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Questions for you:

How do you define How do you define

“Success”? “Intelligence”?
Successful Intelligence

defined as one's ability to set

and accomplish personally
meaningful goals in one's life,
given one's cultural context
Module 17

Successful Intelligence Theory
WICS Model
Robert J. Sternberg

 is a cognitive psychology
who is currently the
Provost of Psychology at
Oklahoma State university.

 Among his major contributions to psychology are the

triarchic theory of intelligence and several influential theories related to
creativity, wisdom, thinking styles, love, and hate
Successful Intelligence Theory WICS Model

Memory Wisdom
Analytical Intelligence Intelligence
Creative Intelligence Creatively
Practical Intelligence Synthesize

1. Memory skills
# recall facts and pieces of information
2. Analytical skills
# determine if a certain idea is good.
3. Creative skills
# come up with a new idea
4. Practical skills
# apply what one has learned
Applying the WICS Model
How do you Teach Analytically?

1. Analyze – recognize the problem - define the problem –

formulate strategy – evaluate the result
2. Critique - evaluate in a detailed
3. Judge - form an opinion or conclusion about
4. Compare - estimate, measure, or note the similarity or
dissimilarity between.
5. Evaluate - form an idea of the amount, number, or value
6. Assess - estimate the nature, ability, or quality of
How do you Teach Creatively?
1. Create - bring (something) into existence
2. Invent - create or design (something that has not existed before); be the
originator of
3. Discover - find (something or someone) unexpectedly or in the course of
a search
4. Image if… - To imagine something is to picture it in your head. When we
imagine things, we're using our imagination. The word image is a good clue to
the meaning of imagine, a word for picturing or envisioning things
5. Suppose that… - assume that something is the case on the basis of
evidence or probability but without proof or certain knowledge.
6. Predict - say or estimate that (a specified thing) will happen in the future
or will be a consequence of something.
How do you teach Practically?

1. Apply - make a formal application

2. Use - take, hold, or deploy (something) as a means of
accomplishing a purpose or achieving a result; employ.
3. Put into practice - To make (something) a practical
4. Implement - put (a decision, plan, agreement, etc.) into
5. Employ - make use of
6. Render practical what they know - provide or
give (a service, help, etc.).
Thank You

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