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3 of 5 Continued ref: VA HQ

is the Deep State – They

gave themselves away when
they directed Voncelle
James/Angela Kendrix to go
into our files under the name
Americans this is Proof that VA
HQ (Deep State) attorneys in
building 810, Post Office and
Third-Party Contractors in FL,
PA, and KS are corrupt ref: The
EEOC/ORM Justice System
SETTLE. We can prove the entire EEOC/ORM is designed by the Attorneys in
building 810 and is corrupt as hell.
As per OSHA Regional who worked for them for 10 years, everyone is involved
even the senators and congressmen. He left VA HQ because he said, you can play,
but you cannot get caught. Once you are caught, they throw you under the bus.
Once Americans find out their game, they wont be able to show their faces.
(1) Expose the VA HQ’s using our REAL TIME RICO CASE
(S) using EEOC/ORM System/RICO to Supreme Court

(2) Follow the patterns aka RICO use ADA Client cases 2015
to 2022

(3) Update Brad’s fake Kangaroo Case


(1) Prove there is no justice in America as justice is a joke


(2) VA, HQ, [Second largest Executive Branch] is the

Deep State
NOTE: THE DOCUMENTS I provide you are FOUND IN THE 2018 Transmittal records. Be Advise: (1) VA Attorneys in
building 810, (2) Judge Amy B. Jackson, (3) DOJ. (4) DOD and etc., knows the truth.

Their mission is to do the opposite. FOR example: (1) weaponize the system (e.g., agencies especially the post office, DOJ and
the IRS) against us, (2) take away our benefits so we don’t have money to use against them in court, (3) force us to use their
corrupt ass attorneys, (4) use fake perjured document on public record so we would never work again and spend thousands
clearing our name.

NOTE: This is why establishing Subject Matter Jurisdiction means EVERYTHING.

The DEEP STATE aka THE UNITED STATES INC, use the State Courts, Judges, ADA Clerks, Clerks, Sheriff’s Department,
Commissioners, Prosecutors and Fake Admin trickery against you. If you don’t know their games and you don’t know the
rules, you end up in jail or their mental facility.

Their game is – everything they touch is a lie. They use hearsay, assumption, presumption and perjury. They are acting as their
goal is to take your money, dignity, frequency, vibration and change your reality [to their reality] and convince you that you
are lost at sea and have no rights.
If you don’t know your rights, you don’t have rights and they will do anything to you as their goal is to get you into their jail,
or medical facility because it is all about money and playing a psychological game to take away your frequency and vibration .
Their goal is to cause legal abuse syndrome which is a crime. LAS is done WILLFULLY and intentionally. These
traitors want you (1) to forget who you are, (2) forget you have rights, (3) control you, (4) and agree to their nonsense.

They also threaten jail (See Judge William on 9 July during our fake reconsideration hearing when I asked him to
recuse himself as a matter of law). When they get you in jail, their goal is to degrade you (think bend over. Why you
are not a criminal) ovMen say “that [them playing with your ass]” is the most degrading feeling a man could ever feel.
Jeff B said if he has to go through that one more time he is not coming out. They send people in there to rape you or
beat you up (See Marti Oakleys 2019 Whistleblower guest. Pay attention to what they did to her WILLFULLY. Also
see WA State Correction facility. The guards and Trans are raping the women)

BLUF: THESE people know what they are doing. They get you in their jail [jails are built based on how many brown
little boys/girls are in the third grade]. Why going to jail is a business.

Also they use jails to put whistleblowers in so they continue their crime. If the whistleblower is in prison (look what
they did to us and all whistleblowers using fake peace orders), their higher court case against their friends, goes away,
and their crimes against humanity continues.
• NOTE: EVERYTHING MUST BE ON THE RECORD. They not only manipulate the record
after you pay for it. THEY control the records while they build a fake case. .
• They use/weaponize:
• (1) Sheriffs Department, (2) Judges, (3) Clerks, (4) fake police reports, (5) fake

