Field Study

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City University of Pasay

Intern: Matugas, Ronel V.

Professor: Dr. A. Atienza
BSE 4 - 3 History
Cooperating Teacher
Focus 1

The School as a
Learning Environment
Specific Task:
➢ School Visit
➢ Describe school activities
➢ Describe and look for areas that supports learning (classroom, library,
computer lab, laboratories, playground, gymnasium, canteen etc.)
➢ Describe the school environment and learning environment
➢ Ask other teachers on how to prepare observation log book.

Learning Evidences:
➢ An illustration of a school of learning or a child-friendly school through the use
● Descriptive Essay
● Photo Essay/Documentation
● Tabular/Diagrams
Competencies/Performance Indicators
➢ Determines an environment that provides social, psychological, and physical
➢ Learning Environment
➢ Curriculum
The principal’s office was well-
ventilated and air-conditioned.
There are chairs and tables for
the students and parents
visiting the office. It is easy to
access because it is near the
campus entrance. Unlike other
offices, the door is made up of
glass which is easy to see if the
principal is available.
The classrooms of Grade 10
Rizal and Bonifacio were air-
conditioned, and the lighting is
not as bright as in other
classrooms. On the other hand,
Grade 10 Aquino, Agoncillo,
Lakandula, and Baltazar's
classrooms are not as ventilated
as the classrooms of the
previous classrooms. Some
classrooms have limited arm-
chairs for students to use, so
students use monoblock chairs
as alternatives.
The Guidance Office is well-
ventilated. However, when I visit
the office, it is closed, and
sometimes, no one is available to
talk. In addition, I saw a bulletin
board where the Guidance
Counselor put something relevant
about mental health and bullying.
The Library is not available to students
for now because it is being used as a
classroom by Senior High School
students. With that, we cannot enter
the Library, which can cause a
distraction to their class discussion.

The School has two canteens:

School Managed Canteen and
the Multi-purpose Cooperative.
Although it can accommodate
many students during their break
time, the service is still slow,
which consumes 20 minutes of
their break time. The canteens
are not well-ventilated. However,
there are electric fans in every
corner of the canteens.
The ICT Room was well-ventilated
and air-conditioned. There are two
ICT Rooms available on the
school premises. However, it is
not available to all students
because it is being used by Grade
10 Rizal and Bonifacio in the
morning and Grade 9 Narra and
Acacia in the afternoon due to the
large number of students enrolled
in the PCWHS and limited

The School Clinic is air-conditioned

and has two beds for students who
need medical attention. As I visit,
there is an isolation room for those
who have contracted COVID-19 to
avoid spreading of the disease to
other students, teachers, and
school staff.
The Science or STEM
Laboratory is not available to
non-STEM students, but it is
still used for Science-related
activities. It is spacious and
well-ventilated. There are
shelves where experiment
equipment and tools are placed
accordingly. It can
accommodate 20-40 students
per session.

The Audio-Visual Room is

currently being used by the
Senior High School students. It
is spacious, although not well-
ventilated. There is a small
stage where students perform
during some school-related

The School’s Garden were

kept clean and greeny. Plants
are inside the Greenhouse to
protect it to any insects. It is
located near the entrance of
the campus that can be
easily seen by the students
or visitors.
The Reading Center is not well-
ventilated and can only
accommodate 5-10 students. It
is located in the corner of
Building 3, near the English
Department, and accessible to
all students of PCWHS. Many
books are available to use and
arranged accordingly. The
students clean the reading
center after using it.

The PCWHS Gymnasium is

spacious and can
accommodate many students
in any Grade Level. Although
it is not well-ventilated, it
helps students shelter in
sunny and rainy weather
during their Physical
Education Class or any
school events.
The restrooms are located on
every corner of the campus.
Not all were kept clean, but
some are very clean, which is
extremely important amidst the
COVID-19 pandemic. Sinks
were also available for
handwashing. As I observed,
female restrooms were kept
clean than the male restrooms.
Focus 2

Characteristics and
Specific Tasks:
➢ Observe 4 learners from different levels (elementary/ secondary).
➢ Describe each of the learners depending on your observation. Regarding
the learners from different levels. (Observe their reactions, manner of their
understandings behavior, etc.)
➢ Compare them in terms of their needs and interest.
Learning Evidences:
➢ Comparative description of the observed learners
Competencies/ Performance Indicators:
➢ Compare and Contrast learning Characteristics of each
➢ Differentiate Learning Characteristics of each
➢ Diversity of Learners
GRADE 10 (Age range of children observed: 15 - 19 years old)

PHYSICAL The student The student is The student is The student is The student The student is
is more not walking walking and always is always always is
likely walk around the sometimes walking walking seated in
when classroom. He running in the around the around the his/her proper
moving into is not hallways. classroom classroom seat, and
other seats physically during class during class he/she just
in the active. discussion. discussion. stand and
classroom in Sometimes, walk if the
order to see the student teacher told
the throw things him/her so.
powerpoint to his/her
presentation classmate
. which annoys
the teacher.

