic sense.
• Assessment is a tool to ensure student

mastery of essential standards.


• Mistaken beliefs about how to use

assessment to support school
• High-stakes tests are good for all
students because they motivate learning
• If I threaten to fail you, it will
cause you to try harder
• If a little intimidation doesn’t work,
use a lot of intimidation

• The way to maximize learning is
to maximize anxiety
• It is the adults who use
assessment results to make the
most important instructional

• Teachers and leaders don’t need to understand sound
assessment practices – the testing people will take care
of us.

• They do need to understand sound assessment

Assessment “for”
• Assessment Crisis: The Absence Of
Assessment FOR Learning
• By Rick Stiggins

Assessment “for”
• School improvement requires:
• the articulation of higher
achievement standards,
• the transformation of
those expectations
into rigorous
assessments, and
• the expectation of
accountability on the part of
educators for student
achievement, as reflected in
test scores.

Assessment “for”
• When we assess for learning,
teachers use the classroom
assessment process and the
continuous flow of information
about student achievement
that it provides in order to
advance, not merely check on,
student learning.

Assessment “for” Learning

1 2 3
understanding and articulating informing their students about becoming assessment literate
in advance of teaching the those learning goals, in terms and thus able to transform
achievement targets that their that students understand, their expectations into
students are to hit; from the very beginning of assessment exercises and
the teaching and learning scoring procedures that
process; accurately reflect student

Assessment “for” Learning

01 02
using classroom assessments to build translating classroom assessment results into
students’ confidence in themselves as frequent descriptive feedback (versus
learners and help them take responsibility judgmental feedback) for students,
for their own learning, so as to lay a providing them with specific insights as to
foundation for lifelong learning; how to improve;

Assessment “for” Learning

continuously adjusting instruction based on the results of classroom assessments;

engaging students in regular self-assessment, with standards held constant so that students
can watch themselves grow over time and thus feel in charge of their own success; and

actively involving students in communicating with their teacher and their families about
their achievement status and improvement.

Need not be
graded as
They serve as
practice for
exams or

Formative quarterlies, for

example) are.

Assessment They check for

understanding they also provide
along the way feedback to
and guide teacher students so they
decision making can improve their
about future performance

Formative • For assessments to be accurate, teachers

Assessment • multiple measures of student

• Teachers need evidence gathered
over time in different ways to
evaluate how effective the teaching
and learning process has been.
• Tomlinson and McTighe (2006) suggest
that when teachers gather a "photo
album" rather than a "snapshot" of our
students, we can differentiate instruction
based on a more accurate evaluation of
our students' learning needs.

• 1. Student friendly targets from the
• 2. Models of strong and weak work
• 3. Continuous descriptive feedback
• 4. Teach self-assessment and goal
• 5. Teach one facet at a time.
• 6. Teach focused revision.
• 7. Teach self-reflection to track growth

• Group Assessment - allows you
to quickly identify problems or
misconceptions, which you can
address immediately.
• Individual assessment - Provide
some feedback to the learner,
perhaps in the form of a brief
comment or, at the very least, a
check, check-plus or check-minus,
with a brief verbal explanation
about what each symbol indicates
Formative Assessment

Summaries and Reflections .Students stop and reflect, make sense of what they have heard or read,
derive personal meaning from their learning experiences, and/or increase their metacognitive skills.
These require that students use content-specific language.

Lists, Charts, and Graphic Organizers Students will organize information, make connections, and note
relationships through the use of various graphic organizers.

Visual Representations of Information Students will use both words and pictures to make connections
and increase memory, facilitating retrieval
46 of information later on. This "dual coding" helps teachers
address classroom diversity, preferences in learning style, and different ways of "knowing."

Collaborative Activities Students have the opportunity to move and/or communicate with others as
they develop and demonstrate their understanding of concepts.
Formative Assessment can be an integral part of instruction
(Guskey, 2007):

(1) use assessments as sources of information for both

students and teachers,

(2) follow assessments with high-quality corrective
instruction, and

(3) give students second chances to demonstrate success

Formative Assessment

By varying the type of assessment you Using at least one formative

use over the week, you can get a assessment daily enables you to
more accurate picture of what evaluate and assess the quality of the
students know and understand, learning that is taking place in your
obtaining a "multiple- measure classroom and answer these driving
assessment ‘window' into student questions: How is this student evolving
understanding" (Ainsworth & Viegut, as a learner? What can I do to assist
2006). this learner on his path to mastery?

• Response to Intervention (RTI) model
• Tier 1 interventions include monitoring at-risk
students within the general education

classroom, ensuring that each student has
access to a high- quality education that is
matched to his or her needs.
• RTI focuses on improving academic

Assessment achievement by using scientifically based

instructional practices.
• Use alternative assessment which utilizes quality
interventions matched to student needs, coupled
with formative evaluation to obtain data over
time to make critical educational decisions.

Techniques in Writing Items
Multiple Choice

1. Rene Descartes is Why is the item faulty?

a. a famous Italian.
b. important in mathematics. • It is recommended that the
c. known for his analytical geometry. • item be a direct question.
The stem should pose a
d. the author of many books. clear, define, explicit, and
singular problem.
Multiple Choice
•IMPROVED: With which one of the mathematics
field is Rene Descartes associated?
• Analytical geometry
• Differential calculus
• Discrete mathematics
• Computational mathematics
Multiple Choice

2. Milk can be pasteurized at home by

a. heating it to a temperature of 130o
b. Heating it to a temperature of 145o
c. Heating it to a temperature of 160o
d. Heating it to a temperature of 175o

•Include in the stem any words that might otherwise be repeated

in each response.
Why is the item faulty?
Multiple Choice

IMPROVED: The minimum temperature that

can be used to pasteurize milk at home is:
a. 130o
b. 145o
c. 160o
d. 175o
Multiple Choice
3. Although the experimental research, particularly that by
Hansmocker must be considered equivocal and assumptions
viewed as too restrictive, most testing experts would
recommend as the easiest method of significantly improving
paper-and-pencil achievement test reliability to
a. increase the size of the group being tested.
b. increase the differential weighting of items.
c. increase the objective of scoring.
d. increase the number of items.
Why is the item
e. increase the amount of testing time. faulty?

