Che0405 Ped Lecture 1

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Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Semester B, AY 2021-22

CHE 0405 Process Equipment Design

Lecture 1- Heat Exchanger Design
Course Team : Dr. Geetha Devi
Ms. B. M. Sangeetha

Classification of heat exchangers
 Transfer of heat from one fluid to another is an important
operation for most of the chemical industries.
 The most common application of heat transfer is in the
design of heat transfer equipment for exchanging heat from
one fluid to another fluid.
 Heat exchangers are normally classified depending on the
transfer process occurring in them.
 shell and tube exchangers are most commonly used heat
exchange equipment.
The common types of shell and tube exchangers are:
1. Fixed tube-sheet exchanger: In this type of exchangers the
tube sheet is welded to the shell and no relative movement
between the shell and tube bundle is possible

Removable tube bundle: Tube bundle may be removed for ease
of cleaning and replacement. Removable tube bundle
exchangers further can be categorized in floating-head and U-
tube exchanger.
Floating-head exchanger: It consists of a stationery tube sheet
which is clamped with the shell flange.
U-tube exchanger: This type of exchangers consists of tubes
which are bent in the form of a „U‟ and rolled back into the tube
sheet.Thermal Design Considerations
The flow rates of both hot and cold streams, their terminal
temperatures and fluid properties are the primary inputs of
thermal design of heat exchangers.
Thermal design of a shell and tube heat exchanger typically
includes the determination of heat transfer area, number of
tubes, tube length and diameter, tube layout, number of shell
and tube passes, type of heat exchanger (fixed tube sheet,
removable tube bundle etc), tube pitch, number of baffles, its
type and size, shell and tube side pressure drop etc. 3
Shell is the container for the shell fluid and the tube bundle is
placed inside the shell. Shell diameter should be selected in
such a way to give a close fit of the tube bundle.
Tube OD of ¾ and 1” are very common to design a compact
heat exchanger.
The tube thickness should be enough to withstand the
internal pressure along with the adequate corrosion allowance.
The tube thickness is expressed in terms of BWG
(Birmingham Wire Gauge) and true outside diameter (OD).
The tube length of 6, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24 ft are preferably
Stainless steel, admiralty brass, copper, bronze and alloys of
copper-nickel are the commonly used tube materials

Tube pitch, tube-layout and tube-count
Tube pitch is the shortest centre to centre distance between
the adjacent tubes.
The tubes are generally placed in square or triangular
patterns (pitch)
The number of tubes that can be accommodated in a given
shell ID is called tube count.
The tube count depends on the factors like shell ID, OD of
tube, tube pitch, tube layout, number of tube passes, type of
heat exchanger and design pressure.
Tube passes

The number of passes is chosen to get the required tube side

fluid velocity to obtain greater heat transfer co-efficient and
also to reduce scale formation.
The tube passes of 1, 2 and 4 are common in application
Common tube layouts

Figure. Heat exchanger tube-layouts

Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers

Parallel and Counter flow heat exchangers

Figure (a): Parallel flow (b) Counter flow

Counter flow – LMTD (∆Tm)

Baffles are used to increase the fluid velocity by diverting
the flow across the tube bundle to obtain higher transfer co-
The distance between adjacent baffles is called baffle-
The baffle spacing of 0.2 to 1 times of the inside shell
diameter is commonly used.
types of baffles

Cut-segmental baffle,
Disc and doughnut baffle
Orifice baffle

Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Design Steps
Step 1: Routing of fluid
Identify Shell side and tube side fluid. tube side (corrosive fluid)

Step 2: Calculation of heat flow rate using equation Q= mCp∆T

Heat lost by hot fluid= Heat gained by cold fluid
(mCp∆T)hot fluid= (mCp∆T) cold fluid
Step 3: Calculation of unknown in the energy balance equation.
Step 4: Calculation of LMTD assuming parallel or counter flow.
Step 5: Calculation of minimum flow area per tube pass

Step 6: Calculation of number of tubes per pass
Step 7:Determination of total number of tubes
Step 8: Determination of inside diameter of shell
Step 9:Calculation of Reynolds number for tube side fluid, NRe

Step 10: Calculation of JH factor

Step 11: Calculation of inside film coefficient, hi
Step 12: Determination of NRe for shell side

Step 13: Calculation of JH factor for flow through shell side

Step 14: calculation of shell side heat transfer coefficient.