SOCIAL The student is The student The student The student is The student The student is
friendly, is always always talks sometimes is friendly to also friendly
especially to reciting to his peers, talkative but her teacher to his teacher,
his teacher during class but rarely to she is friendly and student- but not all of
and to his discussions. female to her teacher. And her
classmates. However, I students. classmates. also, she is classmate. He
The student rarely see She talks very talkative only talks to
always talks him talk to his when the but not during her classmate
both to his female teacher ask the who is not
male and classmates. her to talk. classroom. As annoying and
female He only talks I observe her, naughty in
classmates. to his male she was class.
classmates, always quiet
specifically when the
his teacher is
seatmates. talking in

EMOTIONAL The student is The student The student is The student is The student The student is
cheerful and is not that cheerful and sometimes is cheerful cheerful and
always talk to cheerful and always talk to not that and smiles laughs when
his his cheerful, but I when her peers
classmates is always on classmates always saw someone made jokes or
and making his own. As I But, he is very her smile makes jokes tell funny
jokes about observed, his easy to when talking or tells funny stories. But
something. face was distract during to her peers. stories. when her
But, he is very gloomy and class. Although she classmates
easy to always is not always make fun of
distract during smiling, she her, she gets
class. is serious mad.

COGNITIVE The student The student The student is The student The student The student
can sometimes having a hard can is having a can
understand can time understand hard time understand
instruction understanding the instruction understandin the instruction
and doesn’t understand new concepts clearly. She g new clearly.
want to repeat the and ideas, can construct concepts and Sometimes,
it. He can instruction especially in her own ideas ideas, she ask
construct his but always the activities through her however she questions for
idea through asks his given by the activities. can express clarification.
the activities teacher to teacher. her ideas She can
given by his through her construct her
repeat it for
teacher. activities. own ideas
clarification. through her
Focus 3

Classroom Management
and Learning
Specific Tasks:
➢ Gather specific data about the general behavior of the learners.
Learning Evidences:
➢ Make a checklist on the evident classroom management component.
➢ Description of learners' behavior during learning activity
➢ Reflection on the effects of classroom management to learning

Competencies/ Performance Indicator:

➢ Manage Time, space and resources to Provide an environment that is
conducive to learning.
➢ Learning Environment
Pasay City West High School

Pasadeña Street, F. B. Harrisson, Pasay City

November 16, 2022, 9:20 - 10:10 AM

During my class observation in Grade 10 Lakandula, I encountered different

behaviors and characteristics of learners under Mrs. Madelyn C. Buenaobra. The
learners were ages 15-17 years old. The total number of students was 55,
composed of 25 male students and 30 female students.

As I observed, most male students are more likely to run and walk in the
classroom and sometimes in the hallway. Male students are more active physically
than female students. Sometimes they punch each other in a friendly way, but
sometimes aggressively.
Students tend to become more aggressive when talking to their peers
regarding something irrelevant to the subject, which they shout in the classroom.
Moreover, students are very talkative with their classmates, which is also a cause
of distraction to other students. On the other hand, some students are quiet and
do not want to socialize with their classmates, even during class activities. Despite
not talking to their classmates, they are active in school works on their own.

Based on my observation, not all students are not intellectually advanced, but
some are serious about their studies. Some students are having difficulty speaking
in front of their classmates, and some cannot properly read the text in the visual
aids. Female students tend to be more focus on the subject matter than male
students. They are always reciting and very active in creating their class activities.

Specific Areas in the It is well-organized. Conducive to learning and

Classroom supports the growth of the

Classroom Rules The classroom rules was The students are able to
verbally enforced and students establish their own discipline.
must be follow it obediently.

Classroom Procedures For improved learning The students can effectively

assistance, instructional follow the procedures and
materials and other resources instructions.
are prepared.

Daily Routines The students doesn’t maintain It encourages concentration

the daily routines. They always and keeps students engaged in
forgot to provide current news class activities.
for “balitaan”.
Seating Arrangement The seating arrangement was The students are kept
arranged according to the set. comfortable, arranged based
In the case of Lakandula, Set A on their preferences, and being
on the Left, then Set B is on the focused in class during.
Right of the classroom. It is not
spacious and has limited seats
for students. The teacher uses
seat plan for her to record
those who are participating for
additional grade.

Handling misbehavior/ off The teacher is calm, but if the The students are made aware
task behavior students don’t stop of inappropriate conduct and
misbehaving, they will be their negative impacts.
shouted at and punished
through their grades in
Reinforcement of Positive The teacher praises her The students are likely to
Behavior student, who did they work well maintain their positive actions
and behaved appropriately in with the support of appropriate
class. encouragement and reward.