Continued. peace orders [the fake police report gets you into their fake criminal court].
Why do they want you into their fake criminal court, or mental facility (pay
attention to what the Prosecutor told Brad on 29 Oct 2022. He told Brad, give
us $3,000 or go to our mental institution for 6 months. THINK why would the
PROSECUTOR ask BRAD to give them money or go to their mental institution
for 6 month. (1) Brad was not guilty, (2) They did not establish SMJ which
means the PROSECUTOR just violated an 18 USC 1341/RICO violation.
• Once the Prosecutor told Judge Margaret Taylor, that Brad was not going to
give them money or go to their jail, what did Margaret Taylor do that was
wrong? She said on the record, we will coordinate fake kangaroo court on 29
Nov 2022. This is TREASON. Why? Because I challenged SMJ and asked for
Reasonable Accommodations BEFORE 29 Oct. They cannot steal ADA funds
and deny ADA rights. Furthermore, she cannot NOT ESTABLISH SMJ, fail to
take Brad’s document, not let me speak for Brad, tell Brad he cannot have a
jury trial. And she damn sure cannot tell a SGT from the Anne Arundel
Sheriff’s department to come onto a military installation to violate my rights.
BS this is a sting! These people cannot be this stupid.
• Furthermore, the Prosecutor cannot ask Brad for $3,000 of go to his medical
facility for 6 months without establishing SMJ. That is an 18 USC 1341

• Pay attention to the Commissioners. The courts use commissioners and clerks to do their dirty work: The commissioner’s job is to: (1) pass out fake peace orders, (2) deny peace orders if your
name is in their data base.
• I had a judge (JUDGE WILLIAMS) and his interns come to the commissioner’s office when we filed against Voncelle James. The commissioner who was going to give my son, the process server a
peace order but denied him protection after she: (1) looked into the datebase. She then called Judge Williams to the office. NOTE: Judge Williams is the same Judge VA paid under the table to give a
fake peace order on 13 June 2019. He was also the same judge who would not recuse himself at our fake reconsideration hearing. What pissed me off is he had a young brown man (20 years) in a
know he did that to scare us to behave and take the FAKE PEACE ORDER. HE TOLD ME THAT THE PEACE ORDER WAS ONLY FOR 6 MONTHS??? Why would we take a fake peace order? According to
their rules which we know he knew – BLUF you cannot give us [ADA ADVOCATES] fake peace order that would be a FELONY. Additionally, according to his rules, you cannot give a peace order to
some who was not there and someone who was doing anything legal. Also, one knows the commissioner is a joke because, if she is going to call us to court and try violate our rights, she should not
lie when we tell her that we want to challenge SMJ. Once SMJ is challenge, everyone should know that everything stops and the plaintiffs is to prove SMJ. The games are for the birds!
• Justice is the biggest scam! You spend thousands of dollars clearing your name, paying for the records, and they ignore the truth. Judge Williams also denied all my SMJ challenges, motions to
explain to the court why he committed TREASON. Just like Margaret Taylor and all those other Judges in Hillsborough who have no issues writing void orders.
• The baby commissioner also reviews (1) the court data base, (2) calls you into court when you don’t have a lawyer then (3) attempts to convince you to get one of their corrupt ass attorneys before
your fake criminal kangaroo court date.
• Issue: once we tell the commissioner that we had a DE NOVO HEARING which means the fake peace order VA HQ’s and Voncelle James paid for using American taxpayers, she/he should know
everything is VOID. She should be responsible enough to make wrong right vs. try to play us and the other victims that were in the room
• THE COMMISSIONER should be trained to know to stop the BS and tell us the truth). Likewise, once, when I tell a Sheriff Deputy that the Peace order is BS or the cease and desists order is against
the law, he should know the ADA interference Act and or the consequences of his actions. If they knew the consequences of their actions, they would not be giving out fake peace orders or issuing
wrong advice. What are theydoing with the training dollars that we AMERICANS are giving them to know the law? (e.g. COURT ADA Advocate are liars and not trained).
• The issue: These pawns are not paying attention to detail especially when they enter a military installation. I specifically told SGT ERIC CRANE that I was going to get him if he did not do his G2 as this
is the 2nd time a sheriff’s depurty came to my house [on a military installation] and gave me a fake ass peace order. I told them it was fake but what do they do? Nothing. Professional people try to
• There is no way these people are this stupid and untrained! They cannot continue to cause a preventable health issue
Continued ref: •