Items should be stated simply and understandably, excluding

all nonfunctional words from stem and alternatives.
Multiple Choice

IMPROVED: Assume a 10-item, 10-minute paper-

and-pencil multiple choice achievement test has a
reliability of .40. The easiest way of increasing
the reliability to .80 would be to increased
a. group size
b. scoring objectivity
c. differential item scoring weights
d. the number of items
e. testing time
Multiple Choice

4. None of the following is a prime

number except
a. 17
b. 64
c. 96
d. 98
•Avoid negatively stated items
Why is the item
Multiple Choice

IMPROVED: Which of the following is a prime

a. 17
b. 64
c. 96
d. 98
Multiple Choice

5. Who is the primary proponent of the Field

theory in solving equations?
a. Ernst Steinitz
b. Manny Paquiao
c. Lea Salonga Why is the item
d. Mark Twain
•If possible the alternatives should be presented in some logical,
numerical, or systematic order.
•Response alternatives should be mutually exclusive.
Multiple Choice
•IMPROVED: Who is the primary proponent of the
Field theory in solving equations?
• Ernst Steinitz
• Richard Dedekind
• Leopold Kronecker
• Heinrich M. Weber
Multiple Choice

6. Which of the following statements makes

clear the meaning of the word “electron”?
a. An electronic tool
b. Neutral particles
c. Negative particles
d. A voting machine Why is the item
e. The nuclei of atoms

•Make all responses plausible and attractive to the less

knowledgeable and skillful student.
Multiple Choice

IMPROVED: Which of the following phrases is

a description of an “electron”?
a. Neutral particle
b. Negative particle
c. Neutralized proton
d. Radiated particle
e. Atom nucleus
Multiple Choice

7. What is the area of a right triangle whose

sides adjacent to the right angle are 4 inches
long respectively?
a. 7
b. 12
c. 25 Why is the item
d. None of the above
•The response alternative “None of the above” should be used
with caution, if at all.
Multiple Choice

IMPROVED: What is the area of a right triangle

whose sides adjacent to the right angle are 4
inches and 3 inches respectively?
a. 6 sq. inches
b. 7 sq. inches
c. 12 sq. inches
d. 25 sq. inches
e. None of the above
Multiple Choice
8. If the sum of 70 and 60 is 130, then the sum of
700 and 600 is
a. was greater than 1500.
b. to be a whole number.
c. was less than 900.
d. to be approximately 1300.

Make options grammatically parallel to each other and consistent

with the stem.
Why is the item
Multiple Choice

IMPROVED: If the sum of 70 and 60 is 130, then the

sum of 700 and 600 is…
a. 1300.
b. 1400.
c. 1500.
d. 1600.
Multiple Choice
10. What is the number that raises a base to a
certain power?
a. exponent
b. logarithm
c. tangent
d. cosecant Why is the item

In testing for understanding of a term or concept, it is generally

preferable to present the term in the stem and alternative
definitions in the options.
Multiple Choice
IMPROVED: Which of the following statements
is the best description of a logarithm?
Magno, C., & Ouano, J. (2010). Designing
Written Assessment for student learning.
Manila: Phoenix.
Ability to Recognize the
Relevance of Information

Ability to
Warranted and

• Ability to Recognize Inferences

Ability to
al Findings

Ability to

Ability to

Reading comprehension

• Bem (1975) has argued that androgynous people are “better off” than their sex-typed counterparts because 35. What is the independent variable in
the study?
they are not constrained by rigid sex-role concepts and are freer to respond to a wider variety of situations.
Seeking to test this hypothesis, Bem exposed masculine, feminine, and androgynous men and women to a. Situations calling for
situations that called for independence (a masculine attribute) or nurturance (a feminine attribute). The test independence and nurturance
b. Situation to make the sex type
for masculine independence assessed the subject’s willingness to resist social pressure by refusing to agree react
with peers who gave bogus judgments when rating cartoons for funniness (for example, several peers might c. Situations to make the
say that a very funny cartoon was hilarious). Nurturance or feminine expressiveness, was measured by androgynous be flexible
d. Situations like sex type,
observing the behavior of the subject when left alone for ten minutes with a 5-month old baby. The result androgynous and
confirmed Bem’s hypothesis. Both the masculine sex- typed and the androgynous subjects were more sex role concepts
independent (less conforming) on the ‘independence” test than feminine sex-typed individuals.
36. What are the levels of the IV?
Furthermore, both the feminine and the androgynous subjects were more “nurturant” than the masculine
sex-typed individuals when interacting with the baby. Thus, the androgynous subjects were quite flexible, a. masculine attribute and feminine
they performed as masculine subjects did on the attribute
b. rating cartoons and taking care
“feminine” task. of a baby
c. independence and nurturance
d. flexibility and rigidity

Interpreting Diagrams
Instruction. Study the following illustrations and answer the following
101. Which group received the treatment?
Figure 1
a. group A b.
Group A group B
b. c. none of the above
102. Why did group B remain stable across the
Group B experiment?

a. there is an Extraneous Variable

b. There was no treatment
77 c. ceiling effect occured

103. What is the problem during the pretest phase of

the experiment?

Pretest Posttest a. the two groups are nonequivalent

b. the groups are competing with each other
c. the treatment took place immediately
Assessment and evaluation in
Thank you !!!!!

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