Taking up measures in The teacher reminds her Students’ misconduct and

dealing with undesirable students that they are family negligence are reduced.
behaviors which means that they must
love each other just like their
family at home. The teachers
promotes camaraderie and
Focus 4

Characteristics and
Learning Activities
Specific Task:
➢ Observe in class on a regular recitation day (Examination, group work, etc.)
➢ Describe the characteristics of learners in the class
➢ Enumerate and describe the activities that take place (Poster making,
earthquake drill, periodical examination)
Learning Evidences:
➢ Learning Experience and Reflective Journal

Competencies/Performance Indicator:
➢ Recognizes the Multicultural Backgrounds of Learners

➢ Diversity of Learners
An Observation Guide for the Learners’ Characteristics

Read the following carefully before you begin to observe. Then write your observation report
on the space provided on the next page.

1. Find out the number of the students. Gather data to their age, gender, and racial groups,
religious and ethnic backgrounds.
● The Grade 10 Lakandula has 25 male and 30 female students aged between 15-17 years old.
Most of the students are Catholics, one of my students is a Muslim, and some are from other
religious sectors.

During class:
1. How much interaction is there in the classroom? Describe how many students interact with one
another and with the teacher. Are they groups that interact more with the teacher than others?
● Despite being in a lower section, some students seem to engage in learning and interact with
their peers or teacher. The students seated in the front of the class seemed to interact with their
teacher the most as I observed the class. Meanwhile, the students at the back are busy
interacting with one another. The teacher and the attentive students were disturbed by the
noises and commotions of the students at the back.But not all students at the back are causing
some distraction among other students. Female students are more likely to participate and
interact in class than male students.
2.Observe the learners seated at the back and the front part of the room. Do they behave and
interact differently?
● In contrast to the students seated in front, the students in the back were talkative with loud
voices, sometimes shouting. The front students are well-behaved, but the students at the back
prefer to chat with their seatmates than participate in group activities.

3.Describe the relationship among the learners. Do the learners cooperate with or compete
against each other?
● The students collaborate well, particularly academically. On the other hand, students seem to
be more eager to compete with one another in irrelevant as well as academic content areas.
Despite the fact that they are competitors, they get along well. They communicate and engage
with one another. Every student cooperates with one another during class. Yet encouraging
group participation must be under the responsibility of each group's leaders.
4. Which students participate actively? Which students ask for most help?
● The student named Mary Jane Madronero, 15 years old, is the most active and participative in
class. She is also the President of the class, which explains that she is more responsible to her
fellow student in participating in class discussions. On the other hand, Kenzo Go, 16 years old,
is always asking a lot of questions, sometimes, it is not related to the subject matter. However,
my cooperating was surprised when he asked, “What if the Spanish did not colonize the
Philippines, what will be the condition of the country economically and culturally?." Some of his
classmates gave their own opinion regarding the question, which enhanced the participation of
the students.

5.When a student is called and cannot answer the teacher’s question, do the classmates try to
help them? Or do they raise their hands so that the teacher will call them instead?
● As I observed the class, I noticed that most students were not raising their hands during the
regular recitation. Although the students know the answer, they are hesitant to answer because
they are worried that their answers are wrong. Additionally, students tend to help their
classmates answer questions by raising their hands. I also noticed that some of the students
were ashamed after wrongfully answering the questions, which caused them to have low self-

Pasay City West High School

Pasadeña Street, F. B. Harrison, Pasay City

As I observed the class of Grade 10 during the class discussion, I noticed that most of the students were interacting based on their
gender and interests. In addition, the behavior of Grade 10 Lakandula depends on how the teacher manages the classroom. For example, the
teacher uses negative reinforcement to follow her instructions by giving them low grades on their behavior. I learned that students follow the
instructions when the teacher manages them negatively. However, it is not always necessary for some sections, given that Grade 10
Lakandula is the lowest section under my cooperating teacher's supervision.

Furthermore, I also noticed that students who are part of the LGBTQ community are not just only communicating with female
students but also with male students, which explains that even though they have different interests, they still respect each other. In the
context of religion, one of the students is a Muslim. I noticed that he has a close group of friends in their classrooms. In addition, when there
is a topic about religion, he always participates and shares his insights and ideas about his belief, making all of his classmates curious
because they are Christians.

During some classroom activities, all students participate regarding their closeness to each other. As I observed them, I learned that
most female students were more of a leader type of students, unlike male students who only follow the instructions of their leaders. For
example, one of the students, Mary Jane Madronero, is an authoritative leader who gives instructions to her members and trusts them to
finish the task in a given time. The Grade 10 Lakandula is the perfect example of Diversity because not all students are fast learners, good at
interacting and communicating, and have different genders and beliefs. But they collaborate to make their work better than they expected.

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