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MB - Gas Reservoirs

Gas reservoir may be a pure gas reservoir in the form of wet, dry or condensate form
depending on temperature pressure and the composition of the H-C at which the accumulation
is taken place. The reservoir may be having the water influx from the contiguous water aquifer
or it may be volumetric reservoir. In most of the gas engineering calculation two important
parameters are used i.e. Gas formation volume factor and gas expansion constant.

The Gas formation volume factor:

This can be derived from the Eqn of the state i.e. PV = znRT

The value of Bg ( rcf/ scf )

Ps Vs Pr Vr Vr Ps Zr R Tr
--------------- = ------------------ so Bg = ----- = -------------------
Zs R Ts Zr R Tr Vs Pr Zs R Ts

Put the values at standard conditions i.e. Ts = (60 F + 460) degree Rankin and Ps = 14.7 psi
Vr Ps Zr R Tr 14.7 Zr Tr 0.02827 Zr Tr
Bg = ----- = ------------------- = ------------------- so Bg (rcf/ scf = ------------------
Vs Pr Zs R Ts 520 Pr Pr

So if we draw the curve between the Bg Vs pressure the following curve will be generated (B)


Bg (rcf/ft3
Rs (B)
Scf/rbbls (A)

Pressure Pressure

In case of solution GOR (Rs) (scf/rbls), with increasing pressure the value of Rs will increase linearly till the
saturation pressure reached and it remains constant after Pb, and oil is said to be un-dersaturated. Its
value varies from zero to 2000 scf/ rbbls.

However the gas expansion constant Ei is the reciprocal of gas formation volume factor.
i.e. 1 1 35.37 Pr
---- = Ei = -------------------------- = -------------- scf/ rcf
Bg 0.02827 Zr Tr / Pr Zr Tr
E (scf/rcf Pressure

There are two approach for estimation of initial gas in place. That is volumetric method and
the MB method.
Volumetric method:
The volumetric equation is used for estimation of GIIP. However, as we also know that one
Sqr Acre foot reservoir have gas = 43560 ft3 ~ 7758 bbls of oil.

43560 AhΦ ( 1 - Swi) rcf

G (scf) = ---------------------------------- ----- -------------------------------------- (1)
Bg rcf/ scf

Where G = Gas in place ( scf)

A = Area of the reservoir in Acres
Swi = Initial Water saturation
Bg = Gas formation volume factor ( rcf/scf)
Φ = Porosity
The equation can also be generated for initial and abandonment conditions of the reservoir to
calculate the actual quantities of gas recovered.


43560 AhΦ ( 1 - Swi)

G (scf) = ---------------------------------- ----------(2)

43560 AhΦ ( 1 - Swi)

G (scf) = ---------------------------------- -------------- (3)

Gas Produced (scf) = [ GIIP - Gas Remaining in the reservoir ]

So it can be represented as under:
1 1
Gp (scf) = 43560 AhΦ ( 1 - Swi) { ------ - ------ } ---------------(4)
Bgi Bga

With the following reservoir inputs for gas reservoir:

If area of the reservoir, A = 5000 acres

Porosity = 25%
pay thickness = 10 ft
Connate water saturation = 20%
Initial reservoir pressure, Pi =2500 psi

P, psi Z Bgi (rcf/scf)

2500 (pi) 0.82 0.0065
1500 0.92 0.0152
500 0.98 0.0392

Calculate the cum gas production at 1500psi and 500 psi and also recovery factor in
both the cases.
1 1
G (scf) = 43560 AhΦ ( 1 - Swi) { ------ - ------ } ---------------(4)
Bgi Bga

Step : 1 First determine the pore volume of the gas reservoir PV = 43560 A h Φ

so PV = 43560x 5000x 10 x 0.25 = 544500000 = 544.5 x 10 6 ft3

Step: 2 Initial gas in place at 2500 psi reservoir pressure:

G ( scf) at 2500 psi = 544.5 x 10 6 ft3 (1 - 0.2) / 0.0065

= 67.015 x 109 ft 3

Amount of gas produced Gp = GIIP - gas remaining in the reservoir at 1500 psi

Step: 3 Remaining gas in the reservoir at 1500 psi :

Remaining gas G ( scf) at 1500 psi = 544.5 x 10 6 (1 - 0.2) / 0.0152 = 28.65 x 109 ft3
Step: 5 Total gas produced at 1500psi from the reservoir

