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Batch- B
Pre-Prof. exam MBBS Part-2
2018 Batch.
A 55-year-old women is being evaluated for
c/o generalized weakness fatigue after
gasterctomy due to gastric carcinoma done 2
month back .. Blood investigation was done
and Blood Smear was examined. And note was
made on the white blood cells seen in Figure.

(a) What is a possible diagnosis for this patient

(b) What is a possible treatment for this
Spot 2
(a) Mention the Clinical condition of the bases of
CXR finding.
(b) What will be the Management for this patient.
Spot 3.
Ms. Anita is a 33-year-old high school physics teacher who presents to
the emergency department with 13 day of fever, severe headache, and
neck pain. On examination, Her temperature is 40°C, heart rate is 94
beats/min, and blood pressure is 105/65. She has a markedly stiff neck
that resists passive movement. CSF Examination was done.
Opening pressure 30 mm H2O
Wbc 280/cumm
DLC 97 % Mononuclear cells
GLUCOSE 48 mg %
PROTEIN 280 mg/dl
ADA 26

(a) What is the diagnosis of this patient?

(b) What will be the empirical therapy to treat this
clinical condition?
Spot 4.
(a) Identify the given instrument

(b) Write down 2 condition where it’s indicated.

(a) Describe the class of drug given in the picture.

(b) Write down 2 indication/ use of given Drug?

. You are seeing Mr. Dharam who is a 54-year-old previously healthy truck driver.
During driving he suddenly felt difficulty in breathing left sided chest pain. He
rush to ER on examination his BP is 70/40 mmHg stat 12 Lead ECG was done ?



(a)What is diagnosis of Patient?

(b) What will be the emergency management on the bases of ECG and
patient’s vital status?
• SPOT 7.
• You are assessing a hypertensive patient BP 210/106 mmHg with
Sudden Loss of consciousness followed by episode of seizure. During
assessment patient opening her eyes on painful stimuli with
incomprehensible sound and flexion withdrawal during sternal rub. Ct
was done Patient diagnosed as case of Intracranial Hemorrhage.

(a) Mention the possible score for eye opening, verbal command and
motor response?
(b) Calculate total GCS score for this patient.
(a) Describe the class of drug given in the picture?

(b) Write down the adverse effect of given drug ?

Spot 9.
(a) Identify the given instrument

(b) Write down condition where it’s

• SPOT 10.

• (a) Identify the clinical sign?

• (b) Mention the clinical
conditions where this clinical
sign is observed?

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