The other agencies (e.g., 58)
Others they use • Post Office

against you • ADA Clerks

during their •

Security Guards
Officers at check points
illegal • Trolls to get information out of you, suck your energy and or find out where are you
getting money to use against them.
retaliation • Your friends
Pay attention to the affidavit ref: VA really? Post Office really? Do we
really need to go through this fake ORM/EEOC game? You got caught at
every turn violating our rights. You are also causing a preventable health
I am going to begin when we discovered VA HQ’sissue as
which is a crime!
it pertains to Legal
their Abuse
system is a crime.
(EEOC/ORM) is a scam. Once we discovered this, based on MD100, their policies/rule you
VA HQ in WA DC, the 2nd largest Executive Branch whose mission is to
can demand an outside investigation,take
we care
got the POST OFFICE.and
of soldiers/veterans Wetheir
the post office 65
are harming/killing
additional/acceptable claims with merit. These claims cannot be dismissed until we are them.
made whole. The claims are done correctly because they were accepted and placed in the
We know you are doing the opposite… oh and by the way deep state, you
Transmittal Record with
gave the other
yourself acceptable
away when you toldclaims…
Voncelle James to go into our medical
records under the name of Cindy Boyd, KS.
• Again, I am going to start this story when we demanded an outside investigation (anyone other than VA NAZI and their pawns).
• We know:
• They (VA Attorneys in building 810) are meeting at 3:00 and 5:00 pm from insiders ref: Our case, retaliation and etc.
• The VA hired the Post Office which they cannot do. This is illegal as hell
• The VA hired the EEOC Judge from Atlanta
• The VA is paying for other agencies not to do their job
• The VA is using a system to go into our medical records illegally
• The VA is withholding my benefits, my father’s benefits. Took 1000 dollars from NIKI my EEOC and Ada Advocate
• Having Dr. Racha alter medical records
• Hired ORM Pawns who don’t know what the ADA rules are
• Exacerbating Robert’s, Austin’s and my disability to no end
• Fast Forward – On 18 Jun 2018 VA HQ denied Robert ADA RA FMLA leave and ignored Dr. Price’s (a board-certified doctor’s
order) Retaliated against us because Dr Prices medical records which states VA is willfully causing harm to my entire family
[Especially Austin who reached to Dr. Price]. Dr. Price told VA that they are causing harm to Austin and me by ignoring her
advise, the ADA Act and Robert’s needs as Robert is a JAG attorney and helping Veterans is not what he does it is who he is. He
has never been in trouble and to exacerbate his condition is a crime. Dr. Price said take him out of VA environment and let him
work from home until after the EEOC/ORM investigation, otherwise VA will cause harm to our entire family as my disability will
not let me sleep until my family is taken care of.
• VA ignored Dr. Prices orders/request and continue retaliating using Voncelle James, Angela Kendrix, Chritopher Wunsch (VA’s
ADA Director), Kevin Brown (ADA Rep), Karen Agees (Fake HR rep), Fake investigators and etc. They also played a mental game
on Robert by allow VJ to give Robert fake letters of reprimands, denying us benefits and etc.
• On 14 Aug 2018 Robert suffered a stroke. Austin cried out for help. I was trying to hold everyone together. I told Dr. Briggs that I
had to put my school on hold because VA was trying to harm my family while the leaders watched. Also, when Robert suffered a
stroke everyone at the VA started covering their crimes by making Robert into the criminal.
• but by this point and time, we did not trust the system and/or the corrupt Ass EEOC Judge.
2018 email and Affidavit found in the transmittal record
Gail Leary, Third Party
Contractor located in
Sarasota, FL, POST OFFICE.
When we discovered VA was NOTE: VA HIRED HER
corrupt, we went outside the ILLEGALLY.
district to ORM, Eric Shakin
because of 42 USC 1986 leaders
must help Dr. Anne Klein, MN. VA hired
her illegally.

