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IT Security Management

Security Maintenance
Upon completion of this material, you should be able to:
• Understand the need for ongoing maintenance of the information security
• Recognise and describe the recommended security maintenance model
• Identify the key factors involved in monitoring the external and internal
• Describe how planning, risk assessment, vulnerability assessment, and
remediation tie into information security maintenance
• Explain how to build readiness and review procedures into information
security maintenance
• Identify resources available for information security professionals
• Understand change and configuration management

Organizations should avoid overconfidence after improving their

information security profile.
Organizational changes that may occur include:
• Acquisition of new assets, emergence of new vulnerabilities,
shifting business priorities, partnerships form or dissolve,
employee hire and turnover
If a program is not adequately adjusting, it may be necessary to begin
the cycle again.
If an organization creates adjustable procedures and systems, the
existing security improvement program can continue to work well.
Security Management Maintenance Models

Management models deal with methods to manage and

operate a particular business operation and are designed to
provide clear guidelines for accomplishing organizational

 Management model must be adopted to manage and

operate the ongoing security program.

 Models are frameworks that structure the tasks of

managing particular set of activities or business functions.
Recap – Information Security Resources
 NIST SP-800-100
Provides managerial guidance for establishing and implementing of an information security program. Thirteen
areas of information security management.
 NIST SP:800:30 – Risk Assessment
 NIST SP 800-55 – Performance Measurement Guide

ISO Standards relevant to security maintenance

• ISO/IEC27004 –Security Management Measurement
• ISO/IEC27005: Risk Management
• ISO/IEC27007: Auditing ISMS
 Australian Resources - Australian Government Information Security Manual (ISM)
ISO 27004

• What to monitor
• What to measure
• When to measure
• Who will measure
NIST SP 800-100 A Guide for Managers

 Provides managerial guidance for the

establishment and implementation of an
information security program
 Addresses ongoing tasks expected of an
information security manager once the
program is established
 For the 13 areas presented in the guide,
there are specific monitoring activities,
tasks that mangers should perform on an
ongoing basis to monitor the functions of the
information security program
NIST SP 800-55

A guide for the specific development, selection and

implementation of information system-level and Target Audience: Senior
program-level measures to indicate the
Management (CIO, CISO,
implementation, efficiency/effectiveness, and
impact of security controls, and other security ISSO, Senior Level)
related activities.

Provides guidelines on how an organization, through the use of measures, identifies

the adequacy of in-place security controls, policies, and procedures.
Provides an approach to help management decide where to invest in additional
information security resources and identify and evaluate non-productive security
controls and prioritize security controls for continuous monitoring.
NIST SP 800-55 – Types of Measures

1. Implementation
2. Effectiveness and efficiency
3. Impact
Effectiveness/efficiency measures are used to monitor if program-level processes and
system-level security controls are implemented correctly, operating as intended, and
meeting the desired outcome

• Effectiveness measures – percentage of information security incidents caused by

improperly configured access control. Can be obtained from IDPS, SIEM products
(incident response metrics, logs and audits)

• Efficiency measures - the percentage of system components that undergo

maintenance on schedule
Security Environment - Factors

factors that are likely to shift an organizations information security posture

o New assets acquired

o Old assets disposed of
o New assets bring new
vulnerabilities / threats
o New partnerships are formed
o Employees leave
o New personnel are hired
o Business priorities shift
Recap - SDLC (System Development Life Cycle)

1. Investigation: What problem is the system being developed to solve

2. Analysis; Analysts determine what new system is expected to do and
how it will interact with existing systems
3. Logical Design: Applications are selected. Technologies to implement
physical solution are determined
4. Physical design: evaluated in the logical design are selected /
5. Implementation: software created / tested. User training and education
6. Maintenance and Change: Longest and most expensive phase.
Consists of tasks necessary to support and modify the system for the
remainder of its useful life
The Security SDLC

The same phases used in traditional SDLC may be

adapted to support specialised implementation or
maintenance of an Information Security project.

