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•Life cycle in plants

•1.The plant life cycle consists of four stages?

•-Seed, sprout, small plant, adult plant

2.How do plants reproduce?
•-Sexual and asexual

3. What is sexual reproduction?
•-Plants have both male and female reproductive organs to reproduce

4.What is asexual reproduction?
•-Is when a new organism is made and only involves one parent which is identical to the offspring

5. Asexual reproduction can be studied in two groups as?
•-Natural and artificial asexual reproduction

6. Natural asexual reproduction can be done through?
a) grafting
b) vegetative propagation
c) meiosis

7. Artificial asexual reproduction can be done through?
a) sporulation
b) binary fission
c) taking cuttings

8.Plants that have spores are?
•-Ferns, mosses and green algae

9.Fern life cycle has two free living?
•-Gametophyte and the sporophyte phase

10.Vegetative Propagation can be done in form of?
- Stem tubers or runners.

The life cycle of seed plants, and the factors affecting their development
1. The life cycle of the corn plant is divided into two phases:
• -The vegetative growth phase and the reproductive development phase

2.The factors affecting plants development are:
• -Water, warmth and air

3. Write the stages of Reproductive phase in corn life cycle?
- Fruits with seeds, seed, germination, sprout, flowering, fruit

4. If the pollen grains from a male flower (in the corn flower - many flowers together) fall on the female flower of the same individual, we have?
a) cross-pollination
b) self-pollination
5.If the pollen of a male flower pollinates the female flowers of other plants we have?
a) cross-pollination
b) self-pollination

•Animal reproduction

1. The main type of reproduction in animals (vertebrates and invertebrates) is:

a) asexual reproduction
b) sexual reproduction
c) sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction (can be seen).
2. Asexual reproduction in invertebrates can be in form of?
•-Regeneration, using spores, budding.

3. What is External fertilization?
•-Is a mode of reproduction in which a male organism's sperm fertilizes a female organism's egg outside of the female's body.

4. What is internal fertilization?
•-Is the union of an egg and sperm cell during sexual reproduction inside the female body

5.In coelenterates the zygote it is in form of larvae called?

6. Animals with internal fertilization can be divided into 3 groups:
•-Oviparous, ovoviviparous and viviparous animals

7.What is metamorphosis?
•-Metamorphoses are the ways certain animals grow, develop, and change shape.

8.There are two types of Metamorphosis?
•-. Complete Metamorphosis and Incomplete Metamorphosis

9.What is incomplete metamorphosis?
•-Only some parts change and has 3 stages
•10.Incomplete metamorphosis has three intermediate stages and they are?
•-Egg, nymph and adult

11.What is complete Metamorphosis?
•-Is the type of insect development that includes egg, larva, pupal, and adult stages, which differ greatly in morphology.

12.Write down some examples of complete metamorphosis?
•-Butterflies, ants, bees, moths, wasps, fleas.

1. Differences between chromosomes and chromatids?
•-Chromosome: bundle of DNA and proteins, contain linked genes
•-Chromatid: identical elements of a replicated chromosome, sister chromatids are tied at the centromere

2.The five phases of the cell cycle are?
•-G1, S phase, G2 phase, Mitosis and cytokinesis

3.Three stages of interphases?
•G1, S Phase and G2 Phase

3.What is mitosis?
•The process during cell division in which the nucleus of a cell is divided into two nuclei is called mitosis.

4.What is cytokinesis?
•The process during cell division in which the cytoplasm divides is called cytokinesis.



•1.What is meiosis?
• The process that halves the number of chromosomes in a cell

2. what happens in Meiosis I?
•During meiosis-I, each of the double set of chromosomes is replicated to produce a complete copy of every gene in the nucleus. These sets are passed on to the two daughter cells.

3.What happens in Meiosis II?
•Meiosis II is very similar to mitosis. During prophase II a spindle apparatus forms, attaches to kinetochores of each sister chromatids, and moves them around.

4.Is there an interphase in Meiosis II?
c)Yes but it stopped in the way

5.In the end of Meiosis how many daughter cells are formed and with what number of chromosomes?
- 4 haploid daughter cells


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