Note: DOJ (Alan Burch) tried

to tell us that they are
responsible for Dr. Klein and
Gail Leary to cover for VA’s
crime, fraud, waste, abuse
VA attorneys hire more
illegal contractors on Issue:
American’s tax dollars to #1 - DOJ cannot touch our
monitor our case? Note: case because of the Westfall
They can play, but they Act
cannot get caught. #2 – The Post Office has their
own attorneys
#3 – The first page of the
Transmittal record is fraud
Lois Scoon and Anderson are criminals.
Voncelle James sent them our ADA RA
because Gail Leary signed on
medical records and said, “Here is VA’s letter head which means
more documents for your the entire 180 EEOC/ORM
consideration”…Sue wants to put me
in jail. NOTE: Everything I send is
process was BS! Illegal as hell.
medical confidential and must NOT BE
SHARED or sent to anyone’s HOTMAIL
ACCOUNT. VA does the opposite.
This is when we
demanded to take our
EEOC/ORM case out of
VA HQ’s under control VA denied FMLA
of the Attorneys in leave and Dr. Prices
Building 810 to another ordered and forced
Agency (Post Office). Robert to return to
Once it leaves,
VA/ORM, VA cannot
VA so they could
touch it. However, we exacerbate his
caught VA directing the condition using VJ
POST OFFICE. By this and AK against Dr.
time we gave the POST Prices orders.
OFFICE, 65 acceptable Robert becomes
claims. This does not
include the other 100
GOD give rights claims
found in the transmittal VA leaders,
letter. BLUF: We found congressmen,
fraud, waste, abuse, senators do nothing.
HIPAA Law violation, OSHA investigation
NIST and etc in the VA’s
EEOC/ORM System. We
refused because the
told the POST OFFICE report would
what should we do? generate a
They have another congressional and
agency we could to, become a public
OEDCA but by this interest case.
point and time, we did
not trust the system
NOTE: 22 soldiers die
and/or the corrupt Ass a day and VA is the
EEOC Judge. issue.
Daniel Shisbury is We basically caught the Third- Party Contractor
(POST OFFICE), ORM (Court Clerks), VA Attorneys
significant because he
in Building 810 and VA leaders that the
is a Third Party EEOC/ORM system is broken. We caught them
Contractor who is violating our rights, the law at every corner. Do
from PA. He also we still need to play this game while they illegally
attempted to make us retaliate against my ADA Client, my husband. I
take the 9 fake claims. asked VA to more Robert out of the VA
NOTE: The 9 fake contaminated areas as per Dr. Price ad Voncelle
James and Angela Kendrix are willfully causing
claims are found in
him harm by exacerbating his disability. They
the transmittal refuse and deny ADA RA which is a crime.
record. When they
could not put us in
Jail using the ANTI
Judge Amy B. Jackson
and DOJ (Alan Burch
and Paul Cirino and
the Attorneys in
Building 810 tried to
get us to settle using
these 9 fake claim.
Furthermore, Daniel
is Cindy Boyd’s Boss.
Voncelle James went The 9 outdated/fake
into our records
claims are used by DOJ
under the name of
Cindy Boyd who is an and Judge Amy B.
EEOC Jackson to settle with
investigator/Contract us because of the 1983
or who lives in KS. KKK Act
She told on her Boss
and Voncelle
They use contract law. This proof VA know we have a contract to settle the discrimination violation that VA HQ have against my family. Again, this is found in the transmittal records. This also
proves that VA knows: (1) They cannot violate the ADA Act, (2) DOJ cannot touch our case, (3) Amy B. Jackson cannot play game, and (4) Amy B. Jackson has only one option, settle as she has
the truth. If this is fact, why is VA, DOJ, and Amy B. Jackson violating my rights by delay justice and using the MD COURTS at every level against us? According to VJ, they are doing this so they
can throw out our higher court case against the DEEP STATE, UNITED STATES INC. When they could not put us in Jail, they (DOJ and Amy B. Jackson while they were defendants) (1) Attempt to
dismiss everyone from our main case, (2) tell me I could not represent Robert, however they would pay for an attorney for him, (3) get Kim, Jeff and Marietta legal advice (remind me this case
was Robert and get rid of Jimmy and James Ryan, (4) tell me to stop asking question and filing motions, (5) she also approved Roberts ADA Request to visit his father who was already dead,
(6) went into the 2018 Transmittal file and found the 9 fake claims, (7) told Amy B. Jackson if she could not dismiss our case, then give us relief based on the fake 9 claims vs the over 400 GOD
GIVEN RIGHTS CLAIMS/16 Basic Claim. BLUF: THE CASE HAS MERIT. I am an ADA ADVOCATE. I have an open contract with VA to help Veterans, finish school which I cannot do because they
have been trying to kill me and my family since 2018. They even have the nerve to have Tara Jones contact me on FB and phone and tell me not to expect justice and expect to die via car
crash. If that is not a RICO, I don’t know what is.

