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What Is A Newspaper Article?
The key features of a newspaper article:

• Present the article correctly using ‘The Great Eight’.

• Write in the 3rd person and use the past tense.
• Include 3 sections – introduction, main body and a short conclusion.
• Usually record facts rather than opinions (unless writing a quote).
• Try to explain who, what, where, when, why and how in your article.
Purpose! What is the point of a newspaper article?
Why write a
To explain the To inform others
newspaper article?
facts behind about something
something that that has happened
has happened. – good or bad.

To share and
celebrate stories To tell people the
and events from truth.
around the world.
What do I need to write about?
Try to include the following points in your newspaper article:

Who is the article about?

How What
did it happen? has happened?

Why Where
did it happen? did it happen?

When did it happen?
Organisation and Presentation!
An excellent example of a newspaper 1. Name of the newspaper.
article should include ‘The Great Eight’: 2. Interesting headline — often
uses alliteration.
THE DAILY BLABBER 3. Introduction — briefly explain
“I was really
who, what, when, where.
Terrific Teacher Tantalises Town!
nervous, but in
the end, I took a
4. Main body — add details and
Mr Smith, an incredible local teacher, has
amazed children, staff and parents at his village
shot and it paid
off brilliantly!”
explain how and why. Usually
school yesterday by performing an incredible
routine on the new TV show Talented Teachers.
chuckled the
presented in columns.
Known in school for his fantastic footwork, Mr
Super Smith! Local teacher smiling away on
5. Relevant pictures.
Smith has led the school football team to
victory many times over the years. On last
stage at Talented Teachers. 6. Caption — explains the picture.
night’s show, the spotlight finally turned on
him as the whiteboard wonder dazzled the
Sadly, Mr Smith was not able to progress
into the final. He was pipped to the post by
7. Direct quotes from relevant
studio audience with his keepie-uppie skills.
Live on TV, the teacher managed to control the
a postman juggling letters, a dancing dog
and a rapping grandmother. Better luck next
ball perfectly and mesmerized many with his
time, Sir! 8. Conclusion to sum up events.
Your Turn! Exercise 1
Terrific Teacher Tantalises Town! “I was really
nervous, but in
the end, I took a
Mr Smith, an incredible local teacher, has shot and it paid
amazed children, staff and parents at his village

off brilliantly!”
school yesterday by performing an incredible chuckled the
routine on the new TV show Talented Teachers. teacher.

to make Known in school for his fantastic footwork, Mr

Smith has led the school football team to
victory many times over the years. On last
Super Smith! Local teacher smiling away on
stage at Talented Teachers.

great! night’s show, the spotlight finally turned on

him as the whiteboard wonder dazzled the
studio audience with his keepie-uppie skills.
Sadly, Mr Smith was not able to progress
into the final. He was pipped to the post by
a postman juggling letters, a dancing dog
Live on TV, the teacher managed to control the
and a rapping grandmother. Better luck
ball perfectly and mesmerized many with his
next time, Sir!

Change the red in the original example to make

the newspaper article your own!
Your Turn! Exercise 2
Have a go on your own!
You are going to write a newspaper article about one of the following stories!
Make sure you present your article properly and have used The Great Eight!
A recent A cat who got stuck up a A new world A strange discovery
sporting event. tree and was safely rescued. record. in a village.
Now… Check It!
It is always best practice to check your work for mistakes before you finish.
Use the 5 features of a newspaper article below to help you.

The key features of a newspaper article:

• Present the article correctly using ‘The Great Eight’.

• Write in the 3rd person and use the past tense.
• Include 3 sections – introduction, main body and a short conclusion.
• Usually record facts rather than opinions (unless writing a quote).
• Try to explain who, what, where, when, why and how in your article.

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