Prevent security problems before they begin

Identification of specific threats and creating
controls to counter them
SecSDLC is a coherent program rather than a
series of random, seemingly unconnected actions
Configuration and Change Management
Involves both technical and nontechnical
13. NIST SP 800-100 changes.
Purpose is to manage the effects of change or differences in
configuration of information systems

Change management
the administration of changes in the strategy, operation,
or components of the information security program.

Configuration management
an approach to implementing change in a system that uses
policies and maintain system inventory and supporting
documentation. Technical
hardware, software, data

procedures, people
Configuration and Change Management

Steps in managing change:

 Identify the change
 Evaluate the change request
 Implement the decision
 Implement the approved change
 Continuous monitoring
The Security Maintenance
The Maintenance Model
The Security Maintenance Model

Designed to focus organizational effort on maintaining systems

Recommended maintenance model based on five subject areas:

1. External monitoring
2. Internal monitoring
3. Planning and risk assessment
4. Vulnerability assessment and
5. Readiness and review
Monitoring the External Environment

Primary Goal:
provide early awareness of new threats, threat agents,
vulnerabilities, and attacks that is needed to mount an
effective defense

Entails collecting intelligence from data sources and giving that

intelligence context and meaning for use by organizational
decision makers
Monitoring the External Environment
Data sources
• Acquiring threat and vulnerability data is not difficult
• Turning data into information decision makers can use is the
• External intelligence comes from three classes of sources:
vendors, computer emergency response teams (CERTs),
public network sources

Regardless of where or how external monitoring data is collected, it

must be analyzed in context of the organization’s security
environment to be useful
Monitoring the External Environment

Monitoring, escalation, and incident response

Function of external monitoring process is to monitor
activity, report results, and escalate warnings

Monitoring process has three primary deliverables:

• Specific warning bulletins issued when developing threats
and specific attacks pose measurable risk to organization
• Periodic summaries of external information
• Detailed intelligence on highest risk warnings
Monitoring the External Environment

Data collection and management

 Over time, external monitoring processes
should capture knowledge about external
the environment in appropriate formats
 External monitoring collects raw
intelligence, filters for relevance, assigns a
relative risk impact, and communicates to
decision makers in time to make a
Monitoring the External Environment
The Security Maintenance Model

1. External monitoring
2. Internal monitoring
3. Planning and risk assessment
4. Vulnerability assessment and
5. Readiness and review
Monitoring the Internal Environment

Primary Goal:
Maintain informed awareness of the state of the
organization’s networks, information systems, and security
Internal monitoring accomplished by:
 Doing inventory of network devices and channels, IT infrastructure and
applications, and information security infrastructure elements
 Leading the IT governance process
 Real-time monitoring of IT activity
 Monitoring the internal state of the
 organization’s networks and systems
Monitoring the Internal Environment

Network characterization and inventory

 Organizations should have carefully planned
and fully populated inventory for network
devices, communication channels, and
computing devices
 Once characteristics are identified, they must
be carefully organized and stored using a
mechanism (manual or automated) that
allows timely retrieval and rapid integration
of disparate facts
Monitoring the Internal Environment

Making intrusion detection and prevention systems work

• The most important value of raw intelligence provided
by the IDS is providing indicators of current or
imminent vulnerabilities
• Log files from IDS engines can be mined for information
• Another IDS monitoring element is traffic analysis
• Analyzing attack signatures for unsuccessful system
attacks can identify weaknesses in various security
Monitoring the Internal Environment

Detecting differences
 Difference analysis: procedure that
compares current state of network segment
against known previous state of same
 Differences between the current state and
the baseline state that are unexpected
could be a sign of trouble and need
Suggested Method of Data Source Purpose
Frequency Analysis
Quarterly Manual Firewall rules and logs To verify that new rules follow all risk assessment and
procedural approvals, identify illicit rules; ensure
removal of expired rules and detect tampering

Quarterly Manual Edge router rules and logs To verify that new rules follow all risk assessment and
procedural approvals, identify illicit rules; ensure
removal of expired rules and detect tampering