Gp = Total gas in place - Total gas remaining in the reservoir at 1500psi

Gp at 1500 psi = 67.015 x 109 ft 3 - 28.65 x 10 9 ft3 = 38.365 x 10 9 ft3

Step: 6 Recovery factor at 1500psi

38.365 x 10 9 ft3
RF = ----------------------------------- x100 = 57.24%
67.015 x 10 9 ft3

Step: 7 Remaining gas in the reservoir at 500 psi :

Remaining gas G ( scf) at 500 psi = 544.5 x 10 6 (1 - 0.2) / 0.0392 = 11.112 x 109 ft3
Step: 8 Total gas produced at 500psi from the reservoir

Gp = Total gas in place - Total gas remaining in the reservoir at 500 psi

Gp at 500 psi = 67.015 x 109 ft 3 - 11.112 x 109 ft3 = 55.903x 10 9 ft3

Step: 9 Recovery factor at 500psi

55.903 x 10 9 ft3
RF = ----------------------------------- x100 = 83.41%
67.015 x 10 9 ft3
np = ni - nf -----------------------------------13.5

Where np = Mole of gas produced

ni = Initial moles of gas in the reservoir
nf = Mole of gas remaining in the reservoir

So representing the above Eqn in in the form of Eqn. of the state i.e.

Ps Gp Pi Vi P [ V - ( We - BwWp) ]
-------- = ---------- - -------------------------------------- ---------------------------- (13.6)
Zs R Ts Zi R Ti Z R T
Where Pi = Initial reservoir pressure , psi
Gp = Cum gas production , cf
p = Current reservoir pressure, psi
V = Original gas volume, cf
Zi = Gas deviation factor at Pi pressure
Z = Gas deviation factor at P pressure
T = Reservoir temperature 0R
we = Cum water influx, cf
wp = Cum water production, cf

Fig:1 Idealized water drive Gas Reservoir

In general the Eqn No. 13.6 is represented as Gas Material Balance Equation. This Equation can
be represented in numerous form depending upon the types of applications and the drive
mechanism. The gas drive reservoir can be represented into two forms:
1. Volumetric Gas Reservoir
2. Water drive gas Reservoir
Volumetric Gas Reservoir:
Gas Reservoir where there is no water influx the Eqn No.2 can be represented as under:

Ps Gp Pi Vi PV
-------- = ---------- - ---------- ---------------------------- (3)
Zs Ts Zi Ti ZT

The above Eqn No. 3 is commonly represented in two form forms:

3. In terms of P/Z form:

Arranging the above Eqn N0 3 as

Ps Gp Pi Vi PV
-------- = ---------- - ----------
Zs Ts Zi T ZT

P Pi Vi Ps T Gp
--- = ---------- - ---------------
Z Zi V Ts Zs V

Since V = Original gas volume and Vi = Initial volume of gas i.e. V = Vi & Zs =1

So the final Equation will be :

P Pi Ps T Gp
--- = ---------- - --------------- ------------------------------------13.8
Z Zi Ts V

So if we plot the P/Z Vs Gas Produced (Gp) it will show the straight line. This straight line
relationship is used to determine the gas reserves figures. The straight line shows the
characteristics of the reservoir. The slope of the Eqn is represented as :
Ps T Ps T
Slope = ---------------- = ------------------- ------13.9 where V = Gas initially in place ( G)
Ts V Ts G
Fig:2 Gas Material Balance Equations
The original gas volume V can be calculated from the slope and used to determine the areal
extent of the reservoir from:

V = 43560 AhΦ ( 1 - Swi) ---------13.10 where A = Area of the reservoir in Acre.

 If Gp=0 it gives the value of intercept, i.e. Pi/Zi
 when Intercept Pi/Zi = 0 it gives the value of Initial volume of gas “G”
 Cum. Gas production or gas recovery can be calculated at any pressure.

The original volume of the gas at reservoir conditions can be calculated as:

V = 43560 A h φ ( 1- Swi) ------------------------------------13.10

Where A= Reservoir area, in Acre
From the above graph we can infer that:


As we know that Initial Gas in place (G, scf) =43560 AhΦ (1 - Swi)/ Bgi

0.02862 T Z 0.02862x (164 + 460) * 0.869

and Bgi = ------------------- = ----------------------------------------- = 0.00863 rcf/ scf
P 1798

G (scf) = 43560 x1060 x 54 x 0.13 ( 1- 0.52)

= 155.58 x 10 6 ft3 / Bgi = 155.58 x 10 6 ft3 / 0.00863 rcf/ scf

= 18.027 MMMft3

Step:3 Now plot the P/Z Vs Gp from the above table.