Although we had the

Contract law. Under contract truth and the
to settle. The Stipulations for acceptable claims VA
VA to follow the law. No (French and intern
tricks. Use Fort Meade policy Jada) attempted to
vs VA’s policy which states submit 3 fake claims
300,000 for a GOD given in the transmittal
rights violation vs no cap. record. This is a 18
Although there are hundreds USC 1341
of acceptable claims then and crimes/RICO as we
now, we focused on 21 can prove they steal
Claims. VA steal continue to ADA funds and deny
played us. ADA rights. In
addition, they pay
Although they know we Third Parties using tax
would never accept the 9 fake dollars to screw us
claims, they still give it to us over.
after they could not put us in
jail? Altering records
during an
investigation is a 5
year sentence.
You certified mail return receipt everything
when you are dealing with the deep state
because they lie, cheat, steal and or get baby
clerks or interns to do their dirty work

21 claims became 26 because VJ

and AK continued to violate our
rights and denied ADA RA. They
wanted Dr. Price to change her
medical records ref: How VA was
causing harm vs following the
law. Dr. Price and General
Shadley told Robert and me to
get an attorney, but we knew
the attorneys are in bed with the
deep state. One attorney asked
for 15,000 retainer and $200-
$500 per hour. Issue: We had
done all the work and they had
only one option – to settle. They
hired Judy Valois who could not
work on our case due to the
Westfall Act. She said in
mediation that, they had to
break the contract as it was not
time to settle yet which means
they were going to set us up to
do jail time using fake police
reports, fake peace orders and
fake criminal charges while
trying to kill our first born, us
and denying every GOD GIVEN
Before mediation and because we had a contract to use 27 acceptable claims, VA hired
Cindy Boyd’s boss to ask us to accept the 9 fake claims. We said no as the 9 fake claims
came with 9 skewed questions in VA’s favor. Robert and I very familiar with investigations
and BS question. We also knew the ORM/EEOC process was rigged as the authority letter
for Dr. Klein was fraud. When we picked out every trick, mistake and deception, they
took our findings and corrected our complaint.

When we attempted to send the

case to OEDCA due to fraud,
waste and abuse, the POST
OFFICE rep, Elizabeth Hawkins
went into the mail room and
redirect our mail back to VA!!!

When I told Elizabeth Hawkins

that she gave herself away by
signing the green copy, Elizabeth
said she was going to retire. She
also told on Gail Leary and Dr.
Anne Klein.

Dr. Anne Klein came clean and

told me on the record VA paid her.
I looked at her financials. It shows
that Dr. Klein got paid $500,000. I
want to know why as she is dirty
as hell.
We update the claims with the
Post Office. We gave her 65
claims and the Post Office, Dr.
Klein went behind our backs and
accepted the 9 fake claims from
VA and Gail Leary? We were
pissed. Once we transferred the
case out of VA, VA cannot touch
it. But the Attorneys in Building
810 had complete control
because they wanted to alter our