Quarterly Manual Internet footprint To verify that public internet addresses registered to the
organization are accurate and complete
Monthly Automated Fingerprint all IP addresses To verify that only known and authorized devices
offering critical services can be reached from the
internal network
Weekly Automated Fingerprint services on critical To verify that only known and approved services are
servers on internal network offered from critical servers in the internal network

Daily Automated Fingerprint all IP addresses from To verify that only known and approved servers and
the outside other devices can be reached from the public network

Hourly Automated Fingerprint services on critical To enable e-mail notification of administrators if

servers exposed to the internet unexpected services become available on critical servers
exposed to the internet
Monitoring the Internal Environment
The Security Maintenance Model

1. External monitoring
2. Internal monitoring
3. Planning and risk assessment
4. Vulnerability assessment and
5. Readiness and review
Planning and Risk Assessment

Primary goal is to keep lookout over entire

information security program
 Accomplished by identifying and planning
ongoing information security activities that
further reduce risk
 The bulk of the security management
maintenance model could fit into this domain
Planning and Risk Assessment (1)

Primary objectives
 Establishing a formal information security program review
 Instituting formal project identification, selection,
planning, and management processes
 Coordinating with IT project teams to introduce risk
assessment and review for all IT projects
 Integrating a mindset of risk assessment across
Planning and Risk Assessment (2)

Information security program planning and review

 Periodic review of ongoing information security program
coupled with planning for enhancements and extensions is
 Examine the future IT needs of the organization and their
impact on information security
 A recommended approach takes advantage of the fact most
organizations have annual capital budget planning cycles
and manage security projects as part of that process
Planning and Risk Assessment (3)
Large projects should be broken into smaller projects for several
 Smaller projects tend to have more manageable impacts on
networks and users
 Larger projects tend to complicate change control process in
implementation phase
 Shorter planning, development, and implementation schedules
reduce uncertainty
 Most large projects can easily be broken down into smaller
projects, giving more opportunities to change direction and gain
Planning and Risk Assessment (4)

Security risk assessments

 A key component for driving security program
change is information security operational
risk assessment (RA)
 RA identifies and documents risk that project,
process, or action introduces to organization
and offers suggestions for controls
 Information security group coordinates
preparation of many types of RA documents
Planning and Risk Assessment
The Security Maintenance Model

1. External monitoring
2. Internal monitoring
3. Planning and risk assessment
4. Vulnerability assessment and
5. Readiness and review
Vulnerability Assessment & Remediation
Primary goal:
Identification of specific, documented vulnerabilities and their timely
Accomplished by:
 Using vulnerability assessment procedures
 Documenting background information and providing tested remediation
procedures for vulnerabilities
 Tracking vulnerabilities from when they are identified
 Communicating vulnerability information to owners of vulnerable
 Reporting on the status of vulnerabilities
 Ensuring the proper level of management is involved
Vulnerability Assessment & Remediation

 Process of identifying and documenting

specific and provable flaws in
organization’s information asset
 Five vulnerability assessment processes
that follow can serve many organizations
as they attempt to balance intrusiveness of
vulnerability assessment with need for
stable and productive production
Vulnerability Assessment & Remediation

1. Penetration testing
• A level beyond vulnerability testing
• Is a set of security tests and evaluations that
simulate attacks by a malicious external source
• Penetration test (pen test): usually performed
periodically as part of a full security audit
• Can be conducted one of two ways: black box or
white box
Vulnerability Assessment & Remediation
2. Internet vulnerability assessment
- Designed to find and document vulnerabilities present in
organization’s public-facing network
- Steps in the process include:
 Planning, scheduling, and notification
 Target selection
 Test selection
 Scanning
 Analysis
 Record keeping
Vulnerability Assessment & Remediation

3. Intranet vulnerability assessment

 Designed to find and document selected vulnerabilities present on
the internal network
 Attackers are often internal members of organization, affiliates of
business partners, or automated attack vectors (such as viruses
and worms)
 This assessment is usually performed against selected critical
internal devices with a known, high value by using selective
penetration testing
 Steps in process almost identical to steps in Internet vulnerability
Vulnerability Assessment & Remediation

