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• the process of removing physical, spatial, or
•  inheritance is the mechanism of basing an
temporal details
object or class upon another object or class,
•   attributes in the study of objects or systems retaining similar implementation.
to focus attention on details of greater
• inheritence should be used just to model a
generalization/specialization relationship

• The encapsulation is the process of grouping
• a programming language’s ability to process
or wrapping up of data and functions to
objects differently depending on their data
perform actions on the data into the single
type or class.
• Polymorphism is the ability of a
• It keeps the data and the code safe from
programming language to have many
external interference.
different underlying data types with the
same interface.

• A class is a blueprint from which • An object is the instance of the class,

you can create the instance, i.e., which helps programmers to use
objects variables and methods from inside
• A class is used to bind data as the class
well as methods together as a • Object acts like a variable of the class.
single unit. • Objects have a physical existence.
• Classes have logical existence. • An object takes memory when a
• A class doesn't take any memory programmer creates one.
spaces when a programmer • Objects can be declared several times
creates one. depending on the requirement.
• The class has to be declared only

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