This is a RICO as they are

collecting more people
(DEFENDANTS) to do their dirty
work. They are interfering with
retaliation pattern ref: using void
orders, perjury, fake peace
orders, fake police reports, fake
criminal charges is well known.
They don’t discriminate.
Update as of 9 Dec 2022
Update as of Dec 9, 2022
Part 4 of 5 – Exposing the Deep State using our real time RICO
case against the CABAL aka VA
• PART 4 OF 5
• Remind Americans that there is only one law that we must follow – THE LAWS OF NATURE, GOD NATURAL LAW
• Man-Made laws (Common Law/Contract Law) are noise aka a rich man’s tricks
• Man does not follow their own rules (e.g., Magna Carta, Charter of the Forest, ADA Title II, III and 18 USC 1001)
• Man’s tricks is to get you [AMERICANS/90%] of us to sign a contract to give up your rights or soul (e.g., EEOC/ORM)
• Man’s ultimate goal is to CONTROL. They do this by lowering our spirit, frequency, vibration. They use our children, trolls, pawns,
celebrities, hearsay, assumption, presumption, gaslighting and tricks.
• The reason it’s 2022 and they have been able to get away with their RICO is because they planted people, Courts, Leaders, Sheriff’s
Department around the world, in every agency (SSN, IRS, Post Office and etc)
• Continue to expose the United States Inc corruption/Games using the VA HQ
• Update our real time RICO case against the Cabal/Deep State
• 7 Dec 2022 - SSN Hearing
• 7 Dec 2022 - Bladley’s Kangaroo Hearing documents
• Motion to dismiss
• Motion to Find the Facts
• Motion to Challenge
• Declaration
• Tampa Attorney and Jay Sizer hired an Anne Arundel Sheriff to come on a military installation to commit a crime
• They all work together (VA, Judges, Attorneys, Clerks, Sheriff’s Department, Attorney Generals and etc)
• How did a Sheriff come onto a military installation, Fort Meade home of the CYBER COMMAND, NSA, MEDIA after I told every commander. How did a
sheriff deputy give me a fake cease and desist summons aka scotch tape and in violation of GOD given rights, Crimes against humanity and etc and after I
ADA Clients
2015 to 2022
look for patterns
of injustice
Sample Footer Text

Tuesday, February 2, 20XX 25

Sample Footer Text

Piggy-Back claims due to RICO

Tuesday, February 2, 20XX 26

Sample Footer Text

Tuesday, February 2, 20XX 27

• This guy from building 810 took 2 years vs 6
months to give us a right to sue the United
Informed the command and joint
chair General Dunford and
Admiral Christopher French of
the crimes at the VA
Joe Dunford and
remarks about
the VA’s Crimes
• General Joe Dunford and Admiral
Christopher French’s response to VA’s ADA
I am telling General Joe Dunford and Admiral Christopher French not to play me.
VA aka the Deep State is locking in fake claims in the Army’s Safe Server and
Call 911!!!
Note the Crimes VA
and their pawns are
they are doing…

ADA Clients note this

18 USC 1001 – You either did it or you didn’t do
it. If you did it, you are going to prison for 5 years
Legal Abuse Syndrome is a crime. It is a preventable health issue. It is
crimes against humanity. It is a public interest issue.

Question to United States Inc PEDO Corporation, Judges, Leaders,

Sheriff’s Department, Prosecutors, Attorneys and Third-Party

Are you causing LAS a preventable health issue – Answer the question
as per 18 USC 1001. yes or no.

18 USC 1001 said, if you are, you are going to prison for 5 years.

Therefore, injustice should not take over 10 years. Get the criminals out
of the system and our frequency, vibration will rise.
Title II and Title
• Title II - Nobody Gets immunity (TN vs Lane)
• Title III – Man Made laws can be changed on the Spot if it conflicts
GOD’s Natural law as there is only 1 law man must follow, GOD’s
Natural Law.
• ADA Interference. When an individual exercises their rights under the
ADA Act it is a crime (e.g., coercion, threats, or intimidation).
NOTE: We have a higher court case against the DEEPSTATE THAT CANNOT be dismissed until the perpetrators/defendants make us
whole for violating our GOD given rights.

Their objective is to hide the truth, use fake peace order, police reports, jails, sheriff’s department, 2 nd Military, prosecutors, judges,
third party contractors, other agencies against you? Why? The United States Inc is a corrupt PEDO corporation. Everything they do is
a lie.
Justice Anna
The United States Inc Use the criminal
courts to punish whistleblowers,
therefore they are all criminals
Right to Sue the United
States Letter – 2 years Late
The United States Inc’s Subcontractor
aka LAW GROUP are criminals
This attorney
called Robert
verse me and
Tara Jones contacted me and told me the following: (1) don’t expect justice as they delay it for over 10 years, (2)they don’t like me making videos and sharing their pictures to the
world, (3) My family and I should expect to die by way of car crash, (4) They will run us off the road until we are dead cause that is what they do, (5) After we hang up the phone
contact Attorney Robert Kirchhoefer and tell him that he owes her for talking to me.