Relationship between P/Z Vs Gp
The initial reservoir gas volume V can be expressed in terms of the volume of gas at
standard conditions by:
psc Zi Ti
V (rcf) = G (scf) x Bgi (rcf/scf) = G [--------- ------- ]
Tsc Pi
Combining the above Equation with Eqn No. 13.8 it gives as :
P Pi Pi 1
----- = -------- - [------- ---- ] Gp
Z Zi Zi G

P Pi Gp
----- = [--------- ( 1 - ------- )] -----------------------13.11
Z Zi G

Again, Equation 13-11 shows that for a volumetric reservoir, the relationship
between (p/z) and Gp is essentially linear. This popular equation indicates that
by extrapolation of the straight line to abscissa, i.e., at p/z =0, will give the value
of the gas initially in place as G = Gp. The graphical representation of Equation
13-11 can be used to detect the presence of water influx, as shown graphically
in Figure 13-4. When the plot of (p/z) vs Gp deviates from the linear
relationship, it indicates the presence of water encroachment.
Many graphical methods have been proposed to solve the MBE that has been used
to detect the water influx. One such graphical technique is called as “Energy Plot”.
P Pi Pi 1
----- = -------- - [------- ---- ] Gp -----------------------13.11
Z Zi Zi G

P Zi Gp
----- * ----- = [ 1- ------ ]
Z Pi G
or P Zi Gp
[1- ---- ---- ] = ------
Z Pi G
Taking log on both side of the above Equation
P Zi
log [1- ---- ---- ] = Log Gp - log G] --------------------13.12
Z Pi
When we plot
P Zi
[1- ---- ---- ] Vs Gp on Log-Log coordinate it will yield a straight line
Z Pi
With a slope of one ( An angle of 45 degree.). An extrapolation on the vertical axis at
P=0 yield a value of initial gas in place (G). The graph so obtained is known as
Energy Plot.
These types of graphs has been used to detect the water influx in the early stage
of the life of the reservoir.
An increasing slope indicates either gas is leaking in the reservoir or there is a
bad reservoir data. since the increasing slope would imply that the gas-occupied pore
volume was increasing with time.

In Terms of Bg:
The gas formation volume factor Bg can be defined as:
V (rcf)
Bg = ---------------
G (scf)
Vr Ps Zr Tr
Bg = ----- = ---- ------- r, stand for initial condition of the reservoir
Vs Ts Pr
Vr Ps Zi T V
Bg = ------ = ---- ------- = ----- ------------------13.13
Vs Ts Pi G
Where V = Volume of gas originally in the reservoir , rcf.
G = Volume of gas originally in place , scf, at surface conditions.
Pi = Original Reservoir Pressure.
Zi= Gas compressibility factor at Pi.
The Equation 13.13 can be combine with Eqn No. 13.7 to get the
Gp * Bg
G = -------------------------- --------------------------13.14
Bg- Bgi
The Eqn 13.13 indicate that for calculation of initial gas volume in the reservoir it
requires the Gas production data (Gp), pressure data (pr), Gas sp. Gravity (ϒg) for
obtaining the Z- factor and reservoir temperature.
Early in the producing life of a reservoir, however, the denominator of the right-hand
side of the material balance equation is very small, while the numerator is relatively
large. A small change in the denominator will result in a large discrepancy in the
calculated value of initial gas in place. Therefore, the material balance equation should
not be relied during early stage of production life of the reservoir.
Material balance on volumetric gas reservoirs.
The initial gas in place is calculated using Equation 13-14 by substituting cumulative gas
produced and appropriate gas formation volume factors at corresponding reservoir
pressures during the history period. If successive calculations at various times during the
history give consistent values for initial gas in place, the reservoir is operating under
volumetric control and computed G is reliable, as shown in Figure 13-6.
Once G has been determined and the absence of water influx is established, the same
equation can be used to make future predictions of cumulative gas production of
reservoir pressure.
It has been observed that by using Eqn 13.14 for calculation of initial gas in
place shows the higher value of Gas reserves with time if water influx is
occurring. If there is gas leakage to another zone due to bad cement jobs or
casing leaks the computed value of G may decrease with time.
After producing 360 MMscf of gas from
a volumetric gas reservoir, the pressure
has declined from 3200 psi to 3000 psi,
Bgi = 0.005278 ft3/scf
Bg = 0.005390 ft3/scf
a. Calculate the gas initially in place.
b. Recalculate the gas initially in place
assuming that the pressure
measurements were incorrect and the
true average pressure is 2900 psi. The
gas formation volume factor at this
pressure is 0.00558 ft3/scf.
Calculation of gas in place.

