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• Disruptive behavior disorders (DBD) are a group of behavioral problems that

are referred to as disruptive because the children and teens affected by one of
these disorders will cause disruptions to the people and activities around
• In addition to the teen having difficulties, the whole family suffers as they
continuously experience their child’s disruptive behaviors. 

• The most common types of disruptive behavior disorders include

oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and conduct disorder.
• The main difference between these two disorders is the severity of the
symptoms. Conduct disorder is considered the more serious disorder

• Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is characterized as a recurrent pattern

of negative, defiant, hostile, and disobedient behaviors towards parents and
other authority figures. Teens with ODD often lose their temper and argue
with adults over rules or requests. They may also become easily annoyed by
other people and have a tendency to blame others for their personal mistakes
or misbehaviors. These behaviors over time will severely impact the social,
occupational, or academic functioning of the adolescent.

• Conduct disorder (CD), often called “delinquency,” is the more serious of the
disruptive behavior disorders due to the higher level of cruelty involved.
Children and teens who have CD may show aggression toward other people
and animals, willfully destroy property, steal, and often lie. It’s thought that
disruptive behavior disorders exist along a spectrum and oppositional defiant
disorder may progress into CD.

• The causes for disruptive behavior disorders are thought to be a mixture of

different factors working together, including genetic, physical, and
environmental causes. Some of the common risk factors for disruptive
behavior disorders include:

• Physical: Children who were born of low birth weight or those who suffered
neurological damage are at a greater risk for developing disruptive behavior
disorders. Additionally, those with a disruptive behavior disorder have been
known to have an imbalance of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, such as
• Psychological: Children who have certain mental health disorders such as
attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder are at a higher risk for developing
disruptive behavior disorders.

• Environmental: There are a number of environmental factors that can play a role in the
development of a disruptive behavior disorder. For example, children who were rejected
by their mothers as infants, separated from their parents, or obtained poor foster care are at
an increased risk. Additionally, children who were physically, emotionally, or sexually
abused or neglected are at higher risk for developing these disorders later in life. Children
and adolescents who lived in poverty, witnessed domestic violence or substance abuse,
had a lack of parental supervision, lived with inconsistent or harsh discipline, had parents
with marriage troubles, or moved around frequently as a child are also at a greater risk for
developing a disruptive behavior disorder in childhood or adolescence.

• The symptoms of disruptive behavior disorders will vary depending on the

type of disruptive behavioral disorder as oppositional defiant disorder and
conduct disorder present differently. Symptoms will depend upon
temperament, social skills, and presence of effective coping mechanisms.
• The most common symptoms of disruptive behavior disorders include:
•Actively defies or refuses to comply with requests or rules
•Blames others for his or her mistakes
•Deliberately annoys other people
•Aggressive and cruel toward people and animals
•Deliberately intimidates other people
•Antisocial behaviors
•Revenge-seeking behaviors

•Frightens and alienates friends and family

•Intensely rigid and touchy
•Lack of remorse
•Easily annoyed
•Being spiteful and vindictive
•Feeling as though they have nothing to lose
• Without properly addressing these disruptive behavior problems and getting
appropriate treatment, the behaviors will only get worse. Children and teens with
conduct disorder or oppositional defiant disorder will eventually face long-term
consequences. The long-term effects of untreated and undiagnosed disruptive
behavioral disorders can include:
• Legal problems
• Substance abuse and addiction
• Suspension or expulsion from school
• Engagement in risky behaviors
• Development of antisocial personality disorder
• Social isolation
• Development of conduct diSorde

• Cognitive-behavioral therapy. A child learns how to better solve problems,

communicate, and handle stress. He or she also learns how to control
impulses and anger.
• Family therapy. This therapy helps make changes in the family. It improves
communication skills and family interactions.

• Peer group therapy. A child develops better social and interpersonal skills.
• Medicines. These are not often used to treat conduct disorder. But a child
may need them for other symptoms or disorders, such as ADHD.

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