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Vitamin C


Vitamin C

6-Carbon lactone

2,3-Endiol structure

Vitamin C  deskriptor generik

untuk semua senyawa yang
menunjukkan aktivitas biologis asam
askorbat secara kualitatif
Active Forms of Vitamin C

Vit C
Asam Semi
Dehidro Dehidro
askorbat askorbat

- Naturally occurring form is L-ascorbic acid

- White, crystalline, odourless, sour & highly water soluble
- Ascorbic acid is susceptible to oxidation to dehydroascorbic
acid by the presence of O2, metal ions, heat, alkaline pH.
- Broken on the light exposure  keep it on the dark package
Fungsi Vitamin C
Antioxidant Capacity
◦ React with toxic reactive oxygen species such as the superoxide or hydroxyl

Immunity Capacity
promotes resistance to infection
Support body metabolism
As enzyme cofactor (e.g., at the active site of hydroxylating enzymes),
as a protective agent (e.g., of hydroxylases in collagen biosynthesis),
reduces ferric to ferrous iron in the intestinal
is involved in the transfer of iron from plasma transferrin to liver ferritin.
Penyerapan Vitamin C

Vitamin C dosis tinggi diserap dengan mekanisme difusi pasif dan

dosis tinggi diserap melalui mekanisme carrier-dependent
Vitamin C (ascorbate) goes for absorption directly in throughout the
small intestine by the sodium-dependent vitamin C transporter (SVCT)
and glucose transporter.

The absorption of vitamin C appears to be regulated in part by the

dietary supply of the vitamin in a feedback manner
Transportasi Vitamin C
Vitamin C is transported in plasma and into cell.
◦ Predominatly (80-90%) in the reduce form, ascorbic acid.

Vitamin C transports into cell as dehydroascorbate acid and is reduced to acorbate via
dehydroascorbate reductase.

Na+ -dependent transporter = spesific active transport system

Excretion of Vitamin C
Askorbat dianggap lewat tanpa perubahan melalui glomeruli dan secara aktif direabsorbsi
di tubulus melalui proses carrier-mediated.

Mengkonsumsi kurang dari 100 mg/hari dan hanya 1/4 dari dosis yang diekskresikan dua
kali lipat dari asupan tersebut.

Pada dosis lebih besar dari sekitar 500mg/hari (yaitu, ketika konsentrasi asam askorbat
darah melebihi 1,2-1,8 mg/dl). Hampir semua asam askorbar di atas tingkat tersebut
diekskresikan tidak berubah dalam urin, sehingga tidak menghasilkan peningkatan lebih
lanjut dalam simpanan askorbat tubuh

Ekskresi fraksional dari dosis parenteral asam askorbat mendekati 100% pada dosis lebih
besar dari 2 g
Storage of Vitamin C

The vitamin is concentrated primarily as

dehydroascorbic acid in many vital
organs, particularly the adrenals, brain,
and eye.
Vitamin C deficiency
Lead to
Symptoms are:
• Feel weakness and fatigue
• Skin becomes rough,brown, scaly and dry
• Previously healed wounds reopen
• Teeth become loose
• Bone pain
• psychological problems appear such as
Vitamin C Toxicity

Dose of vitamin
C which is
greater than May lead to
2000 mg/day Nausea,
cramps, and
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