Jeff B. informed us on the record after we won our fake criminal court, “6 Attorneys/HQ Reps from builing 810 contacted me. They said when you walked in to the fake criminal
court, “OH F!!!” as they did not expect you to be there [due to our DE NOVO hearing with Judge Debra Dwyer”.

Tuesday, February 2, 20XX Sample Footer Text 85

Note: when I told VA attorneys that I was under contract
with the VA to finish my school as a Vocational Rehab
counselor and ADA Advocate as they were causing Legal
Abuse Syndrome and interfering. The VA contacted my
VA school counselor and told her to stop my VA contract
until after the
+ they told my counselor to cancel my contract. WRONG

Tuesday, February 2, 20XX Sample Footer Text 89

NOT correct, the
Tort Claim was received in

Vocational Rep Counselor

attempted to cancel it in May

Fake because this guy is

on my Quo Warranto

41 Attorneys in building
810 who set us up
Robert R. Kirchhoefer, Deputy
Chief Counsel
Update as • SSN Hearing ref: VA ignoring the ADA Act and
harming Robert
of 8 Dec • Brad’s Documents to court, DOD and ICC
2022 • Message to Pam
• Brad’s Attorney request fake hearing to
remove himself
My response to
Leave my Brandley
12/07/2022 at 11:08.31 (2 hours after I inform DOD,
ICC and Hillsborough that Judge Margaret Taylor
hired the Anne Arundel Sheriff to violate my rights)
Brad’s fake Attorneys files a motion to remove
himself from being attorney on the record
2 hours after I informed
the DOD and ICC that Brad
was going to challenge
void orders, corrupt baby
clerks and Margaret Taylor,
Brads fake attorney files Attorney that was at the VA
motion to withdraw as Criminal Court at 4 Nov 2022
attorney on record.
and 13 Circuit Court 29 Nov
It is clear! Margaret Taylor 2022.
hired this attorney and the
Anne Arundel Sheriff’s
department to arrest me if NOTE: He also did nothing
I did not stop doing my when the docket indicated
ADA job? that Bradley was a NO SHOW
The question is why did he at 4 Nov 2022
not dismiss himself on 2
Dec after Brad said he did
not want him.
12/7/2022, today
after Brad sent
me Pam’s email
2 Dec 2022 Brad request the
hearing/records/recording. He also tells the
Paralegal, “no, I won’t tell Sue to stop doing
her job as an ADA Advocate.
PARALEGAL prepares
Brad for fake Kangaroo
They tell Brad to tell me
to stop doing my job as
an ADA Advocate
Judge Rich is a defendant


Please provide
them with a
DD214? BS
Response to
fake Kangaroo
Brad’s affidavit
and certified
mail return
Brad sent the documents on
7 Dec. I also emailed it to
the courts, DOD, and ICC
via email. This means they
should dismiss Kangaroo
Court before 20 Dec
Request for complete finding of
the facts as we gave them the
facts, fraud, waste and abuse
before 29 Oct 2022
//Original Signed 7 Dec 2022//
Challenge NAZI Judge Margaret
Taylor (Judge Amy B. Jackson)
void orders on 29 Oct, 29 Nov
and 20 Dec 2022
//Original Signed 7 Dec 2022//
Appeal baby clerk’s
fake summons
//Original Signed 7 Dec 2022//
//Original Signed 7 Dec 2022//
Request ADA RA at the
court’s expense as per the
Issue: The Courts and VA HQ
in Washington DC are stealing
ADA Funds and Denying
ADA Rights