Gp * BG
G = -------------------------- --------------------------13.14
BG- Bgi

as per the above Equation the value of G is calculated:

360x 10 6 x 0.00539 1.94x 10 6
G = ------------------------------- = ------------------- = 17.64MMMscf
0.00539 - 0.005278 0.00011

. Recalculate G by using the correct value of Bg.

360x 10 6 x 0.00558 2.404x 10 6

G = ------------------------------- = ------------------- = 6.65MMMscf
0.00558 - 0.005278 0.000302

The above calculation indicates that with a pressure decline of 100 psi from the original
pressure of 3200 psi with a little increase in Bg value shows decrease of G value of
2.65 times. This indicates the sensitivity of Bg value calculated from the different
Water-Drive Gas Reservoirs:
In Gas drive reservoir, there are two unknown parameters i.e. Cum. water influx
quantity and Initial Gas in Place (GIIP) in MB of gas equation. Although the production
data, pressure, temperature and Gas Sp. Gravity are known parameters. So the equation
13.14 can be modified for water influx quantity & is written as:
Gp * BG - (We - Bw Wp)
G = ------------------------------------------------- --------------------------13.15
Bg- Bgi
The above Eqn can be arranged and is written as :
We GpBg + Bw Wp
G + ------------ = ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------3.16
Bg- Bgi Bg- Bgi
Equation 13-16 reveals that for a volumetric reservoir, i.e., We = 0, the right-hand side
of the equation will be constant regardless of the amount of gas Gp which has been
For a water-drive reservoir, the values of the right-hand side of Equation 13-16 will
continue to increase because of the We/(Bg - Bgi) term is not zero. A plot of several of
these values at successive time intervals is illustrated in Figure 13-7. Extrapolation of the
line formed by these points back to the point where Gp = 0 shows the true value of G,
because when Gp = 0, then We/(Bg - Bgi) is also zero.
Havlena and Odeh (1963) expressed the gas material balance in terms of:

- Gas production/ Gas expansion,

- fluid expansion,
- Water influx
So the underground withdrawal of gas volume is written as:
Under ground withdrawal = Gas Expansion + Water expansion/pore compaction +
Water influx
GpBg + Wp Bw = G (Bg –Bgi) + G Bgi * (Cw Sw + Cf) ∆p
------------------------- + WeBw ---------------3.17
1 – Swi
Now as per Havlena & Odeh explain, as in case of oil MB equation stated that:
F = N ( Eo + m Eg + Efw) + We Bw similarly in case of gas reservoir it is
written as:
F = G (Eg + Efw) + We Bw --------------------------------3.18

The terms F, Eg, Efw are defined as :

1. Under ground fluid withdrawal, F

F= GpBg + Wp Bw -------------------------------------------------3.19
2. Gas Expansion, Eg
Eg = Bg - Bgi ---------------------------13.20
3. Water and Rock Expansion

Cw Swi + Cf
Efw = Bgi* -------------------- ∆p -------------------------------13.21
1 - Swi

If rock and water expansion in Eqn 13.18 is negligible as compare to the gas
expansion. Then the Eqn is reduced to:

F = GEg + We Bw ---------------------------13.22

This Eqn can be arranged as :

F We Bw
--------- = G + ----------- ---------------------------13.23
Eg Eg
Using the production, pressure and PVT
data, the left-hand side of this expression
should be plotted as a function of the
cumulative gas production, Gp. This is
simply for display purposes to inspect its
variation during depletion. Plotting F/Eg
versus production time or pressure
decline, Dp, can be equally illustrative.
Dake (1994) presented an excellent
discussion of the strengths and
weaknesses of the MBE as a straight line.
He points out that the plot will have one
of the three shapes depicted in Figure
13-8. If the reservoir is of the volumetric
depletion type, We = 0, then the values
of F/Eg evaluated, The main advantage in
the F/Eg versus Gp plot is that it
is much more sensitive than other
methods in establishing whether the
reservoir is being influenced by natural
water influx or not.

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