4. Platform security validation

 Designed to find and document vulnerabilities that may be
present because of misconfigured systems in use within
 These misconfigured systems fail to comply with company
policy or standards
 Fortunately, automated measurement systems are available to
help with the intensive process of validating compliance of
platform configuration with policy
Vulnerability Assessment & Remediation

5. Wireless vulnerability assessment

 Designed to find and document vulnerabilities that may be
present in wireless local area networks of organization
 Since attackers from this direction are likely to take
advantage of any loophole or flaw, assessment is usually
performed against all publicly accessible areas using every
possible wireless penetration testing approach
Vulnerability Assessment & Remediation

Documenting vulnerabilities
• Vulnerability tracking database should
provide details as well as a link to the
information assets
• Low-cost and ease of use makes relational
databases a realistic choice
• Vulnerability database is an essential part of
effective remediation
Vulnerability Assessment & Remediation

Remediating vulnerabilities
 Objective is to repair flaw causing a vulnerability instance or
remove risk associated with vulnerability
 As last resort, informed decision makers with proper authority can
accept risk
 Important to recognize that building relationships with those who
control information assets is key to success
 Success depends on organization adopting team approach to
remediation, in place of cross-organizational push and pull
Vulnerability Assessment & Remediation

Acceptance or transference of risk

 In some instances, risk must be either simply acknowledged as
part of the organization’s business process or transferred to
another organization via insurance
 Management must be assured that decisions made to accept risk
or buy insurance were made by properly informed decision
 Information security must make sure the right people make risk
assumption decisions with complete knowledge of the impact of
the decision
Vulnerability Assessment & Remediation

Threat removal
 In some circumstances, threats can be removed without
repairing vulnerability
 Other vulnerabilities may be mitigated by inexpensive controls
Vulnerability repair
 Best solution in most cases is to repair the vulnerability
 Applying patch software or implementing a workaround often
accomplishes this
 Most common repair is the application of a software patch
Vulnerability Assessment & Remediation
The Security Maintenance Model

1. External monitoring
2. Internal monitoring
3. Planning and risk assessment
4. Vulnerability assessment and
5. Readiness and review
Readiness and Review

Primary Goal
keep the information security program functioning
as designed and continuously improving

Accomplished by:
 Policy review
 Program review
 Rehearsals
Readiness and Review

Readiness and Review

Digital Forensics
Digital Forensics (1 of 2)

 Used to document what happened during an attack on assets and

how the attack occurred
 Based on the field of traditional forensics
 Involves preservation, identification, extraction, documentation,
and interpretation of digital media for evidentiary and/or root-
cause analysis
 Evidentiary material (EM): any item or information that applies to
an organization’s legal or policy-based case
Digital Forensics (2 of 2)

Used for two key purposes:

• To investigate allegations of digital malfeasance
• To perform root-cause analysis
Organization chooses one of two approaches:
• Protect and forget (patch and proceed): defense of data and
systems that house, use, and transmit it
• Apprehend and prosecute (pursue and prosecute):
identification and apprehension of responsible individuals,
with additional attention to collection and preservation of
potential EM that might support administrative or criminal
The Digital Forensics Team

Most organizations:
• Cannot sustain a permanent digital forensics team
• Collect data and outsource analysis
Information security group personnel should be trained to
understand and manage the forensics process to avoid
contamination of potential EM.
Expertise can be obtained by training.
 Configuration and Change Management: Configuration management deals with identification, maintenance,
status reporting, and verification of configurable items. Change management is concerned with the
identification, impact analysis, documentation, and approving or rejecting of change requests.
 Factors that are likely to shift an organizations information security posture include; acquisition or disposal
of new assets, staffing changes, busines partnerships, the threat landscape, among others.
 Management Resources: ISO 27000 series of standards, NIST Special Publications 800-55 and SP 800-100.
 The Security maintenance model is designed to focus organizational effort on maintaining systems and is
based on five subject areas:
1. External monitoring
2. Internal monitoring
3. Planning and risk assessment
4. Vulnerability assessment and remediation
5. Readiness and review
 Digital forensics can be used to document what happened during attack on assets and how the attack
occurred, consequently, assist with the information security maintenance effort.

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