//Original Signed 7 Dec 2022//

United States Inc is our Defacto Government.
We have been infiltrated by the NAZI PEDO
Inc., is not a country. It is a Corrupt PEDO
Corporation and…every leader knows it!!!
That’s our problem Americans. Once a leader
know the problem, they took an oath to stop
the corruption as per 18 USC 1986. If they
don’t stop the corrupt, they are just as bad as
the first traitor aka THEY COMMIT TREASON
against their charter, American people,
Indigenous people and etc
General Shadley

• Remind Americans that there is only one law that we must follow – THE LAWS OF NATURE, GOD NATURAL LAW
• Man-Made laws (Common Law/Contract Law) are noise aka a rich man’s tricks
• Man does not follow their own rules (e.g., Magna Carta, Charter of the Forest, ADA Title II, III and 18 USC 1001)
• Man’s tricks is to get you [AMERICANS/90%] of us to sign a contract to give up your rights or soul (e.g., EEOC/ORM)
• Man’s ultimate goal is to CONTROL. They do this by lowering our spirit, frequency, vibration. They use our children, trolls, pawns, celebrities,
hearsay, assumption, presumption, gaslighting and tricks.
• The reason it’s 2022 and they have been able to get away with their RICO is because they planted people, Courts, Leaders, Sheriff’s
Department around the world, in every agency (SSN, IRS, Post Office and etc)
• Continue to expose the United States Inc corruption/Games using the VA HQ
• Update our real time RICO case against the Cabal/Deep State
• 7 Dec 2022 - SSN Hearing
• 7 Dec 2022 - Bladley’s Kangaroo Hearing documents
• Motion to dismiss
• Motion to Find the Facts
• Motion to Challenge
• Declaration
• Tampa Attorney and Jay Sizer hired an Anne Arundel Sheriff to come on a military installation to commit a crime

Request the court find the complete set
of finding of the facts immediately
under Titles II & III of the 1990 ADA Act
and God’s Natural Law.
Failure to deny, delay and prolong
justice is a crime as it causes LAS

Deception is involved. Video of the

Hillsborough Sheriff’s Department
entering his house without a warrant

Filed a QUO Warranto with the courts,

DOD and ICC. As per professo, the
courts are operating illegally any way.
Also see Justice Anna’s Affidavits.

On 29 Oct, Brad’s rights were violated

(1) due process, (2) ADA rights. He did
not get an opportunity to speak in
court and the Judge did not
establish SMJ. Therefore, she
commits Treason. Once we tell
Judge Rich about her Treason, it is a
matter of law that he turns
everyone in, otherwise he is just as
bad as the perpetrators.
It’s a matter of law that Judges follow the law
or step down Should Judge Jeffery
Rich not accept the
fact that NAZI
Margaret Taylor is a

We know they are

corrupt as hell so
we leaned forward
and added Jeff Rich
as a defendant
Appeal Judge Margaret
Taylor Treason. She did not
establish Subject Matter
Jurisdiction. Once
Challenge, she must stop
and establish SMJ. We
challenged SMJ before
Brad walked into the
courtroom and Margaret
Taylor and the Prosecutor
ignored the challenge.
Challenge fake summons issued
by baby judges/clerks and
sheriff’s Deputies.
Also request court explain why
the docket is void as it does not
reflect the truth
First, we added Margaret
Taylor as a defendant over
the case. There is a conflict
of interest.
Also. SMJ is everything.
Without establishing SMJ,
Judge Margaret Taylor fails
to have authority over the

Motion to dismiss 20 Dec

2022 hearing as it is
another Kangaroo Court
which is a crime against
humanity. It causes a
preventable health issue,
legal abuse syndrome,
Also request the court give
Bradley ADA RA if they feel they
need to torture Bradley illegally
further. We request media
attention, ADA Rep and etc at
the Courts expense as they
cannot continue to steal ADA
funds and deny ADA rights.

Title II – Nobody gets immunity

Title III – States any man made
law can be changed on the spot
is it conflicts with GOD give
rights as the courts are rigged by
Traitors/corrupt pedo
Bradley reminds the courts he is an
indigenous American with a soul
not a corporation. He is protected
under their law, TITLES II and III of
the 1990 ADA Act.
Brad certified mail return receipt the document. I email the
documents to the Courts, ICC and DOD. Therefore, we sit back and
see how is going to violate their oath.
Freeze their assets

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