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1. Water under the bridge

This expresion is used to refer to something from the past that is no longer

What’s done is done and there’s nothing we can do about it – it’s all water
under the bridge now.
2. Piece of cake
Something that is a ‘piece of cake’ is very easy to do.

The exam was piece of cake!

3. Let the cat out of bag
To reveal a secret; to tell someone about a secret.

We’re throwing a party for Michelle tonight, but don’t

let the cat out of the bag – it’s supposed to be a surprise!
4. Hit the nail on the head
To describe something perfectly.

I think you really hit the nail on the head when you said that
what we are lacking is confidence and motivation.
5. You can’t judge book by its cover
You can’t tell what is someone like from their appearance.

She seems like cold and hard person, but she is very warm and nice-
you can’t judge book by its cover.
6. Don’t bite off more than you can chew
Don’t try to do more than you can do.

I think I bit off more than I could chew when I agreed to paint

this house by myself.
7. You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours
You do me a favour and I will do you a favour in return.

If you lend me the money now, I’ll use my contacts to help you get the job
you want - you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.
8. Add insult to injury
To make bad situation worse by doing something else bad.

She arrived an hour late for the dinner party, then, just to add insult
to injury, she complained about the food.
9. Once in a blue moon
Very rarely; not very often.

With three kids to look after, I only get to go out once in a blue moon.
10. See eye to eye
If two people ‘see eye to eye’, they agree on things and see things
the same way.

Sometimes we fight, but we generally see eye to eye on most things.

11. Kill two birds with one stone
To manage to do two things at the same time.

During the trip to Sctland I met with my old friends and went to my
brother’s wedding – I managed to kill two birds with one stone.
12. Cut corners
To do something the easiest, quickest or cheapest way.

I won't cut corners just to save money. I put quality first.
13. The last straw
The last problem in a series of problems.

She's always been rude to me, but it was the last straw when
she started insulting my mother.
14. Take what someone said with a pinch of salt
You don’t take something very seriously because you don’t believe it.

I’d take everything she says with a pinch of salt – she often tells lies.
15. Sit on the fence
If someone is ‘sitting on the fence’, they don’t take sides in an arguments
or they avoid making decisions.

I don’t think you can sit on the fence about this problem – you have to tell
us what you think.
16. The best of both worlds
To take all the advantages of two different situations.

She wants to keep her manager’s salary but she doesn’t want any of
responsibilities. She wants the best of both worlds, but that is not possible.
17. Pull the wool over someone’s eyes
To try to trick someone.

Don't try to pull the wool over her eyes. She's too smart.
18. Speak of the devil / Talk of the devil
This is something we say when the person we’re talking about appears.

Josh: I heard Jessica was going to go to Canada for a year.

Ana: Speak of the devil – that is Jassica over there.
Josh: Hi Jessica, we were just talking about you.
19. To give someone the cold shoulder
To ignore someone or to behave unfriendly without any reason.

I wanted to talk with Morgan, but she was giving me

a cold shoulder. Do you know what is wrong?
20. A lot on a plate
To have a lot of work to do and to be very busy.

I don’t think I will be able to go to the party this Friday because

I have got a lot on my plate now.

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