Literature Review

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Theme: “Employers’ Perception about

Research Work in MS/PhD Programs in

Pakistan and suggestions to improve it by
making it more beneficial to the employer”
• Presented by:
• Amar Khalid
• Hussain Abbas
• Hassan Ahmad

Literature Review

• Research skills plays an important role for researcher.

Research works in Pakistan is compatible as compared to
abroad research or not ?
• We have to conduct online survey through which we can
conclude the present thinking of senior people about
research works in Pakistan

What is online survey ?

Online survey :

• Online survey or internet survey, is one of the most popular data-

collection sources, where a set of survey questions is sent out to a
target sample and the members of this sample can respond to the
questions over the world wide web.

Types of Online Survey:

 Open ended survey

 Partially open/close ended survey
 Close ended survey

• Improving teaching skills in teachers via training and other reforming
learning material by can be led to improvement in research works
(World Bank, 1980).

• We should increase the awareness about collection of information

sources, from where this information comes and who get this
information and from where (John Green, 2021)?

According to John Green, now a days, people are collecting and trust
the information:

 By spending more time online than ever before

 People source their news or information from Internet
 Internet is not regulated, over screen or edited in any way

• What questions we should ask and how many.
• We made a google form and prepared 10 questions.
• 9 of 10 were partially open ended questions and 1 was open ended
question, provided multiple choices to our respondents.
• Sent the form to different executive, directors and senior engineers.
• Asked for personal information like name, designation and years of
professional experience.
• Finally we got responses and analyzed their response.
• After analyzing we made recommendations.
Methodology (Cont’d)
• Respondents had cumulative professional experience of 149 years.
• Average professional experience of respondents was 11.5 years.
• 53.8% respondents were master degree holders.

Q1: Are you satisfied with current state of research work
at MS/PhD level in Pakistani universities?

Q2: What are the reason(s) for the current state of research
work in universities?

Q3: Do you find university research work at MS/Ph.D.
level trustworthy and practical for commercial purposes?

Q4: Do you think masters degree is a substitute for the lack
of hands-on field experience?

Q5: What type of masters degree should students pursue
and why?

Q6: What skills most bachelor degree holders lack that
they need masters degree for?

Q7: What should be the most important objective(s) of MS
programs from employer's point of view?

Q8: How research work at MS/PhD level can be made
beneficial to the employers? Research should be conducted

Q9: What do you think master graduates lack and should

Q10: What soft skills MS programs should focus on with

Discussion & Analysis of Survey Results
• Current state of research work is not helpful and practical for the
• Research work at MS/PhD level need to be made beneficial for the
industry by establishing university-industry collaboration.
• Research work in universities should aim at solving industry and
community problems.

Discussion & Analysis of Survey Results
• Besides technical knowledge, MS Programs must enhance student’s
soft skills as well.
• MS Programs must focus on practical knowledge and teach courses
helpful for the industry.
• Communications and team work are most important soft skills
required by employers.

Further Research
• This survey study has been performed on small sample of industry
• Though this study provides trends of industry/employers needs.
• A large scale is needed to further investigate the precise needs and
expectations of industry/employers.

• We conducted online survey to gauge industry perception and
expectations from research work at MS/PhD level and MS programs
• Industry is not satisfied with current state of MS programs & research
• MS programs should enhance overall skills of graduate not just
technical knowledge, most importantly communication skills.
• Research work should aim at solving industry problems.

Thank You


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