ESTEM3rd Year Technical English I

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3rd Year: RSCSI/GC

Instructor: Dr. Mohamed Saïd Sefiani

Academic Year: 2022-2023

 What department does which job? Match each job (1-15) to a company
department (A-O):
1. puts the product into boxes? 2. pays wages and salaries? 3. plans
how to promote products? 4. has systems to prevent mistakes? 5.
looks after the equipment? 6. deals with complaints? 7.
manufactures the products? 8. sends invoices to customers? 9. buys
equipment? 10. arranges credit facilities? 11. helps staff develop new
skills? 12. sends products to the customer? 13. buys media space? 14.
recruits new staff? 15. sends representatives to visit customers?
A. Training B. Production C. Marketing
D. Purchasing E. Personnel F. Packaging G. Sales
H. Accounts I. Payroll J. Distribution
K. Customer Service L. Financial Services M. Quality
N. Advertising O. Maintenance
An Organization Chart
I think we have a fairly typical organization for a
manufacturing firm. We're divided into Finance, Production,
Marketing and Human Resources departments. The Human
Resources department is the simplest. It consists of two
sections. One is responsible for recruitment and personnel
matters; the other is in charge of training. The Marketing
department is made up of three sections: Sales, Sales
Promotion, and Advertising, whose heads are all accountable
to the marketing manager. The Production department
consists of five sections. The first of these is Production
Control, which is in charge of both Scheduling and Materials
Control. Then there's Purchasing, Manufacturing, Quality
Control, and Engineering Support. Manufacturing contains
three sections: Tooling, Assembly, and Fabrication. Finance is
composed of two sections: Financial Management, which is
responsible for capital requirements, fund control, and credit,
and Accounting.
Give four phrases from the text meaning ‘to consist of’:
1. ……………………2…………………3. ………………….4. ………………….
 Read the text below and complete the organization chart:


1. 1.
2. 2
The Board of Directors
appointed constituted combined supervised
defined supported attacked reviewed
Large British companies generally have a chairman of the board of directors who
oversees operations, and a managing director (MD) who is responsible for the day-to-
day running of the company. In smaller companies, the roles of chairman and managing
director are usually (1) ………………. . Americans tend to use the term president rather
than chairman, and chief executive officer (CEO) instead of managing director, The CEO
or MD is (2) …………………by various executive officers or vice-presidents, each with
clearly (3)………………authority and responsibility (production, marketing, finance,
personnel, and so on).
Top managers are (4) ………………….(and sometimes dismissed) by a company's
board of directors. They are (5) …………..and advised and have their decisions and
performance (6)………… the board. The directors of private companies were
traditionally major shareholders, but this does not apply to large public companies with
wide share ownership. Such companies should have boards (7) …………of experienced
people of integrity and with a record of performance in a related business and
willingness to work to make the company successful. In reality, however, companies
often appoint people with connections that will impress the financial and political
milieu. Yet a board that does not demand high performance and remove inadequate
executives will probably eventually find itself (8) ………………and displaced by raiders.  
Answer the following questions in your own words as much as possible:
1. With reference to the text, say what responsibilities are generally assigned
to the Board of directors!
2. Who usually assists a top executive manager in his daily running of the
3. Find words in the text with meanings closer to the following, respectively:
a)In charge: …………………. b) deputy: ………………………
c) supervises: ……………………d) disposition:…………………..
4. Paraphrase the following statement:
“Companies should have boards made up of experienced people of integrity
and with a record of performance in a related business.”
5. Make a comment on this statement:
“Companies often appoint people with connections that will impress the
financial and political milieu.”
6. Translate into French:
“Large British companies generally have a chairman of the board of directors
who oversees operations, and a managing director (MD) who is responsible
for the day-to-day running of the company.”


Production management's responsibilities are

summarized by the "five M's": men, machines,
methods, materials, and money. "Men" refers
to the human element in operating systems.
Since the majority of manufacturing personnel
work in the physical production of goods,
"people management" is one of the production
manager's most important responsibilities.
Production managers must also choose the machines and
methods of the company, first selecting the equipment and
technology to be used in the manufacture of the product or
service and then planning and controlling the methods and
procedures for their use. The flexibility of the production
process and the ability of workers to adapt to equipment
and schedules are important issues in this phase of
production management. The production manager's
responsibility for materials includes the management of
flow processes-both physical (raw materials) and
information (paperwork). The smoothness of resource
movement and data flow is determined largely by the
fundamental choices made in the design of the product and
in the process to be used.
The manager's concern for money is
explained by the importance of financing
and purchasing equipment and machinery.
A manager who allows excessive
inventories to build up or who achieves
production level and steady operation by
sacrificing good customer service and
timely delivery runs the risk that
overinvestment or high current costs will
wipe out any temporary competitive
advantage that might have been obtained.

1. What does "five M's" represent?

2. Find words in the above text with meanings similar to the
following, respectively:
a)Staff:………………………. b)provisional:……………..
c)commodities: ……………… d)funding:……………… e)opportune:
…………………… f) immoderate:…………
3. Paraphrase: “The manager's concern for money is explained by
the importance of financing and purchasing equipment and
4. Comment on the following: “people management is one of the
production manager's most important responsibilities.”
5. Sum up the main responsibilities of a production manager with
reference to the text?
productive, economical, to be concerned with, economic,
available, , to increase, basis, to decrease
a) This technique is very ……...: you won't need much money
and personnel.
b) This is a purely ……….... approach, we must consider other
aspects of the problem.
c) Unfortunately, there is little information …………..on this
interesting subject.
d) Why is this organization more ……………………. than that
e) ……………..productivity we should introduce new methods
of financial management.
f) Let's take this concept as …………... of our further research.
g) This chapter……………….. the most important processes
within an organization.
h) The number of jobs in industry ……….... and
unemployment rate consequently …………………

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