Problem 1: A 1-2 shell-and-tube heat exchanger is used to
cool ethane-1, 2-diol from 110◦C to 70◦C with a flow rate of
45000 kg/h. The cooling water enters at 35◦C and leaves at
55◦C. Select a counter flow heat exchanger with ¾ inch OD
tube, 16 BWG, triangular pitch and 8 feet long tube
arrangement with a tube thickness of 0.083 inch. By referring
to the data sheet and with suitable assumptions, design a shell
and tube heat exchanger. Evaluate the following
(i) Mass flow rate of water;
(ii) Heat lost by ethane-1, 2-diol;
(iii) Total number of tubes;
(iv) Tube side Reynolds number;
(v) Inside heat transfer coefficient
(vi) Shell side heat transfer coefficient;
(vii) Actual Design Overall heat transfer coefficient

Properties Ethane-1, Water
2-diol (Hot) (Cold)
 , ( Ns / m 2 ) 2  10 4 8  10 4
Cp, (kJ / kgK ) 2.351 4.2
k , (W / mK ) 0.256 0.62
Pr 19 15.62
 , (kg / m 3 ) 1113 996.0
k wall (W / mK )
Tube pitch, 15/16

i)Heat balance
Heat lost by the hot fluid = Heat gained by the cold fluid

Q  mCp.T ethane1,2diol  mCp.T water

45000  2.351 110  70   m  4.2  55  35

m  50378.57
Mass flow rate of water = 50378.57

ii) Q  mCp.T   45000  2.351  40  4231800
hot fluid = Ethane 1,2 diol

h Cold fluid = Water

Heat lost by ethane-1, 2-diol = 4231800 kg/h

(iii) T LM  T 1  T 2

55  35
 44.250 C
T 1 ln
T 2 35
Corrected LMTD = 44.25x 0.95 = 42.04 0C

Minimum flow area per tube pass = volumetric flow rate/velocity

Assume velocity = 1 m/s
Minimum flow area per tube pass = 45000kg/h / (1113 kg/m3x 3600x1) =
1.12 x 10-2 m2
Number of tubes per pass

¾ inch OD tube, 16 BWG, triangular pitch and 8 feet long

tube. Thickness = 0.083 inch

di= d0-2t = 0.75-2 x0.084=0.582 inch =0.584 x 2.54 x 10-2 =0.0148m

Inside c/s area = π/4 di2 = π/4 (0.0148)2 = 1.72 x 10-4 m2

Number of tubes/pass = (minimum flow area/tube pass)/ c/s
area tube = 1.12 x 10-2 /1.72 x 10-4 = 65

Total number of tubes = 2 x 65 = 130

(iv) Tube side Reynolds number
Determination of inside diameter of shell

Pitch = 15/16 inch

Shell ID = tube bundle diameter + 2 x clearance

Area occupied by n tubes = 0.866 x n x PT2 = 638.37 x 10-4 m2

= 0.866 x 130 x (15/16 x 2.54x 10-2)2

π/4 db2 = 638.37 x 10-4 m2

db = 0.285 m = D= tube bundle diameter D = 0.285 m = 285 mm
Shell ID = tube bundle diameter + 2 x clearance

Clearance = 7/8 inch Shell ID = 329.45 mm

Tube side NRe

 2
n   d i  U a  3600 xdensity  45000
Ua  1
G    U a  1113 1  1113 2 NRe = Gdi/µ
m s
0.0148 1113
N Re  2
 82362
0.02 10

Inside heat transfer coefficient, hi

jH factor jH  0.023  Re 0.2  2.39 10 3

Inside heat transfer coefficient

hi  d i
 0.023  Re 0.8  Pr 0.4
hi  0.0148
 0.023  823620.8  190.4
hi  11060.863 2
m K
as  ID  C    128.835 10  4 m 2
C   PT  OD  15 / 16  3 / 4  0.00476m
Shell side heat transfer coefficient
B=Baffle spacing=150 mm

W mc 50378.57 5 kg kg
Gs     39.10  10  1086.11
as as 128.835 10 4 m2h m 2 sec

De  Gs 1.38  10 2 1086.11 = 1.38 x 10-2 m

N Re   4
 18735.4
 8  10
N Re  10 5

jH  0.351 Re 0.45  4.2 10 3

Shell side heat transfer coefficient
 0.67 W
h0  j H  Cp  Gs  Pr  4.2 10 3  4.2  103  1086.11  (15.62) 0.67  3038.12
m2 K

Overall heat transfer coefficient
d0  di d0  di
xw   0.083inch d m  0.664
2 d0
1 1 1 d i xw d i di
  
U i hi h0 d 0 k w d m
1 1 1 0.584 0.083  2.54  10 2 0.584
    
U i 6356.46 318.25 0.75 16.26 0.664

U i  367.51
m2 K

Inside heat transfer area

Q 4231800
Ai    407.83m 2
Ui  T LM  FT 367.51  29.72  0.95
Actual heat transfer Area = A actual

 n  d i  L  130    0.584  2.54  10 2  8  12  2.54  10 2  14.76m 2

Formula sheet

j H  0.023N Re 
( jH ) s 
N ReS 0.45
Q  U i Ai .T m FT d0  di
xw 
C  PT  d 0 2
h 0  j H  C p  G  N  

Q  U 0 A0 .T m FT
Pr 3

as  C  B
 3  PT 2  0.5    d 0 2 
De   
 0.5    d 0 
1 1 1 d i xw d i
  
U i hi h0 d 0 k w d m
d0  di
d m
 2
mh  N t   d i  U a  
Cp  
N Pr 
hi  d i 0.8 0.4
 0.023  Re  Pr
A  0.866  N t  PT
LMTD Correction factor = 0.95


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